Autism-Asperger Association of Calvert County


Parents Place of Maryland


How to be an EFFECTIVE IEP ADVOCATE for Your Child

Presenter: Melissa Alexander, Parent Educator, Parents’ Place of MD

Participants will learn strategies to help them be effective advocates for their children with special needs. Topics such as getting organized, creating a paper trail, decoding assessment scores, present levels of performance, measurable goals & objectives, measuring progress, ESY eligibility, effective communication and conflict resolution will be presented and discussed.



Saturday, February 7, 2015, 9:30 am – 4:00 pm

NortheastCommunity Center, Chesapeake Beach, Maryland

*Respite care will be provided for children of participating parents by the CCP&R-TRS

How to Register: The registration fee is $30.00 per parent, or $50 per couple, if postmarked by January 30, 2015.The registration fee increases to $35.00 per parent after January 30th.The registration fee includes respite care for children (ages 3-18)of participants, continental breakfast, lunch, workshops and materials (including the highly acclaimed book, From Emotions to Advocacy, by Peter & Pamela Wright -- suggested retail price $19.95).


9:30 a.m. – Continental breakfast, check in and pick up materials: Walk-ins are welcome. Late registration fee of $25.00 per parent applies.

10:30 a.m. - Workshop #1: Understanding and Developing SMART IEPs: This workshop will focus on understanding assessment scores, present levels of performance, writing measurable goals & objectives, what should and should not be written in the IEP, the “Dead Man” rule, and “Non-Goals.”

12:30 p.m. – Lunch: Lunch will be provided for parents and children who participate in the CCP&R-TRS Respite Care Program. You may eat with your children, or participate in an open discussion using your child’s IEP as a reference. (Individual IEP counseling will not be available)

1:30 p.m. - Workshop #2: Resolving Conflicts in Special Education: Participants will review applicable laws and procedural safeguards, learn when to request a resolution session, when to file for mediation, when to file for due process, and how to file a complaint. The importance of precise documentation and record keeping will be stressed, along with useful tips and tools to help manage your child’s educational placement. (Brief Q&A session to follow from 3:30 to 4:00 pm).

For more information, contact Liz Lowenthal at 410-257-3226, or .

*If you plan to bring your children to the CCP&R-TRS Respite Care Program,

please complete the form on Page 2 of this flyer fax to Joy Weir at (410) 535-2233.

If you are unable to fax the form, please call Joy at (410) 535-1600 x-2542.

This event is generously sponsored by the AAACC, the Parents’ Place of Maryland and

CCP&R Therapeutic Recreation Services

Calvert County Parks and Recreation

Therapeutic Recreation Services

Participant Profile

Fax to: Joy Weir (410) 535-2233

Date: ______

Participant’s Name



Contact Person’s Name Relationship

Home PhoneWork Cell/Pager

  • Primary Disability/Diagnosis
  • Secondary Disability/Diagnosis

What kind of support does the participant need?

None, just be aware of

Initial orientation onlyInterpreterFull time support (one to one)

Needs assistance with fine motor skills (ex: cutting) Uses an assistive device (wheelchair, cane, etc)


What is the participant’s primary means of communication?

speaks, understood by othersspeaks, difficult to understandnon-verbal

sign languagegesturesother (explain)


Are personal services needed? (feeding, toileting, changing clothes) Yes No

(We do not provide personal services. You will need to secure someone to do so)

Check the behaviors that are a concern:

Withdrawn/shyEasily discouragedHarms others/self Bites

Short attention spanManipulativeRuns awayHyperactive


Describe the best ways to manage behavior

Does participant take medication during program?Yes No

(If yes, a mediation form MUST BE on file before medication can be dispersed at program)

Please list medications and possible side effects

Does participant have seizures?YesNo.

If yes list type, duration, warning signs, & desired first aid procedures

List dietary restrictions/allergies/other medical conditions (diabetes, asthma) we should be aware of