HL7 SOA Cambridge September 2013

Monday Q3


Vincent McCauley MSIA

Robin Omata Kaiser Permanente

Don Jorgenson

Stefano Lotti HL7 Italy – Invitalia

Ken Rubin HP

Presentation of SOA overview – see slide deck at

  1. Dr John Halamaka MD, MS – Co-chair USA National HITSC – Health IT Standards Committee

Associate Professor Medicine Harvard University

CIO of Beth Israel hospital – 3 million patients

Dean for Technology Harvard Medical school

Presented on Interoperability


Project Updates


Vincent McCauley MSIA

Don Jorgenson

Stefano Lotti HL7 Italy – Invitalia

Ken Rubin HP

Zoran Milosevic HL7 Australia

Brian Postlewaite DCA

Mark Kramer MITRE

Ana Esterich

  1. CTS2 – Ana Esterlich

Passed Normative Ballot this cycle

In process of resolving comments Vocab Q4 Tuesday.

There may be an issue with terminology versioning that needs to be further addressed.CTS2 implementation community

France – User interface now approved for re-development. Developing ReST version to complement existing SOAP version – now have eight REST based functions and plan to complete all.

Intention is to open source through OHT.

  1. hData Record Format – Mark Kramer

Normative this ballot cycle – 60 affirmative , 4 negative => passed. Total 60 comments.

Comments to be resolved this meeting

Concerns continue about alignment with REST in FHIR with harmonisation discussions still underway

David Hay is FHIR liaison for this.

  1. Service Directory ServD – Brian - DCA

OMG process completed at Berlin meeting. For vote at OMG Board this week.

Next step is re balloting as a revision of the current Normative standard.

DCA Health is currently implementing the OMG spec.

Brian meeting with FHIR this meeting to look at integration with FHIR.

DCA are also interested in the scheduling service

  1. SOA Ontology – Zoran Milosevich

Informative ballot last cycle. Agreed needed more examples which are being worked on. Resources have become constrained.

VA are looking at a comprehensive SOA architecture.

Mark and Zoran will discuss with VA team.

Vince, Zoran and Brian will discuss the Australian context.

The Co-chairs will see if further resources can be found to assist Zoran.

  1. PASS - Don Jorgenson

VA very interested in security and data tagging for security and privacy

Implications for PASS to be explored during joint session with SEC tomorrow.

There is further interest in the Audit service but it is not clear yet what the way forward is at this stage

  1. IXS – ready for publication
  2. Ordering, pub/sub, event notification escalation services – being developed under contract to VHA – Emory Fry. Will be here to give update on Thursday.
  3. Care Coordination –

Ballot planned this cycle is delayed. Models are still not finalised which is a pre-requisite prior to Service behaviour.

  1. Cross paradigm

Have now incorporated some FHIR resources which are HL7 V2 based.

Continued work on tooling.

Behavioural modelling in OWL is in progress.

Admin – New logo approved and will be applied to web site shortly.

Agenda edited and confirmed.

Tuesday 24 Sep 2013

Q1 Joint with ITS

Attendance –

Vincent McCauley MSIA

Stefano Lotti HL7 Italy – Invitalia

Ken Rubin HP

Zoran Milosevic HL7 Australia

Mark Kramer MITRE

Steve Fine Cerner

Paul Knapp

David Hay HL7 NZ

Graham Grieve Health Intersections

Brian Peck Kaiser Permanente

Dale Nelson

AvinashShambhag ONC


Discussionof FHIR and SOA relationship

GG – FHIR is a platform specification that is functionally based on a REST backbone. REST has some optionality that can limit interoperability. PUSH vs PULL based interfaces require end-to-end agreement as does PUB/SUB

Security – can apply beside or behind the FHIR interface.

FHIR does not specify Services.

FHIR needs to be profiled for deployment for specific solutions which may be where SOA can contribute where solution architectures have International applicability.

KR – Technology platform specific standards are the responsibility of OMG in the HSSP process. SOA could specify that OMG must consider FHIR/REST implementations. There are a number of levels of mandation that could be used.

Resources in FHIR could potentially be used with a SOAP binding but this is not specified by FHIR. Could be via a SOAP implementation of RLUS – this is one approach being piloted by the VA as they have a SOAP RLUS implementation.

FHIR messaging based implementation framework does message calls and is close to a SOA approach and is not just REST. This component is still in late development.

SOA is a higher level dynamic behavioural specification across multiple resources that can be expressed in REST/FHIR or other bindings.

Document exchange in FHIR is required to work with “external” endpoints which can be accessed by SOAP, SMTP, MLLP etc but this section in the documentation has not yet been completed.

GG is working with the ServD implementers at OMG to realise that SOA specification in FHIR. This can be used as an exploration of how to express SOA standards in FHIR.

GG is working towards making the FHIR specification RESTful

Collaboration opportunities – Pub/SUB service, ServD/Human Services Directory, RLUS

Motion: SOA/ITS/FHIR will jointly edit and agree the section on Service Architecture in the FHIR documentation and review implementations of SOA standards in FHIR as they occur including SERVD/Human Services Directory and the PUB/SUB Service as exemplars

Proposed VMSecond GG

Passed unanimously 11/0/0.

Associated Actions: in the FHIR section for Service Architecture this should explore how SAIF may fit with this process.

GG to Add SOA page to the FHIR specification

Plan joint meeting same time next WGM



Vincent McCauley MSIA

Stefano Lotti HL7 Italy – Invitalia

Ken Rubin HP

Zoran Milosevic HL7 Australia

Mark Kramer MITRE

The SOA Blueprint discussion - this work needs to be further extended to clinical settings and mapped to the SOA Ontology

Plan for OHT common SOA middle layer to be available in 3-6 months

Plan to offer “FHIR Accelerators” as an entry point for SOA based higher level orchestrations for FHIR. These design patterns would enhance FHIR and implement SOA.

Need to have FHIR Accelerator pattern done by next WGM

Use Monday SOA Call for next 6 weeks to get wide input with minimal status updates

Wednesday Q1


Mutual Goals – EHR/SOA –

Implementation of EHR FM

Develop security services for EHR

Develop service that can interoperate with FHIR implementations

Need to refresh EHR FM project especially with reference to new services created since 2010



Don Jorgenson –

Tagging and labelling/classification

President’s report recommended thinking of EHR as an aggregation of small resources not a monolithic entity.

Need data security to be at same level of granularity and distribution.

Security and privacy labelling must be dynamic and attached to clinical data aggregates.

Vocabulary for labelling for security and privacy is now normative.

Five tag categories – sensitivity, compartment, etc

Question – how to know if a policy set is functionally sufficient for a set of data and tags?

Proposed Service to generate Security labelling.

?need enhancement to the Access control service to use security labelling in its decision engine.

Plan – Project proposal and three organisations for security labelling service to come from SEC

There may need to be consideration to explicitly support security labelling


Summary of X-paradigm progress

MDMI licensing bump in road

Discussed FHIR accelerator for X-paradigm

Joint with patient Care – Care Coordination service still undergoing ballot resolution

Plan to meet Q3 Wednesday at January WGM

Present – Don Jorgenson inPriva, Mark Kramer MITRE, Alean Kirnak – Chair: Vincent McCauley MSIA

hData Ballot resolution

Comments 4,6,16,52,25 – typos - persuasive voted 3/0/0 to accept disposition

Negative Comments 25, 36, 42, 46 –persuasive vote 3/0/0 to accept

41 – not persuasive with mod - Vote 3/0/0 to accept

All other comments have agreed dispositions and will need to have a committee vote by TC when circulated by Mark Kramer.




Emory Fry

Jerry Goodnough Cognitive Medical systems

Zoran Milosovich

Vincent McCauley

SOA - Unified Communication Service

CDS - Pub/Sub Service

O+O sponsored Ordering Service

Project scope statements submitted 3 months ago – shortly after Atlanta - but not formally approved by the TSC.

Alternate-weekly TCs – 4pm Eastern

First Draft SFM to VA for all three in next few weeks with goal of informative ballot in January. Completion by October 2014 Plan for May DSTU ballot.

Ordering – Functional model undergoing harmonisation with SAIF Architecture in O+O

UCM – modelling well progressed but SFM draft needs to catch up

Pub/sub – least progressed as discussion still occurring as to whether this needs to be a standard

There are already a number of pub/sub standards so this could be an implementation guide of an existing standard. Plan is to go forward as a standard and then decide if this is duplicative.

XEP-60312 may be preferred pub/sub model.

Is Unified Communication the right name for a service which the main function is to communicate from CDS to patients?

Version 0.4 of UCS uploaded to the wiki – discussed with some changes agreed.

Still some need to finalise functionality of UCM

PUB/SUB – decision needs to be made ?early December as to whether to profile existing standard or publish new standard.