Saturday, August 13, 2011
Anderson Park
Redmond, Washington
I. Call to Order
The NOTIS Board of directors meeting was called to order at 12:50 PM.
Present: President Faiza Sultan, Vice-president Kathryn German, Treasurer Ferdi Nadir, Director Louise Morehead, Director Katrin Rippel, NOTIS Office Manager Jonas Nicotra, Director Paul Natkin, Secretary Toby Kawahigashi
II. Acceptance of Agenda
The agenda was accepted unanimously.
III. Approval of Minutes
The minutes of July 16, 2011 Meeting was approved unanimously.
IV. Review of Action Items
Action Item Number 1: Nominating Committee Meeting to start their search for a new Board Member. Ongoing. Faiza, Paul, and Jonas suggested some people.
Action Item Number 2: To post the volunteer job opening as the Webmistress/Webmaster of NOTIS (could be a paid position). Job opening for the Webmistress/Webmaster. We have to find someone by October 2011.
Action Item Number 3 for Paul and Louise: To prepare a draft of a letter to the governor of the State of Washington concerning the issues around the interpreters. Postponed.
Action Item Number 4 for Kathryn, Faiza, and Jonas: Ongoing.
Action Item Number 5: Ongoing.
Action Item Number 6: Closed.
Action Item Number 7: Ongoing.
Action Item Number 8: Closed.
Action Item Number 9: Closed.
Action Item Number 10: Closed.
Action Item Number 11: Ongoing.
Action Item Number 12: Ongoing.
Action Item Number 13: Closed.
Action Item Number 14: Closed.
V. President's Remarks
a. Joint membership with WITS:
Motion was presented:
Motion: That NOTIS demonstrate it’s close historic, personal and professional ties to WITS by continuing to offer discounted membership fees to WITS members, with the understanding that WITS will offer discounted membership fees to NOTIS members. This program will be effective for one-year on a trial basis, to be reviewed at a board meeting in August 2012 to consider making it permanent.
Kathryn moved that the motion be accepted.
The Motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
b. Joint WITS and NOTIS board members gathering.
c. NOTIS and MedSIG programs
d. NOTIS minutes and Website
e. NOTIS Directory
f. WebEx meeting online
Motion was presented:
Paul moved that we purchase the WebEx Meeting Online for the period of one year for the NOTIS Board meeting.
The Motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
VI. Reports
a.“The Northwest Linguist” Report: Submitted by Kathryn German in paper.
b. Membership Report: Submitted by Jonas in paper.
c. Office Report: Submitted by Jonas in paper.
d. Program Report: Submitted by Louise.
e. Webmistress Report: Submitted by Caitilin Walsh in paper.
f. Outreach Report: Submitted by Katrin Rippel.
VII. Housekeeping
Any minutes items related to WITS should be notified to the WITS office manager after the NOTIS board meeting.
The picnic is being held at 2 on August 13 after the board meeting.
The September meeting will be on September 10 at Faiza's residence.
VIII. Announcements for the Good of the Society
Meetings were set for the year 2011:
January 22February 19March 5May 7June 18July 16
August 13 (Picnic & Board meeting)September 10October 8
November 19 (Annual meeting)December 10 (Holiday Party with WITS)
December ?? (Election)
IX. Adjournment
Meeting was adjourned at 2:15 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Toby Kawahigashi – Secretary
August 27, 2011
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