Part A

Year under review: 20

Please indicate the type of report:

Annual report Final report

Project ID:

Project Title:

Principal Investigator:

Student Researcher (if applicable)*:

School: Faculty:


Contact Telephone No:


Approval details

Project approved by:

  • Deakin University HREC (including projects previously approved by external HRECs)
  • Faculty of Arts & Education HEAG
  • Faculty of Business & Law HEAG
  • Faculty of Health HEAG
  • Faculty of Science, EngineeringBuilt Environment HEAG

Date of original approval:

What is the current status of your project?

  • Yet to start
  • Continuing
  • Data collection completed
  • Abandoned/Withdrawn


*Please note: if you are an HDR student it is a requirement of your candidature that you submit annual reports for your project and a final report on completion of your data collection.

Part B

Ethical issues

1.Please provide the number of participants approved by DUHREC or the HEAG

2.How many participants have been/are involved in your research to date

3.Please providereasons if the number exceeds the number approved by DUHRECor the HEAG

4.Are you applying to modify the project?

Yes No If yes, please complete a Request for Modification form.

5.Are you applying for an extension beyond the four year approval period?

Yes No If yes, please complete a Request for Modification form*

6.If this project was subject to conditions, have these been met?

Yes No

7.Have there been any serious adverse effects on the research participants?

Yes No

8.Have there been any events which might affect the continued ethical acceptability of the project?

Yes No

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions, please provide an explanation:

*To extend a DUHREC project originally approved for three years, up to a maximum of four, please email

Part C

Data storage

1.Please indicate where the data for this project are being stored during the course of the project*:

If outside Deakin, please justify:

*Students studying remotely are required to send a copy of the data to their Deakin Supervisor for safe storage for the required period (usually 5 years).

2.Please describe the measures that are in place to ensure the security of records associated with the project:

Part D


1.Have there been any complaints about the research in the last 12 months?Yes No

2.If yes, hasthe Manager, Ethics and Biosafety, been notified? Yes No

3.If no, please provide details of the complaint

Part E


The DeakinHuman Research Ethics Unit welcomes any feedback on:

  • difficulties experienced with carrying out the research project or
  • appropriate suggestions which might lead to improvements in ethical clearance and monitoring of research

Part F

Final report only

  1. In your original ethics application, did you agree to disseminate the findings of your research to your participants (NEAF sec. 8.6)?

Yes (go to q2)

No (go to q5)

  1. If yes, have you done so?

Yes (go to q3)

No (go to q4)

  1. Please attach a copy of the report you provided to participants.

Available (go to q3b)Not available(go to q3a)

a)If it is not available, please explain why not.

(go to q4)

b)If available, do you agree to this report being included in a library of exemplars on the Research Integrity site?

YesNo (go to Part G)

  1. If you agreed to disseminate your findings in your original ethics application and have not done so to date, when do you plan to do so and in what way will that be done?


Method (go to Part G)

  1. If data analysis is complete, please provide an outline of your findings.

Part G


I/We, the undersigned declare that the information supplied in this report is true and accurate to the best of my/our knowledge.

I / We the undersigned have read the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research and accept responsibility for the conduct of the project detailed in this form in accordance with the principles contained in the Statement and any other conditions laid down by Deakin University Human Research Ethics Committee.


Principal Investigator





Please note: if you are an HDR student it is a requirement of your candidature that you submit annual reports for your project and a final report on completion of your data collection

Please submit all documents via the Human Ethics application submission page.

For further information contact or call (03) 9251 7123 or (03) 5227 2999.

DUHREC Annual/Final report (v8Jan 2016)

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