DPW & GCA Trades Academy to Host
Safe Work Zone Traffic Control Training Course
(Tamuning, Guam – July 19, 2011) The Department of Public Works through the Federal Highway Administration and in partnership with the Guam Contractors Association and the GCA Trades Academy will be hosting a Safe Work Zone Traffic Control Training Course. The Course will be held August 8th through 11th at the GCA Trades Academy in Barrigada. “Through collaborations such as this, we are able to provide our contracting community and government agencies the training necessary to ensure the safety of our community”, said Joanne Brown, Director of the Department of Public Works. “We are also inviting our Mayors to participate in an Executive Briefing as they provide traffic control programs within their villages and the safety of our residents and community is paramount.”
The course will be conducted by Greg Schertz, who is a registered professional engineer with the Federal Highway Administration. He has worked with FHWA for 31 years with a focus on roadway safety and currently serves as the Safety Discipline Leader for Federal Lands Highway. He has developed and conducted numerous training courses, including several for the Pacific Territories, and is certified as a Master Trainer with the National Highway Institute.
This course will provide training in the current requirements for temporary traffic control in the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), and techniques for increasing safety in maintenance, utility, and construction work zones. Emphasis will be placed on inspecting traffic control devices, including safety hardware. The DPW invites all of the people responsible for closing lanes on public roads including personnel from Construction Management Firms, Contractors, the Department of Defense, and Utility Companies to sign up for this course. Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to recognize the importance of construction zone safety devices, identify the MUTCD requirements for selected devices and properly inspect the installation and operation of safety devices, including discrepancies and deficiencies in safety devices.
Seating is very limited and participants can register on a first come first served basis. A registration fee of $15.00 per participant is due no later than 5:00 pm on Wednesday, July 27, 2011 at the Guam Contractors Association, 718 N Marine Corps Drive, East West Business Center, Suite #203 Upper Tumon.
Session 1: Monday, August 8, 2011 - Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Session 2: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 - Thursday, August 11, 2011
LOCATION/TIME: Guam Trades Academy
8:00 am - 5:00pm (Day 1)
8:00 am - 12:00 pm (Day 2)
For more information contact:
Guam Transportation Information Center
Tel: 646-3452
Email: and
Design-Build Services – Route 11, Route 1 to PAG and Truck Enforcement Screening Station