Inter-American and Universal Systems for the Protection of HR 2007/ Application Formpage 1


Inter-American and the Universal Systems for the Protection of Human Rights

8 – 19 October 2007[*]


The information provided here is strictly confidential and will be used by the International Service for Human Rights (ISHR), American University Washington College of Law (AUWCL) and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) in the selection process for the appropriate training course on the use of the Inter-American and Universal Systems for the Protection of Human Rights. Please feel free to attach additional sheets.

Family name (s):

First name (s):


Place of work (organization):


Professional address:

Telephone: Fax: E-mail:

(Please include country and area code)

Sex:( ) male( ) female

Date / Place of birth:

Personal address:


Telephone: Fax:E-mail:

(Please include country and area code)


Please indicate the working languages of your organization and proficiency using the following number code:

1: excellent 2: good3: fair4: no knowledge

Language / Speaking / Reading / Writing





Passport number: Nationality:

Date of issue: Date of expiration:

Do you require a visa for USA? ( ) Yes( ) No

If yes, what are the nearest relevant fax numbers for the US Consulate/Embassy? (Please include area code)

City: Fax #

1. What are your expectations of the inter-American and universal systems for the protection of human rights?

2.What issues would you like to give a special focus to during the training course?

3. Do you have prior knowledge of regional or universal systems? Have you attempted to use them? If yes, please give a brief summary.

4. Describe briefly the work of your organization

5. What is your relationship with the organization or institution sending / sponsoring you?

6. How do you think the training course can benefit your organization?

7.Have you or your organization being involved in international litigation before? Please give details.

8. Have you been a resource person for any training sessions at national, regional or international level?

9.How did you hear about this training course?

10.Have you participated in any other internship program / study session(s) on human rights? If so which ones, when and who sponsored you?

11.Can you obtain funding to defray your travel and/or stay expenses for your training course in Washington, DC?


If yes, please specify the source of funding and what it would cover:

Please E-MAIL this form with:

photocopies of the pages of yourpassport showing when your passport was issued, your name and if you have a US visa

one letter from your organization, presenting you as a candidate for the course

your CV (maximum 2 pages)

to the following address

Date: Applicant's signature:

Please send this form before 15 August 2007


International Service for Human Rights
Rue de Varembé 1, P.O. Box 16 - CH-1211 Geneva, Switzerland

AmericanUniversityWashingtonCollege of Law

4801 Massachusetts Avenue, NW-Washington, DC20016

Inter-American Commission on Human Rights

1889 F St. NW, Washington, DC20006

[*]These dates may change in case the date of the 130th Session of the IACHR is changed