
新北市立海山高中九十九學年度第二學期第三次段考國中部 七 年級 英語 科試題卷


  1. 蝌蚪(A) frog(B) turtle(C) rabbit(D) tadpole
  2. 競賽(A) race(B) practice(C) team(D) exercise
  3. 十月(A) September(B)December(C) October(D) November
  4. Chinese people often go to the ______to ask(求) for good luck.

(A)market (B)temple (C)hotel (D)museum

  1. This is Tony’s first time to speak in front of so many people. He is very ______.
    (A) same(B) tired(C) nervous(D) special
  2. The ______is so dirty now, and we can’t even see a fish in it.
    (A) river(B) hotel(C) market(D) mountain
  3. KrisWang is a great baseball player. He can ______the ball very well.
    (A) win(B) pitch(C) keep(D) learn
  4. Doris:I have Lady Gaga’s new ______.
    Stella:Really? May I have a look? She is my favorite singer.
    (A) plan(B) temple(C) team(D) album
  5. Benny:Welcome to my ______.
    Alyssa:Wow! Your living room is so big.
    (A) pond(B) place(C) temple(D) museum
  6. My sister is too fat. She needs some ______to lose weight.
    (A) teams(B) mud(C) food(D) exercise
  7. Mike: When is Mr. Lee going to the USA?
    Tina: On ______.
    (A) July, 2011(B) July nineth(C) the year 2011(D) July first
  8. That strong man is afraid ______this little cat. That’s interesting!
    (A) of(B) with(C) about(D) from
  9. We have a plan to go to the museum ______May this year.
    (A) at(B) on(C) in(D)for
  10. Many girls ______to take photos when they have free time.
    (A) keep(B) like(C) enjoy(D) practice
  11. Can you come to my house tonight? I have ______to tell you.
    (A) anything important (B) something important (C) important something (D)important anything
  12. We were in the mountains with our grandparents ______.
    (A) now(B) two days before(C) for a week (D) at then
  13. In music class, the teacher plays ______, and we sing with it.
    (A) drums(B) a violin(C) piano(D)the flute
  14. My brother is also my best friend, and we usually do everything together. We enjoy ______with each other.
    (A) are(B) be(C) to be(D) being
  15. Where ______you yesterday? I ______so worried about you.
    (A) were; was(B) was; was(C) were; were (D) was; were
  16. Julia: When is the baseball game between the Lions and the Elephants?
    John: It’s ______the evening ______June 25.
    (A) on; in(B) on;of(C) in; of(D) in; in
  17. ______rain in Taipei in summer.
    (A) There are(B) It usually(C)We have(D)They are
  18. The final exam is coming, so I was at home studying ______last Sunday.
    (A)╳(B) on(C) in(D) at
  19. Listen! There are many birds singing ______the trees.
    (A)for(B) at(C)of(D) in
  20. My friends and I are going to a baseball game this evening. Do you want to come with ______?
    (A) us(B) them(C) we(D) they
  21. Jacky: Summer vacation is coming! Do you have any plan ______it?
    Judy: My family plan ______to Penghu and swim there.
    (A) for;going(B) for;to go(C) with;going(D) with;to go
  22. Samuel:______Is he on the school basketball team?
    Joanne:No, but he wants to join it.
    (A) Your brother swims so fast.(B) Your brother pitches very well.
    (C) Your brother plays basketball well.(D) Your brother is practicing running.
  23. Mike: ______
    Judy: Everyone in my family.
    (A) Who was with you at 7:30 p.m.?(B) Where was everyone yesterday?
    (C) Were you with your family at that time?(D) Was everyone tired after a long day of work?
  24. Conner:Your scooter is full of mud.
    (A) Thanks! It’s very clean now.(B) Yeah…I need to wash it today.
    (C) That’s right. It’s my mom’s scooter. (D) Really? But it’s very dirty now.
  25. Jerry:This bear can climb up trees in a short time.
    Amy: ______Show me next time.
    (A) Poor you.(B) How interesting!(C) No problem.(D) Great idea!
  26. Jenny:______
    Nancy:I don’t like to play computer games at all.
    (A) What do you like to do?(B) When do you buy a computer?
    (C) Where do you play computer games?(D) How do you like computer games?



Annie:Peter, you look so sad. What’s wrong?

Peter:There is a swimming race. Mrs. Brown wants me (31) it. But I’m not good at swimming.

Annie: (32) I love swimming and I can teach you.

Peter:But I really swim slowly(慢).

Annie:Just keep (33) every day and (34) . You will (35) in the end.

  1. (A)to join(B) join(C)joins(D) joining
  2. (A) Good idea.(B) Watch out!(C) Don’t worry.(D) How cute!
  3. (A) to practice(B) practices(C) practice(D) practicing
  4. (A) take picture(B) never give up(C) learn running(D) join us
  5. (A) hate to swim(B) go to a ball game(C) learn a lot from it(D) be nervous about it


My sister is a good English learner. She (36) English every day. Besides, she also reads English novels and listens to English songs (37) her free time. But just three years ago, she (38) not so good at English. Mom was worried, so she introduced some American friends to her. They spent some time together and became very good friends. To share her happiness and sorrow with them, she practiced (39) English day and night. Her friends (40) also helpful by teaching her lots of ways to learn English well.

  1. (A) study(B) studies(C) is studying(D) to study
  2. (A) at(B) on(C) in(D) for
  3. (A) is(B) are(C) was(D) were
  4. (A) speak(B) speaks(C) to speak(D) speaking
  5. (A) were(B) are(C) was(D) is

三、閱讀測驗 (每題2分)

Sun / Mon / Tue / Wed / Thu / Fri / Sat
1 / 2 / 3
4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10
11 / 12 / 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / 17
18 / 19 / 20 / 21 / 22 / 23 / 24
25 / 26 / 27 / 28 / 29 / 30 / 31

(一) Read the calendar and Ron’s letter from Hogwarts High School and answer the following questions.

  1. What day is Ron’s first day of school?
    (A) Monday.(B) Tuesday.(C) Wednesday.(D) Thursday.
  2. How many subjects does Ron have in HogwartsHigh School?
    (A) Three.(B) Four.(C)Five.(D) Six.
  3. What doesn’tRon need to bring to school?
    (A) A blue pen.(B) The calendar.(C) Five notebooks.(D) Seven apples.


Mr. Chang:Is anyone doing anything interesting for the coming summer vacation?

Jeremy:Yes, I am. I’m flying to Japan to visit my grandparents.

Mr. Chang:Great. Where are they planning to take you?

Jeremy: Maybe Hokkaido or Kyoto.

Mr. Chang:Wow! Those are beautiful places. How long are you staying there?

Jeremy:Two months, July and August. It’s a dream holiday for me.

Mr. Chang:How wonderful! Anyone else?

Barbara:Yes. I’m staying in Taipei, but I will work in a restaurant here in the summer to practice English and learn Japanese.

Mr. Chang:Sounds like a good idea. And how?

Barbara:They sell Japanese food, so I may meet some foreigners there. I can speak with them.

Mr. Chang:Great. Well, there goes the bell. So have a great summer everyone and see you all in the new school year!

  1. What are the people talking about?
    (A) Their homework in summer.(B) Their vacation plans.
    (C) Their friends in a restaurant.(D) Their favorite food.
  2. Where is Kyoto?
    (A)InJapan. (B) In Hokkaido.(C) In Taipei.(D) In the USA.
  3. Which is true?
    (A) One student is staying in Taipei for the vacation.(B) Jeremy can speak English and Japanese very well.
    (C) The teacher has only two students in the class. (D) The teacher is not teaching this class again.


Lauren’s mother, Mrs. Louise, is a teacher. She needs to get up very early in the morning. She makes breakfast for Lauren and her little brother, Scotty. She also makes coffee for Lauren’s dad but doesn’t have much time for breakfast herself. After the meal, she even takes the two kids to elementary school by car.

Mrs. Louise then drives to Hai-ShanHigh School. She teaches five math classes a day there. Thoughshe talks and stands all day, she never minds. She loves teaching.

After work, Mrs. Louise picks up Lauren and little Scotty from their school. After they get home, she makes dinner and feeds their pet dog, Money. But this is not the end of the day. After dinner, she cleans up the kitchen, helps Lauren with her homework, and reads bedtime stories to Scotty. Is Mrs. Louise often so busy? No, she is ALWAYS busy.

  1. What can be the title of this reading?
    (A) Breakfast Time.(B) A Great Teacher.(C) A Busy Mother.(D) Lauren’s Family.
  2. What does Mrs. Louise probably do every day at home?
    (A) Teach math.(B) Do housework.(C) Drink coffee.(D) Watch TV.
  3. What doesn’t Mrs. Louise use every morning?
    (A) A story book.(B) Cups and glasses. (C) A coffee maker.(D)The kitchen.
  4. What is true about Mrs. Louise?
    (A) She has two daughters.(B) She teaches at her kids’ school.
    (C) She doesn’t have a car.(D) She teaches at school and at home.

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