A Charity giving information, support & refuge to women & children who have experienced domestic abuse in Ross-shire, Skye and Lochalsh

Ross-shire Women’s Aid Charity No SC008514

Recognised as a charitable organisation by the Inland Revenue in Scotland

A Company Limited by Guarantee – Registered in Scotland No 139199

The Square

George Street


IV15 9SA

Tel No: 01349 862689


I’m writing on behalf of Ross-shire Women's Aid, to ask if you would like to become a member of our organisation.

We have recently changed our articles and are looking for women who work or live in the area we work in who are supportive of or our aims to become members of Ross-shire Women’s Aid. Our aims are as follows:

  1. To support women in need by reason of having been abused (mentally, physically, sexually or financially) in the home or by a person with whom the women is or has been in a relationship and to support children and young people who have been affected by domestic abuse, by:

a)Providing temporary refuge for women and their children and

b)Offering support, information and help to women, children and young people whether or not they are refuge residents, and also offering support and information to any women and children who have left refuge.

  1. To promote equality for, and the participation of women, children and young people in society to enable them to determine their own futures and make their voices heard.
  2. To advance education by:

a)Providing opportunities to meet the developmental and emotional needs of children and young people with experience of domestic abuse, and women using the facilities and services provided

b)By informing and raising awareness in the community and its representatives, including the media, the police, the judicial system, the social services and other authorities, with respect to the abuse of women and its prevention and their obligations in acting to ensure its prevention (taking account of the fact that abuse (mental, physical, sexual and financial) is as a result of the position of women in society);

c)By encouraging research into the causes, prevention and relief of abuse and the effects thereof on women, children and young people; and

d)By encouraging any training that furthers the objects

  1. To promote, establish and/or support other similar projects and programmes which further the charitable purposes.

Becoming a member of Ross-shire Women’s Aid would entitle you to attend and vote at our AGM and to updates about the work we carry out. If you would like to show your support for the work we do then please complete the enclosed application form and return to:

The Directors Group

Ross-shire Women’s Aid

The Square

George St


IV15 9SA

Once we have received your form we will be in touch to confirm your membership.

I look forward to receiving your completed form.

Yours sincerely

Heather Williams



A Charity giving information, support & refuge to women & children who have experienced domestic abuse in Ross-shire, Skye and Lochalsh

Membership Application



Email Address:

Phone Number:

Please tick all that are relevant:

I confirm that I live or work in the Ross-shire, Skye and Lochalsh area

I confirm I am supportive of the aims of Ross-shire Women’s Aid

I confirm I am happy for Ross-shire Women’s Aid to process my information

I would like to receive information from Ross-shire Women’s Aid by email


For Office Use Only:

Date membership approved:

Ross-shire Women’s Aid Charity No SC008514

Recognised as a charitable organisation by the Inland Revenue in Scotland

A Company Limited by Guarantee – Registered in Scotland No 139199