Greenfield DLT Agenda
Jan. 14, 2016
- Welcome—Mr. Wills 8:30-8:35
- Review norms—Mr. Wills
- Note-taker—Leah Unger
- Time Keeper—Bobbie Hurtt
- Process Observer—Brady Streitenberger
- 2014-15 OIP Data Review
Focus on the processes of the OIP instead of specifics
- Next Steps Report:
- Special Education Next Steps Heather Dratwa 8:35-9:20
-wanted to look at our special educations students
-Should we look at Fall to Winter growth for the Special Education students
-What interventions were put in place for those students
- Preschool/KRA Next Steps Deanne Link
-has become more complicated than we thought
-students moved between preschools so there are lot of other factors
-will still get the data to us and Head Start wants that data as well
- Student Indicator 1A MAP Data Meghan Griffith/
- 4th-5th-6th Data Bob Schumm
-this continues to come up as we go through the data
-tracked growth from Fall to Spring started with 4th graders in 2012-2013
-Cohort 2 was in 3rd grade at the same time
-Reading is all that is available right now; math will be shortly after
BREAK into GROUPS to review the data
-Groups reviewed data and completed charts that will be compiled by Deanne
-Groups did request that we see a breakdown of the Greenfield kids and whether they improved or not in each individual school
-Breakdown by subgroup was also requested
- Building Reports—Student Indicator 1A Matt Shelton 9:20-9:40
- Steps 3-5 Status
--What steps are we taking in the buildings to make sure that we are using our data appropriately
--Focus on intervention has been to focus on the bubble kids, is that working?
--Spec Ed students are the ones that are bringing down our scores and can make greater gains
--Are we using intervention specialists with the greatest efficiency?
-MS-class reports to determine differentiation and continuing to use those reports
-good faith checklist for MAP so that students buy in
-similar expectations from all teachers that leads to rewards and incentives
-BE-difficult to take a specific skill or strategy
-working on a framework in K-2
-3-5 are focusing on bubble kids as well as worrying about motivation
-found a book to help them focus on motivation as a book study
-Name of Book? Will be emailed by Mike Shumate
-found that praise does not motivate everyone
-RE-following the MAP council procedure
-TBTs will be the evidence of that
-looked at Fall data to Winter and looked at the why of their movement
-how are students meeting goals from the learning continuum
-GE-still supporting the skills navigator piece
-what is happening in preschool and kindergarten
-walk-throughs, minutes from TBTs, strategy review chart
- OIPIR Data Review
- Data Review Protocol
- Steps 1-5—How can we follow- Data Teams 9:40-10:30
through w/the 5-Step
-OIPIR data survey; first sheet is the one we just took and the second sheet is the one that shows the comparison all the way across the years
-Each year we have taken the OIPIR data it has been during December
Group 1
-Ranking must have a bottom and even though B11 is still at the bottom it is no longer so far away
-Modeling in grade levels rather than an elementary model
-MS is really concentrating with FIP
Group 2
-Reiterated a lot of the same thing as group 3
-Teachers need to take this survey as well
-Everything went up and we still have low community involvement as well as differentiation
-Are we truly focusing on those low areas
-Being more positive in our district
-#happyclassrooms / teachers should hash tag pictures or positive things they are doing in their classrooms every day
-positive atmosphere in the buildings
-track communication with the Facebook page
Group 3
-Survey was much smoother and much more clear than previously
-greater understanding might have led to some of the other scores
-How are we differentiating
-C13 and C17 both went down and we were surprised at that
-better communication between the 3 elementary buildings
-intervention specialists meeting on waiver days or once a month
-all teachers need to take the survey except for section B
Group 4
-Community piece and the formative assessment as well as the differentiation piece are a struggle
-Good growth of the community involvement
Group 5
-C13 and C17 believe there are struggles when there is no one else in the building that is teaching the same thing
-more positive communication
BREAK—Process Observer Report 10:30-10:45
---Comments by Misty Ewry---
-What are we doing with the data that we are looking at
-We are getting good information from the Facebook as well as the new website and parent councils
-We are overlooking the “pats on the back” from last December that we are doing now
-So what are we doing now that can help the things that we are seeing as downfalls right now!
-Conversation with bubble kids versus Special Ed students
-We are trying to close a gap
-What are we doing to help close the achievement gap?
-Are we looking at the information that shows what interventions led to a student improvement?
-What are the accessibility features on an IEP and a 504?
-Intervention time can be used to make gains with some other groups of kids
Power point and a new manual for AIR test that shows what new features every child has access to for the test such as Text to Speech for Math, Science and Social Studies
- TBT Effectiveness Rubric DataBuilding Teams 10:45-11:35
- Data Review Protocol
- Steps 1-5
Quick steps and long term goals
-BE-appreciative of the rubric that helped lead the team
-both groups have established norms
-K-2 has established a reporter and 3-5 has not established that yet
-Success criteria is still confusing and more guidance or professional development would be beneficial
-RE-reviewing of norms and adding another role
-focus on strategies and adding/modeling strategies to really help
-complex rubric and it was difficult to pinpoint what it should look like
-GE-2 lowest areas were leadership monitoring and success criteria
-created a plan to monitor instructional strategies
-teacher leaders and principal communicate regularly
-HS-leadership monitoring and success criteria were our lowest areas
-did they really understand what was expected
-buy-in is still low and the teachers are not fully seeing the value of the TBT
-harder to start in the middle of the school year, but that is something we are going to focus on for next year
-Did this together as a group; would like to see it done individually (MS/HS)
-MS-lowest area was success criteria so we needed a better way to communicate this with the students; each teacher will communicate this in TBTs
-long term would be feedback from observers about what they are seeing
-this might help us know where to go
- Wrap Up Deanne Link 11:35-11:45
a. Feb. 18, 2016—11:30-3:00
b. BLT Take-Backs
c. Next Month’s Agenda Items
d. Process Observer Report
Note-taker—Alisa Barrett
Time-Keeper—Jo Ellen Gossett
Process Observer—Jill Lee
Facilitator--Brady Streitenberger
BLT Take-Backs
- Item #1—OIPIR Results—Communication
- Strengths
- Areas for Improvement
- May share data, if requested
-discuss what we can start now and what needs to be planned and started next year
-Have all teachers take the OIPIR survey?
- Item #2—TBT Effectiveness Rubric by Building
- 5-Step Process in BLT
- Bring back reflections to DLT
-Do we want to set up the survey for an individual assessment
- Item #3—Social Media review
-Do we want to focus on the positives on social media
February 18, 2016
Agenda Items
- OIP Data
- Adult & Student Indicator 1A
- Adult & Student Indicator 1B
- Adult Indicator 2A
- Adult & Student Indicator 3A
2. Strategy Review Chart
3. OIPIR Follow-Up—BLT Report Out
4. TBT Effectiveness Rubric—BLT Report Out
5. MAP Subgroup Data
-Any BLT and/TBTs that are willing to be videoed please let Deanne know.
-TV/Radio will be doing the videoing and will be password secured for viewing
-TBTs please check and see if there are any strategies that you are doing in your classrooms and would be willing to be videoed please let Deanne know.