Use of Club Boats
Exeter Canoe Club has a wide range of club boats and equipment. The club encourages the use of club boats from beginner to intermediate level in all disciplines. In order to maximise the life span of club boats the following guide lines for usage have been drawn up:
- All club boats should be carried to and from the water and not dragged across abrasive surfaces such as concrete, tarmac or sand.
- If you are unable to carry a particular craft obtain help from a fellow paddler.
- Seal launching is not encouraged other than under instruction, when suitable locations will be identified.
Recreational Kayaks and Canoes:
- Boats may be used in moderate water conditions as defined by British Canoeing:
Moderate Inland Water (relevant to Open Canoe, Touring, and Sea): Large areas of open water; up to 500 metres off shore and in wind strengths that do not exceed Beaufort force 4. Canals and ungraded sections of rivers, faster flowing, but not involving the shooting of, or playing on weirs or running rapids are also included.
Moderate White Water (relevant to Open Canoe and White Water Kayak): Grade 2 white water or equivalent weirs for open canoe. Grade 2(3) for white water kayak. (eg Dart Loop, Upper Teign).
Racing Craft:
- Exeter Canoe Club encourages the use of racing boats on club waters (The Canal and Tidal River Exe to Turf Lock, excluding weirs) and at regional Hasler races, after permission from the Head Racing Coach or Racing Boatswain has been given.
- Boats are not to be used in races with 10+ portages due to risk of damage to the boats. This is especially true for Waterside or DW races, which are known to involve aggressive portaging. Any deviation to this rule is to be decided at the descretion of the Head Racing Coach or Racing Club Boatswain.
It is accepted that accidental damage does occurr to club boats. If you do damage a boat this should be reported to the relavent head coach or boatswain in order for repairs to be carried out.
All club boats may be used on extended trips in the above conditions with the prior approval of the relevant head coach or boatswain. Club trips/events and coaching sessions will have priority on use of club boats.
Club boats are not to be used on advanced water in any dicipline.
August 2016