9thMay 2014

Dear Parents,

PTA Quiz night : Well done and thank you to our PTA for organising and running the quiz night in April. This was by far the most difficult quiz I have been to, but also the most fun! 10 tables and a great atmosphere encouraged spending and we raised an amazing £454.50 which was a fabulous result!

Our next PTA events are the cricket match and barbeque following sports day on 13th June and the Summer Fete on Saturday 28th June. More details to follow.

Sports Day: This will take place at 2.00pm on Friday 13th June at Catsfield Playing Field. Parents are warmly invited to join us.

Summer Musical: Following our success with Oliver last year, KS2 would like to put on the musical Joseph and his Technicolour Dream Coat at the end of term 6. Auditions will run at lunchtimes during the week beginning 19th May. Please encourage your children to see Mrs Briley and audition for a part.

Celebration Assemblies for Panthers’ and Leopards’ Classes: Unfortunately, due to the timing of swimming lessons on Friday mornings, we will have to cancel these this term. [Tigers, 23rd May and Lions, 6th June will go ahead as advertised.] We understand that this is a disappointment for parents, but because we have such a full timetable and have to negotiate days and times with the swimming pool, we have been unable to fit everything in. However, KS2 will be performing in Joseph when you will have an opportunity to bring your whole family for an evening performance instead.

Sickness bug: This has been around for many months now and we are still seeing new cases. We need to do everything we can to break the cycle of infection. We promote good hygiene and handwashing at school and ask that you work with us by actively encouraging your children to make sure they always wash their hands with soap and water after using the toilet, and before eating. We would also like to stress that children should not return to school until 48 hours have passed since the last time they were sick.

Whole School Photograph On Monday 2nd June we are having a whole school photograph [all staff and pupils] to celebrate our Outstanding Ofsted. Please make sure your child is smartly presented in school uniform on this day. Please also ensure that your child brings a school jumper/cardigan even if the weather is hot!

Reminder: There are two inset days Monday 23rd June and Tuesday 24th June.

KS2 SATS are next week; we wish the children the very best of luck and know how hard they have worked in preparation. I know they will do their very best.

I have been asked to be the Consultant Headteacher for St Mary Magdalene’s School in Bexhill. This follows the sad death of their headteacher last August. The post is one day a week for a year supporting their Acting Headteacheruntil they appoint a permanent Headteacher. This is an exciting time for me andfor all the Catsfield staff, as we take the opportunity to share our expertise with another school and help them through a difficult time. This will not affect my availability or commitment to Catsfield in any way.

Yours sincerely,

Mrs S. Clark