Canal Dover Association Newsletter October 2016

The Canal Dover Assoc. is presently involved in many activities for the community, including the Halloween and Christmas Parades, 1st Annual Dover Chocolate Walk, Riverfront improvements, New Boat Ramp on the riverfront, City History Tours, Urban Bike routes, submitting many grant applications, etc.; and we have had many well attended monthly luncheon meetings at the Sunnyside store in Parral. The meetings are informative and end promptly at 1 PM. The membership meetings are held at noon on the third Thursday of each month. Go onto our website at Our website is being added to on a regular basis. Check it out. It even has a couple of videos of Dover on it.

Speaker for the October meeting was Dan Rice, President and CEO of Ohio and Erie Canalway Coalition. See Above Photo – He is the man on the Right, for those who don’t know Howard, our President. He shared many ideas from his work in Akron to regenerate interest in downtowns, parks and the like. He is always eager to help us with ideas and funding sources. He gave a run-down of recent progress in completion of the Towpath Trail and the progress of Tusc Parks newly revised park map. When asked what CDA can do to forward the trail’s completion, he responded, “Just keep doing what you’re doing.”

At our October Meeting, Howard Dugger gave a run-down of what’s happening with the various grant projects going on. Clean Ohio Fund: All of the Round 2 properties that were scheduled to be purchased for the riverfront park have closed. Part of this grant provides for public green space and park access at Front St. and Tusc Ave. near the bridge. This work is being done now. CT Consultants is working on the master plan and there will be more opportunities in the future for public input on that. We did not receive the ODOT TAP Grant to help us pay for paving along the riverfront from Tuscarawas Avenue to the new boat ramp and associated expenses. We will apply again next year.

Mary Jo Monte attended the Women’s Success Series meeting recently to update them on our efforts to advance the development the riverfront park. This group of Women donate money to area organizations but it's been very competitive. At the last meeting a few years ago, Mary Jo didn't even get a chance to speak. Mary Jo continued to pursue them and this time she received an opportunity to speak and they decided to go with us. They're going to donate $500 towards the riverfront and they may add more to that amount at a later date. Mary Jo, on behalf of all of us, thank you for your efforts and congratulations!!

The unencumbered balance in our treasury sits at $2959.97, as of Bank Statements for September 30th 2016. We do not yet have bank statements for October. When received, Treasurer report will be placed on our web site. The encumbered balance has been set aside for the Riverfront Fund, CVB Tourism grant money for Dover bike trail promotion, Dover Bed Tax Grant for bike trail direction signs, Dover Master Plan grant money from Frontier Communications, and money for a Historical Marker yet to be erected.

The CDA participates in the Amazon Smile Foundation where Amazon donates .5% of the purchase price of eligible products to charitable organizations selected by customers. Every time you order something from Amazon, take an extra minute or two and list Historic Canal Dover Association Inc. as the recipient of your donation. It costs you nothing and the organization gets .5$ of your purchase. No information is given to us regarding your purchase. We just receive a direct deposit into our account at 1st Federal Savings! Great program.

You are cordially invited to celebrate with us!

Ribbon-cutting ceremony for the

New Public Boat Ramp on the Tuscarawas River in Dover, Ohio

Saturday, November 12, 2016

1:00 p.m.

Bring your boat and let's paddle!!!

Why? Because we CAN!!!!!

Also because:

We need the exercise.

The fresh air will feel good.

It will make for great photographs!!

Join me in this celebration of our beautiful Tuscarawas River, our emerging public park, our community effort to make this happen, green spaces, open water and all that is right with our natural world!

Mary Jo Monte-Kaser

Other issues at our October Meeting: Brian Ice announced a new idea for our T-Shirts to sell green, long-sleeved “Dover” t-shirts at Christmas this year. The shirt will have a timeless design that can be sold year after year. Jim Gill and Sandi Zorzi are working with him on this.

Dover Christmas parade is Saturday, Dec. 3. Howard noted that as we are the major support group to the City, we need to provide volunteers to help with the line-up and parade route. The city will again donate money to us to purchase candy for spectators. Volunteers can sign up during the November meeting. Jim Gill reported on the success of the new installation of the story books at Dover City Park, and the opening ceremony held recently.

Future meeting dates and events to mark on your calendar:

October 20th – Membership Meeting – Speaker Dan Rice, President/CEO of Ohio & Erie Canalway Coalition.

November 12th – Ribbon cutting for new boat ramp – 1:00 PM at the new boat ramp on the river.

November 17th – Membership Meeting – Speaker Dan Smith, Novogradac & Co.

December 3rd Dover Christmas Parade. Need Volunteers – CDA is a primary sponsor.

December – NO Membership Meeting – Merry Christmas / Happy New Year

January 19 – Monthly Membership Meeting – State Senator Jay Hottinger

Hope you enjoyed this newsletter. Many more to come. As you can see, we are a very active group. Our website is Check us out. Email: . Also find us on Facebook.