Bienvenido a la clase de español!
Eustis High School
2017- 2018
Spanish 1
Señora Menzie
This course focuses on the basic elements of Spanish and the cultures of the Spanish speaking world. Students begin oral communication immediately, while written communication skills are developed gradually. Technology is used to reinforce classroom learning.
The Spanish program at Eustis High School consists of 2 individual courses Spanish 1, Spanish 2 @ 1 credit each. It may be followed by AP Spanish.
There are several ideas involved in learning a new language:
Function – the task to be completed;
Context – the real-life situation in which the function is completed;
Exponent – the expression(s) you choose to use to complete the function;
Accuracy – the level of sophistication at which the task or function is carried out.
Culture – the environment (including geographic place/customs as well as the attitudes of the people involved) in which the function is carried out.
Your goal is to work to become like a native speaker. You want to be able to go to a restaurant, to the movies, to attend and participate at social activities, and do all of the other normal, everyday things that native speakers do!
The Kashen approach of whole language learning is utilized to naturalize the process of 2nd language acquisition for English language speakers.
Our language classes address all of these ideas. Both in class and at home, you will be asked to carry out thousands of tasks, each time becoming more like an educated native speaker, someone who can accurately use his/her Spanish skills in reading, writing, listening, speaking, thinking and discussing to live and socialize comfortably within the Spanish culture.
Language study is not a simple process, but it CAN be handled successfully by the vast majority of students. It is, however, a daily work, requiring regular and frequent preparation. You should expect to have homework daily in addition to preparing for demonstrations of your ability to use the language in situations much like those experienced by native speakers.
Language study should be, as much as possible, an oral, active process. We learn better by seeing, hearing, and saying together rather than by any one of these alone.
learn better by seeing, hearing, and saying together rather than by any one of these alone.
Text used: ¡Expresate! Ven Conmigo
Visit España
Chapter 1 ¡MUCHO GUSTO!
In this chapter you will learn to:
- Say hello and goodbye
- Introduce people and respond to an introduction
- Ask how someone is and say how you are
- Ask and say how old someone is
- Ask where someone is from and say where you’re from
- Talk abou tlikes and dislikes.
Chapter 2 ¡ORGANÍZATE!
In this chapter you will learn to
- Talk about what you want and need
- Describe the contents of your room
- Talk about what you need and want to do
In this chapter you will learn to
- Talk about classes and sequence events
- Tell time
- Tell at what time something happens
- Talk about being late or in a hurry
- Describe people and things
- Talk about thinks you like and explain why
In this chapter you will learn to
- Talk about what you like to do
- Discuss what you and others do during free time
- Tell where people and things are
- Talk about where you and others go during free time
In this chapter you will learn to
- Discuss how often you do things
- Talk about what you and your friends like to do together
- Talk about what you do during a typical week
- Give today’s date
- Talk about the weather
In this chapter you will learn to:
- Describe a family
- Describe people
- Discuss things a family does together
- Discuss problems and give advice
In this chapter you will learn to:
- Talk on the telephone
- Extend and accept invitations
- Make plans
- Talk about getting ready
- Turn down an invitation and explain why
Chapter 8 ¡A COMER!
In this chapter you will learn to:
- Talk about meals and food
- Comment on food
- Make polite requests
- Order dinner in a restaurant
- Ask for and pay the bill in a restaurant
Classroom expectations:
1 All students will come to class prepared to learn. Each student will bring his/her text, writing materials, notebooks, etc. to class. Participation euro will be given for this.
2 All rules as written in the Student Code of Conduct are, without question, also applicable in this room. Please make sure this is reviewed. This especially includes the dress code and electronics policy. We are a BYOD classroom and the protocol is as follows: Cell phones may be used if the stop light is green, they may be used if the light is yellow for designated activities only. Cell phones may not be used at all if the light is red.
3 Students are expected to come to class on time and be ready to begin when the bell rings. Our classroom is modeled after an actual French classroom. Tardies will be dealt with per building policy and will also result in the loss of euro.
4 We all need to contribute to a positive, learning community where mutual respect for our differences is not only expected, but it is the norm. Our code of success will be an important factor in our daily routine. Make sure you follow it! Students consistently following the code of success will be rewarded with euro. €
5. Bathroom procedures are as follows: Indicate by quietly getting my attention with your ID and pointing towards the door. Wait for my response. Take the bathroom pass, sign out and sign back in when you return. Take the pass.
6. Bottled water will be allowed in class. No other food or drink is allowed at this time.
7. Students are expected to actively engage in all classroom activities. In the event of your excused absence, it is your responsibility to find out what work was missed, to secure handouts given in your absence and to schedule an appointment for any quizzes/tests, etc. that were missed. As our time in the classroom is very important, do not ask me during class for make-up work. I am always pleased to help you before and after school. No missed quizzes/tests will be made up during the class period regardless of the excused absence.
8. All students will be expected to keep a notebook. We will periodically check these to make sure they have all the notes. The notebook will also include the bellringers for the term. Make sure you have these.
Homework- daily assignments will be given to reinforce and practice concepts learned in class. There will be 3 specific homework assignments. Each is worth 5euro for a total of 15 euro. It is an excellent resource for review. Please remember: You only receive your euroIF it is turned in when it is due. If you are absent, It is due the day after you come back. However, to avoid falling behind, make sure you know someone you can call to get the homework assignment if you are absent.
Closures- (graded activities generally worth 10-15 points) There will be a total of 6closures per chapter. Each closure with a 90% score or better will receive 5€ for a total of 30 € per chapter. Students will be asked to produce evidence of learning of recent course work that will be graded. Closures may be redone as many times as necessary to earn the desired score and euro. This must be done in a timely fashion. No closures will be accepted after the chapter test has been taken. This policy is to strongly encourage students to not fall behind and instill organization and accountability.
Participation- assignments given during class for immediate feedback and to verify student understanding. These kinds of assignments will be rewarded with €. These may also include games.
Quizzes- (around 30-35 points each) there are 3 quizzes per chapter and are usually given about every 3-5 days. The quizzes encompass reading, writing, and listening activities. Students earning a minimum of 85% will receive 20 euro. Quizzes may be redone as many times as necessary to receive the desired grade and euro. This must be done in a timely fashion. Please note that the culture portion of the quiz is not redo-able. No quizzes will be redone after the chapter test has been taken. This policy is to strongly encourage students to not fall behind and instill organization and accountability.
Tests- (around 100 points each) one chapter test will be given per unit similar to the format of the quizzes. You will be tested about every 8-10 days. Students earning a minimum of 80% will receive 50 euro. Tests may be redone any many times as necessary to receive the desired grade and euro. Please note, the culture portion is not redo-able. This must be done in a timely fashion as determined by the teacher. This policy is to strongly encourage students to not fall behind and instill organization and accountability.
Chapter project- (around 50 points each) There is 1 project per chapter. The project will produce evidence of learning of the current chapter. Students earning a minimum of 80% will receive 20 euro. It may be in a variety of forms including: posters, performance based activities, art work, etc. Projects are not subject to redo and must be thoroughly proofread by the student before turning in.
Attendance Students will receive 1 euro per day, providing they are present, on time, prepared, have ID visible and following the Code of Success.
Income tax- (50 points possible) after a chapter is finished, an income tax is due. The amount due is approximately 200€ for each chapter. The student will receive a score based on how much euro they turn in for this grade.
Midterm exam- consists of two phases: an interview and a written assessment which deals with listening, reading and writing skills. This exam will count for twenty percent of the course grade. All work leading to the midterm exam counts eighty percent of the final course grade. If a student has paid the full amount of income tax for each chapter, they may buy out half of the midterm exam. The cost is 50€.
Final exam- consists of two phases: an interview/role play and a written assessment which deals with listening, reading and writing skills. This exam will count for twenty percent of the course grade. All work leading to the final exam counts eighty percent of the final course grade. If a student has paid the full amount of income tax for each chapter, they may buy out half of the final exam. The cost is 50€.
Spending euro
replacing a 0 on a closure after the deadline has passed 5€
replacing a 0 on a quiz after the deadline has passed 20€
replacing a 0 on a test after the deadline has passed 50€
extending deadline closure 5€
extending deadline quiz 10€
extending deadline test 25€
buyout project 20€
Final Course Grades
90-100% = A
80-89%= B
70-79%= C
60-69 %= D
Finally, this class is different from any other you will encounter during the day. To succeed requires a different set of skills than, perhaps, a history or science class. This requires a period of adjustment for you to concentrate fully to make language study a part of your daily routine. Please remember, you took Spanish to learn how to speak Spanish!
¡Buena Suerte!
Tamara Menzie
Spanish Teacher