Yadkin County Elementary Schools Strategic Plan (East Bend, Jonesville, West Yadkin, Yadkinville) 2016-2017
Goal 1: Every student in the Yadkin County Schools will graduate from high school prepared for work, further education, and citizenshipObjective: To increase the graduation rate by decreasing the number of students who are chronically absent, suspended in-or-out of school, or drop out of school / Check-in #1
10-24-16 / Check-in #2
1-12-17 / Check-in #3
3-23-17 / Check-in #4
Action Steps / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline
Develop or Continue a Positive Behavior System/PBIS / Administrator/Team / 2016-2017
Incorporate graduation and secondary education goals for elementary students (posted graduation years; college attended by staff; college days, visiting colleges, etc.) / Administrator/Teachers /Invited guests / 2016-2017
WYES: Continue to implement PBIS Check-in/check-out system and mentoring program / Administrators/Teachers / 2016-2017
YES: Implement A+ model in school through collaboration between Core and Encore teachers. Through incorporating the arts into all subject areas using arts and non-arts standards to improve student engagement and motivation in their work. / YES teachers/administrators
YES A+ Coordinators / 2016-2017
Goal 2: Every student in the Yadkin County Schools will have a personalized education
Objective: To increase the number of proficient students and meet or exceed academic growth / Check-in #1
10-24-16 / Check-in #2
1-12-17 / Check-in #3
3-23-17 / Check-in #4
Action Steps / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline
Implement data discussions about formative assessments / Administrators/ Instructional Coaches/ Teachers / 2016-2017
EBES, JES, YES: Implement/continued use of student data tracking / Teachers/Students / 2016-2017
Teams will develop or improve rigor in differentiated plans for IE time / Administrators/ Instructional Coaches/ Teachers/
Support Specialists / 2016-2017
JES: Implement SWAT process during planning times / Administrator/
Instructional Coaches/
Teachers/Specialists / 2016-2017
EBES:Teachers will implement student-led conferences. / Teachers/ Students/ / 2016-2017
YES: Through the implementation of A+ (via summer, fall, and spring training; and ongoing collaboration in our school), student engagement will improve. Teachers will increase their expectations in what students produce, as well as quality. / Administration
Teachers / 2016-2017
Goal 3: Every student in the Yadkin County Schools will have excellent educators every day
Objective: To develop and support highly effective teachers and principals / Check-in #1
10-24-16 / Check-in #2
1-12-17 / Check-in #3
3-23-17 / Check -in #4
Action Steps / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline
Implement Differentiated Design Collaborative / Trained Teachers in each building / 2016-2017
Teachers will attend at least 1 In the Know Session / Administrators/ Teachers/ Support Specialists / 2016-2017
Implement data discussions about formative assessments / Administrators/ Instructional Coaches/ Teachers / 2016-2017
WYES: Implement PBL strategies in all math classes Grades 4-6 / Trained Teachers at each grade level / 2016-2017
WYES: Implement NY Engage Math in Grades K-2 / Trained Teachers at each grade level / 2016-2017
JES: Implement NY Engage Math in K-2; 4 / Teachers at each grade level, instructional coach / 2016-2017
EBES:Implement NY Engage Math in K-3 / Trained teachers at each grade level, instructional coach / 2016-2017
Will provide duty-free lunch* (*JES, WYES and YES are unable to provide duty-free lunch due to lack of personnel and safety concerns for students.) / Administrators / 2016-2017
Will provide duty-free planning periods / Administrators / 2016-2017
YES: Teachers will be provided professional learning as A+ is implemented. A week-long summer training will be provided, as well as follow up, on site training in the fall and spring. / Administrators
Teachers / 2016-2017
YES: Administrators and A+ Coordinators will be provided opportunities to connect with other school administrators (of A+ schools) in order to build leadership capacity during A+ implementation. / Administrators / 2016-2017
Goal 4: Yadkin County Schools will have up-to-date financial, business, and technology systems to serve its students, parent, and educators
Objective: To ensure the availability of essential resources for instructional delivery, computing initiatives, online test administration, and communication with parents and students / Check-in #1
10-24-16 / Check-in #2
1-12-17 / Check-in #3
3-23-17 / Check-in #4
Action Steps / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline
Implement Apptegy contact with parents / Administrators / 2016-2017
Develop and update school websites in Edlio / Administrators/ Media Coordinators / 2016-2017
WYES: Train and Implement Class DOJO in Grades K-6 / Administrators/Teachers / 2016-2017
JES, WYES, EBES, YES: Keep up to date information on the School Facebook and Twitter. / Administrators/Teachers / 2016-2017
JES: Use Remind App/Class DOJO to keep in contact with families / Teachers / 2016-2017
Goal 5: Every student in the Yadkin County Schools will be healthy, safe, and responsible
Objective: To create and maintain safe and respectful school environments / Check-in #1
10-24-16 / Check-in #2
1-12-17 / Check-in #3
3-23-17 / Check-in #4
Action Steps / Person(s) Responsible / Timeline
Develop or Continue a Positive Behavior System/PBIS / Administrator/Team / 2016-2017
EBES, JES, YES: Participate in YMCA 5K training and race / Administrator/Teachers/
Students / 2016-2017
JES: Participate in Community Bicycle Safety Program / Administrator/Teachers/
Students/ various community agencies and volunteers / 2016-2017
WYES and YES: Continue to implement PBIS Check-in/check-out system and mentoring program / Administrators/Teachers / 2016-2017
WYES: Share quarterly PBIS Data on incident location with all staff / Administrators / 2016-2017
EBES Participate in the East Bend 5K Glow Run / Administrators/Teachers/ Students / Second Semester