Private Sector Letter

Dear Representative [MEMBER OF CONGRESS],

I write to express my opposition, in the strongest terms possible, to provisions in the House Committee on Ways and Means tax title of the Surface Transportation Authorization bill. Specifically, I object to provisions that would redirect revenues from the 2.86 cents of the current motor fuels tax that are now dedicated to public transit investment, to other purposes. As the [ROLE] of [COMPANY NAME], located in [CITY], I can tell you from firsthand experience that this proposal would have a profoundly negative impact on our ability to do business.

Our company employs [NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES] in your district and [NUMBER OF TOTAL EMPLOYEES] American workers nationwide. This legislation puts their jobs at risk.

For nearly 30 years, beginning with President Ronald Reagan, a portion of federal motor fuels tax revenues has been dedicated to public transportation investment under federal law. These revenues are a dependable and predictable source of funding and should remain dedicated to public transportation. The House Ways and Means plan would eliminate this reliable funding source and replace it with a one-time appropriation that provides no funding for public transportation after 2016.

Public transportation must havededicated, long-term funding in order to carry out major construction projects and vehicle purchases. For businesses like [Business name], these projects allow the hiring of local employees and make the substantial financial commitments necessary to grow our business. In [CITY], we should be helping job creators, not hurting them.

Federal investment in public transportation is critical both to my business and to the millions of people who use it daily. Because of the dire consequences for my business and for our country, I am strongly opposed to this proposal and ask you to change this provision. I look forward to your leadership on this important issue.
