The University of West Florida

University Planning Council

Meeting Minutes

FRIDAY, May 17th, 2002, 2:00 PM

UWF Conference Center Lounge

I. Welcome and Introductions (Dimsdale)

Dr. Dimsdale (Chair of UPC) welcomed attendees (approximately 55) to the final UPC meeting of the academic year. He introduced off-campus guests, Hon. Earl Hutto, Gen. Mike Ferguson, and John Tice. He recognized new UWF Chief of Police, Ron Seacrist. Dr. Dimsdale thanked everyone for their participation in the Strategic Planning processes this year.

II.  Opening Comments – Legislative Issues, Governance Issues, Organizational Issues, Planning Issues (Marx, Dimsdale)

Dr. Marx discussed the results of the special legislative session and how it affected the Universities. He indicated that we had lobbied for enrollment funding to bring the funded enrollment up to UWF’s actual funding (about 10%) and that we had been successful in receiving that funding. Such new funding should result in a positive increase above the $3.2 million reduction in UWF’s base budget due to the recent budget reductions. Therefore, the funding situation is that we will receive some new net money for enrollment funding, enhanced branch campus funding, and that most of the funding increases will be recognized in the Academic Division. We will need to grow during 2002-2003 by about 35-40 FTE’s at the lower division, 7-10 FTE’s at the upper division, and 10 FTE’s at the graduate division above last year’s enrollment to meet full funding for 2002-2003. Such growth is expected. Dr. Marx will provide additional details as they become clear, and will report such information to the UWF Board of Trustees at their June 6-7 strategic planning workshop. He reported that the school code rewrite was passed by the Legislature. UWF is no longer a state agency, it is a public corporation. UWF will have to have its own accounting/payroll/human resources systems (can no longer participate in state-provided systems). UWF may now establish its own personnel and pay systems. We now have control of purchasing and contracting policies. The Budget carry-forward cap (5%) was removed and carry-forward can be used for anything deemed appropriate by UWF.

III.  UPC Committee Reports (Chairs)

Reports: Dr. Dimsdale led in a review of each UPC Committee reports (attached)

A.  Marketing, Enrollment Growth, and Retention Committee (Metarko) (Agenda page 2-3)

B.  Diversity and Collegial Culture Committee (Fisher) (Agenda page 4)

C.  Regional Growth and Development Committee (Harper) (Agenda page 5)

D.  Programs and Resources Committee (Carper) (Agenda page 6)

E.  Facilities and Space Utilization Committee (Barnett) (Agenda page 7)

F.  Information Technology Committee (Dieckmann) (Agenda page 8)

IV.  Divisional Reports – Strategic Planning Activities, Priorities, and Recommendations

(President and Vice Presidents)

A.  Student Affairs (Dye) (Agenda page 9)

B.  Administrative Affairs (Wooten) (Agenda page 10-11)

C.  University Advancement (Dimsdale) (Agenda page 12)

D.  Executive Vice President and Provost (Dimsdale) (Agenda page 13-14)

E.  President’s Division (Marx) (Agenda page 15)

Dr. Dimsdale led in a discussion of the Divisional Strategic Priorities reported by the President and Vice Presidents for their respective divisions. Each division head summarized his/her division’s reports and discussed ways that they support the UWF strategic plan. Dr. Dimsdale iterated that these are priorities and the levels of implementation will depend on levels of funding. They include much community involvement; they indicate a renewal of intensity in quality; it is a very good time to review what we do and how well we do it; our new president will have a large impact on what we do; further legislative lobbying is essential next year; we need classroom buildings for short-term relief; there will be many transition activities (new president and new Board of Trustees, as well as other changes in administration); new president expected to spend more time away from campus (community relations and activities). Further discussion included how we communicate with the BOT, information about the BOT’s strategic planning workshop in June (6-7), and that we remain focused on the strategic plan.

Dr. Norris reviewed the process of developing the UWF Strategic Planning Priorities: at the UPC Meeting of April 23, 2002, twenty-one colleges and other major units reported their strategic priorities; Dr. Norris categorized their priorities within the four proposed strategic goals and presented a list (seven pages); at that meeting, Dr. Dimsdale summarized the priorities into common topics within the goals. Dr. Norris added to these priorities the priorities presented by the Divisions and presented a handout reflecting the four strategic goals and six priorities under each goal. He discussed that these priorities had come up through the strategic planning approach and are now summarized and ready for the UPC to take action on them. The list of priorities gives UWF the basis for budget allocations, legislative budget requests, the development of accountability measures, performance-based budget activities, and action planning at every level of UWF. After discussion of the priority issues, a motion was made and seconded that the UPC adopt the Strategic Planning Priorities and recommend them to the UWF Administration. The UPC unanimously adopted the UWF Strategic Planning Priorities for 2002-2003 and recommended them to the UWF Administration.

Action Item: Handout of Planning Priorities Worksheet – Adopted as UWF Priorities (See Strategic Planning Priorities and Issues Worksheet, page 4, below)

V.  Recommendations from the UPC to the University Administration (UPC Members) (See Agenda pages 16-22)

Dr. Norris reviewed a listing of recommendations presented to the UPC by UPC Committees (March, April, and May meetings) and by the twenty-one units (April meeting) and suggested that the UPC follow its action of last year by forwarding this list of recommendations to the UWF Administration for consideration in action and funding for next year. A motion was made and seconded to forward this list of recommendations to the UWF Administration for action and funding consideration. The UPC unanimously approved.

Action: Forward to UWF Administration for action and funding consideration (see pages 6-12 below)
VI.  UWF Partnership Strategic Plan – Approval of Revision (Norris) (Agenda page 23)

Dr. Norris reviewed the process of updating the UWF Partnership Strategic Plan, noting that everyone had an opportunity to participate. He noted that two ad hoc committees led the way: BOT ad hoc committee – JoAnn Morgan, Pam Bilbrey, K.C. Clark, and Roy Smith, Jr.; UWF UPC ad hoc committee – Parks Dimsdale, Pat Crawford, Martha Saunders, and Jerry Norris. There was much discussion about the importance and impact of the updated Partnership Strategic Plan, how understanding each word is very important, and how the new plan provides important linkages, such as planning and marketing and action. Dr. Dimsdale pointed out that these new words will have to be operationalized in every unit of UWF to be most effective. A motion was made and seconded to adopt the updated UWF Partnership Strategic Plan and forward it to the UWF Board of Trustees for approval and implementation. The motion received unanimous approval.

Action Item: Adopted and forwarded to UWF BOT for Approval and implemtnation (see UWF Partnership Strategic Plan, page 5 below)
VII.  Report on UPC and UPC Committee Charters and Memberships Updates (Norris) (Agenda page 24)

Dr. Dimsdale reminded the UPC that during the Spring Term the UPC Chair and UPC Committee Chairs began the process of updating their charters and memberships. It soon became clear that this process should be delayed until the updated Partnership Strategic Plan was completed and adopted and until the new UWF president was installed. At that time the chairs would have a better feel for the direction of the UPC and UPC Committees and would be better able to update their charters and memberships accordingly. Dr. Dimsdale will initiate this activity during the Fall Term 2002, and will report to the UPC at the appropriate time with recommendations.

VIII. Adjourn

University Planning Council (UPC)

Strategic Planning Priorities and Issues Worksheet

May 17, 2002

Following is a summary of the priority issues presented by the twenty-one colleges/units as reported at the April 23rd UPC Meeting and the five divisions as presented at the May 17th UPC Meeting. These are listed for discussion and recommendation by UPC members.

Goal One: Promote a learning environment that encourages the development of individual potential in students, faculty, and staff.

1.  Electronic/Technology Enhancements

2.  Faculty and Staff Recognition

3.  Space acquisition and utilization

4.  Increase Student Enrollment/Retention

5.  Enhance quality of the learning environment, academic experience, and student services

6.  Systematically effect the new campus master plan

Goal Two: Attract and inspire a diverse and talented student body committed to uncompromising academic excellence.

1.  Enrolling Good Students

2.  Innovative Curricula (aligned to Strategic Plan)

3.  Graduate Program Strategic Plan

4.  Aligning Facilities and other Resources to Students-First Initiative

5.  Marketing to and enrolling a diverse population

6.  Deliver the University’s brand promise

Goal Three: Provide solutions to educational, cultural, economic, and environmental needs of the region.

1.  Align UWF with all aspects of the Community and its needs

2.  Technology Transfer (convert research to products)

3.  Comprehensive data for decision-making

4.  Educational Partnerships and Community Services

5.  Research and Service centers and institutes

6.  Continuing Education/Distance Education thrust (including certificate programs)

Goal Four: Manage growth responsibly through focus on continuous quality improvement of programs and processes.

1.  Enhanced outside funding

2.  Campus Safety and Security

3.  Reporting and Human Resource systems replacement (includes classification and pay plans)

4.  Enhance Faculty and Staff Salaries

5.  Emphasize institutional effectiveness, accountability, and performance

6.  Capitalize on new governance structure

Approved and recommended to BOT by UPC 5-17-2002


Partnership Strategic Plan

Our Vision

To distinguish UWF as the premier creative, student-centered university focused on excellence.

Our Mission

To empower each individual we serve with knowledge and opportunity to contribute responsibly and creatively to a complex world.

Our Values


A safe and dynamic learning environment that encourages the development of individual potential


Doing the right thing for the right reason


Dedication to uncompromising excellence


Dedication to exploring and expanding the boundaries of knowledge


Working together to achieve shared goals


Managing and protecting our resources


Different by design

Our Goals and Imperatives

Promote a learning environment that encourages the development of individual potential in students, faculty, and staff

·  Attract a high quality, diverse faculty and staff dedicated to putting students first

·  Demand excellence in teaching, research, and service

·  Create a new standard in education focused on learning outcomes

·  Promote integrity through intellectual inquiry and open discourse

Attract and inspire a diverse and talented student body committed to uncompromising academic excellence

·  Promote creativity by the exchange of ideas in the spirit of academic freedom and professional responsibility

·  Promote diversity through a respect for and appreciation of differences

Provide solutions to educational, cultural, economic, and environmental concerns of the region

·  Align university services with community needs and interests through teamwork and collaboration

·  Engage in scholarly research and creative activity to solve regional problems and enhance the quality of life

Manage growth responsibly through focus on continuous quality improvement of programs and processes

·  Target markets of opportunity with effective communications programs

·  Align financial resources with performance expectations

·  Continuously develop and improve processes and methods in delivering the university’s brand promise

Forwarded by UPC to UWF Administration 5-17-2002

University Planning Council (UPC)

Recommended Actions

Spring 2002

Table of Contents

Enrollment Growth, Marketing, and Retention 7

Diversity and Collegial Culture 7

Regional Growth and Development 7

Programs and Resources 7

Facilities Planning Committee 7

Information Technology (UPC-IT) 7

College of Arts & Sciences 7

College of Business 8

College of Professional Studies 8

Research and Graduate Studies 8

UWF Libraries 8

Fort Walton Beach Campus 9

Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) 9

Center for Environmental Diagnostics and Bioremediation (CEDB) 9

Information Technology Services (ITS) 9

Division of Enrollment Services 10

Division of Continuing and Distance Education 10

Marketing Communications 10

University of West Florida Foundation, Inc. 10

Development & Alumni Relations 10

Business Auxiliary Services 10

Controller’s Office 10

Office of Human Resources 11

Purchasing 11

University Budgets 11

Architectural and Engineering Services 11

Environmental Health and Safety 11

Facilities Management 11

University Police 12

Faculty Senate 12

Administrative and Professional Council (A&P) 12

USPS Staff Council………………………………………………………………………21

Forwarded by UPC to UWF Administration 5-17-2002

Recommended Actions to UPC

Enrollment Growth, Marketing, and Retention

1.  Acceptance of 10-year enrollment

2.  Acceptance of Retention Report

Diversity and Collegial Culture

1.  Address campus morale, workload and treatment issues in light of administrative changes and budgetary constraints. The elimination of the University Ombudsperson position leaves a void.

2.  Put some resources into supporting campus diversity efforts and campus succession planning.

3.  Formation of a subcommittee to conduct a two-year salary study.

4. Request an administrative commitment to continue the Ombudsperson role on campus.

5. Support the development of a campus policy on hostile work environments.

Regional Growth and Development

The Haas Center did an economic impact study for UWF in anticipation of the new Board of Trustees. The single biggest contribution UWF makes is knowledge in the community. There is a need to prioritize degree programs by regional growth and development. For example: GIS program – A change in technology that requires new skills.

Programs and Resources

The Committee Chair continues to work with the other UPC Committee Chairs, the Provost, and the Associate Vice President for Planning to review and develop a proposal for a revised Committee Charter and Membership roster that will subsequently be submitted to the current Programs and Resources Committee for action.

Facilities Planning Committee

1.  Subsequent to the April 4 meeting and not later than April 12, recommended FY02/03 Formula Funded projects, with an estimated total budget of $762,500 will be forwarded to the Chair, UPC.