Senior Year Check List

Workforce Student

Select CTE teachers and one administrator to ask for written references. Be considerate of their time and ask early in September/October. Give teachers 10 weeks to complete your request. Remind teachers to send your request to your school counselor.

Do not forget the value of 4th year math.

Complete your Senior Information Sheet, your Transcript Release Form, and Secondary School Report from and return them to your counselor as soon as possible. A parent must sign the release form if you are under 18.

Work on your soft skills. Soft skills are ways you show employees you are comfortable, competent, and confident to learn the tasks at hand. Examples are: dependability/manage your time, teamwork/work with others, communication/both verbally and written, courtesy, and respect/having a positive attitude.

Fine tune your hard skills. Hard skills are the specific skills you will be using on a specific job.

Meet with your counselor to review your career plan/goals and your transcript. How well are you meeting your goals?

Start a calendar with important dates and deadlines.

Interview your parents, teachers, or family friends to find out what their jobs are like.

Take an interest, values, and skills assessment to set you on the correct pathway. Having a career that fits your interests, values, and skills is the key to a successful career. See your Career Coach for more information.

Do not undervalue the importance of your attendance. Employers will ask.

Immediately begin your resume’ process. Compile all of your honors, activities, awards, community hours, and references. See your Career Coach for help if needed.

Know what is required for the job you want so you can get the proper training before leaving high school. Visit (The Bureau of Labor Statistics) to find out more on educational requirements for specific careers.

Spend a day shadowing an adult in an area of your career interest.

Attend Career Day(s) in your area. This is a great way to meet and talk with possible employers.

Continue to be active in your classes, in your school, and in your community. Now is not the time to slack off. Set a goal of 15 community service hours, lead a project, and make a difference. This will not only improve you and your skills, it will look great on your resume’ and applications.

Begin your job search before the end of high school. Start seeking career opportunities in January.

Apply for openings within your career choice. This could land you a position, or give you interviewing skills practice.

Watch the mail for acceptance letters.

Write thank you notes to the people who wrote you letters of recommendations.

If you have questions find a person to ask and get the answers you need.

Celebrate your high school graduation.