2/12/2009 Minutes of Anderson County Board of Education Regular Meeting Page No.



101 S. Main Street

Clinton, TN 37716

February 12, 2009

6:30 PM

Members Present Absent

John Burrell, Chairman √

Dail Cantrell √

Greg Crawford √

Peggy Hayes √

Glenda Langenberg √

Wanda McCrosky, Vice-Chairman √

Rickey Rose √

Jo Williams √

V. L. Stonecipher, Director √

Student Board Members:

Will Housley √

Evan Simpson √

Others in Attendance

Josh Bibbs, Denise McGaha, Bob Stokes, Myles Hebrard, Johanna Whitley, Garry Whitley, Kim Guinn, Larry Pierce, Karen Bridgeman, Linda Davis, Richard McAnulty, Tim Parrott, Gail Martin, Susan Fowler


Wanda McCrosky, vice-chairman, called the meeting to order at 6:36 PM as a regular monthly meeting of the Board of Education. Greg Crawford led the Pledge of Allegiance.



A.  Request for appeal

a.  Zero Tolerance case #1

Motion by Dail Cantrell and seconded by Peggy Hayes to deny the requested appeal and refer the case to Mr. Stonecipher. Motion carried.

B.  Request for appeal

a.  Zero Tolerance case #2

Motion by Dail Cantrell and seconded by Greg Crawford to deny the requested appeal and refer the case to Mr. Stonecipher. Motion carried.

Motion by Greg Crawford and seconded by Peggy Hayes to approve the agenda. Motion carried.


A.  Minutes of Regular Meeting – January 8, 2009

B.  Personnel Actions

Last Name / First Name / Location / Position / Effective Date / Return Date / Notes
New Hires
Green / Garvin / GOES / Interim Spec Ed Teacher / 1/5/09 / Replacement for Jennifer Foust (during LOA)
Stout / Suzanne / CHS / Special Ed. Asst. / 1/5/09 / Replacement for Meeghan Wilson
Reed / Betty / CHS / Food Service / 1/7/09 / Replacement for Cathy Woods
Jenkins / Helen / CHS / Special Ed. Asst. / 1/12/09 / Replacement for Jeff Romanczuk
Bridges / Anna / LCMS / Food Service / 1/8/09 / Replacement for Diane Hooker
Sutton / Ashley / NWES / Guidance Counselor / 1/6/09 / Replacement for Sarah Hamilton (LOA)
Gambrell / Midge / TLC / Special Ed. Teacher / 1/20/09 / Replacement for Andrea Livingston (LOA)
Holstine / Nicole / Preschool / Early Head Start Asst. / 1/19/09 / Replacement for Jessica Holt
Penticuff / Rebecca / NES / Food Service / 1/16/09 / Replacement for Carolyn Humphrey
Olin / Zabrina / CES / Special Ed Asst. / 1/12/09 / Replacement for Melinda Evans
Jenkins / Kimberly / CHS / Special Ed Asst. / 1/21/09 / Replacement for Meeghan Wilson
Nichols / Michelle / DVES / Café Monitor / 1/21/09 / Replacement for Mrs. Duncan
Transfer/Change of Status
Tucker / Hazel / TLC / Special Ed Teacher / 1/5/09 / Transfer from CHS
Thornton / Gary / TLC / Custodian / 1/5/09 / Transfer from CMS to replace George Hankins
Albright / Murrel / Transportation / Director of Transportation / 1/5/09 / Assuming the position of Director of Transportation
Speaks / Heather / GOES / Counselor / 1/5/09 / Transfer from NES to replace Melissa Fey (during LOA)
Ingle / Paula / CHS / Music Teacher / 1/5/09 / Return from LOA
Lacy / Susan / NES / Teacher / 1/5/09 / Return from LOA
Stout / Suzanne / CHS / Special Ed Asst. / 1/12/09 / Moving to a different Special Ed Assistant position
Jennings / Shelia / CMS / Lang. Arts Teacher / 1/4/09 / Return from LOA
Sampsel / Joel / ACHS / Volunteer Asst. Track Coach / 1/13/09 / Volunteer only - non-supplemental position
Bridges / Anna / LCMS / Café Monitor / 1/13/09 / Working 3 hours for food service & 2 hours café monitor
Humphrey / Carolyn / AES / Food Service / 1/16/09 / Transfer from NES to replace Pamela Mack
Petree / Cindy / CES / Food Service / 1/6/09 / Increase to 8 hours/day
Tillery/Collins / Kristen / CES / Food Service / 1/6/09 / Decrease to 7 hours/day
Leave of Absence
Moore / Linda / CES / Special Ed Assistant / 1/13/09 / 2/23/09 / Employee's own serious health condition
Wilburn / Emily / AES / 5th Grade Teacher / 3/23/09 / 5/29/09 / Birth of Child
Melton / Juanita / LCMS / FCS Teacher / 2/4/09 / 3/30/09 / Birth of Child
Webber / Sherry / Preschool / Head Start Asst. / 1/5/09 / 6-8 wks / Employee's own serious health condition
Elkins / Amber / LCES / 4th Grade Teacher / 4/21/09 / 5/28/09 / Birth of Child
Ford / Shirley / LCES / Food Service / 12/17/08 / 1/12/09 / Employee's own serious health condition
Dabney / James / ACHS / Café Janitor / 1/6/09 / 5/23/09 / Serious health condition of spouse
Left Employment
Harber / Angie / NMS / Educ. Assistant / 12/18/08 / Dismissal
Wilson / Meeghan / CHS / Educ. Assistant / 12/18/08 / Voluntary resignation
Bailey / Regina / Food Service / Food Service / 12/1/08 / Job abandonment
Holt / Jessica / Preschool / Caregiver / 1/5/09 / Voluntary resignation
Villaverde / Carol / CHS / Music Teacher / 12/19/08 / End of Assignment
Joy / Lori / GOES / Lunchroom Monitor / 1/6/09 / Voluntary resignation
Struck / Sarah / CMS / Teacher / 12/19/08 / End of Assignment
Vann / Deborah / CMS / Teacher / 1/2/09 / Retirement
Mack / Pamela / AES / Food Service / 1/16/09 / Voluntary resignation
Enix / Denny / CHS / Custodian / 1/27/09 / Voluntary resignation
Enix / Tony / CHS / Custodian / 1/28/09 / Voluntary resignation
Rogers / Bobby / CMS / Custodian / 1/27/09 / Dismissal
Ingle / Michael / CHS / Head Softball Coach / 1/26/09 / Voluntary resignation

C. Field Trips

1. Amanda Rhea and Caleb Tipton, Clinton Middle School, to travel to Williamsburg, VA May 13 – 15, 2009 to allow students a historical view of the area. ~60 to 70 students and 6 – 7 chaperones.

2. Tommy Mariner, ACHS, to allow students to attend orientation at Navy Submarine Base in Kings Bay, GA Feb. 29 – Mar. 4, 2009. 30 students and 3 chaperones.

3. Paul Brown, ACHS, to allow winter guard to perform in championship finals at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, NC Mar. 28, 2009. 18 students and 4+ chaperones.

4. Stephanie Pridemore, CMS, to travel to Atlanta, GA to allow students to visit exhibits at civic center and museum Apr. 9, 2009. 100 students and 10 chaperones.

D. Professional Leave

1. Kathy Strunk, Central Office, to attend Tennessee Math Science Education Center conference Feb. 19-20, 2009.

2. Rhonda Phillips, Clinton High School, to serve on TCAP Writing Assessment Scoring Committee in Nashville, TN Feb. 26 – 27, 2009.

3. Shelly Scarbrough, Shelia Bolden, Head Start, to attend training to earn Family Support credentials in Asheville, NC Mar. 3 – 5, 2009.

4. Terri Ferry, Central Office, to attend Student Discipline Institute in Nashville Feb.16 – 18, 2009.

5. Nicole Lockard, Norwood Elementary School, to attend TCAP Item Content Review in Nashville, Feb. 18 – 19, 2009.

6. Margaret Burrell, Central Office, to attend food safety meeting in Nashville, TN Feb. 19, 2009.

7. Change in date due to weather – Shelly Scarbrough and Shelia Bolden, Head Start, from Dec. 8 – 10, 2008 to Feb. 10 – 12, 2009.

8. Cynthia Ward, CHS, to attend TNTESOL Conference in Franklin, TN Mar. 5 – 7, 2009.

9. Pat Lynch, Central Office, to attend Student Discipline and Alternative Education Institute in Nashville, TN Feb. 17 – 18, 2009.

10. Larry Foster, Chuck Puglisi, Central Office, to attend and complete Professional Academy for Supervisors in Nashville, TN Feb. 23 – 24, 2009.

11. Larry Pierce, Larry Foster, Central Office, to attend and chair TASPA Spring Meeting in Burns, TN Mar. 4 – 6, 2009.

12. Linda Davis, Ben Barrington, Sarah Ray, Debbie Hawk, Ginger Leach, Sara Idzik, Justin Nivens, Clinton High School, Bob Stokes, April Meyers, Caleb Tipton, Clinton Middle School, to attend Re-energizing High Schools that Work implementation in Atlanta, GA Mar 5 – 6, 2009.

13. Buddy Crass, Dana Early, Jennifer Goins, Stacey Griffith, Tricia Jones, ACCTC to attend Love and Logic seminar in Atlanta, GA Mar. 18 – 19, 2009.

14. Travis Hutcheson, Deborah Hawk, Clinton High School, to attend SCOPE conference in Nashville, TN Mar. 10, 2009.

15. Darren Leach, Mark Gibson, Joel Dahle, Clinton Middle School, to attend TCI training in Denver, CO Mar. 7 – 14, 2009.

16. Darren Leach, Mark Gibson, Joel Dahle, Clinton Middle School, to attend PCM training in Sunrise, FL Apr. 26 – May 2, 2009.

17. V. L. Stonecipher, Central Office, to attend Day on the Hill in Nashville, TN Feb. 23 - 24, 2009.

6:42 PM EXECUTIVE APPROVAL (for information only)

A. Field Trips

1. Buddy Crass and Phil Warfield, ACCTC, to chaperone students at the National Farm Machinery Show in Louisville, KY Feb. 10 – 12, 2009. 6 students and 3 chaperones.

2. Richard McAnulty, CHS, to chaperone All State East Senior Clinic Bands in Gatlinburg, TN Feb. 5 – 7, 2009. 4 students and 2 chaperones.

B. Professional Leave

1. Travis Freeman and Todd Samples, ACHS, to attend the Educators Workshop (Marines) in Paris Island, SC Jan. 13 – 16, 2009.

2. Lee Ann Eaves, Grand Oaks Elementary School, to attend Southeast Regional Leadership Conference in Montgomery, AL Jan. 30, 2009.

3. Larry Foster, Central Office, to attend CTE Director’s meeting in Nashville, Feb. 2 – 3, 2009.

4. Dana Early and Cindy Robinson, ACCTC, to attend staff development seminar in Atlanta, GA, Feb. 5, 2009.

5. Terri Gilbert, Clinton High School, to attend Southeast Leadership Conference for NEA in Montgomery, AL Jan. 30, 2009.

Motion by Jo Williams and seconded by Greg Crawford to approve the consent agenda. Motion carried.


A.  Resolution Affirming Appointed Superintendents



Affirming Appointed Superintendents

WHEREAS, The appointment of school superintendents was the cornerstone of the Education Improvement Act of 1992, patterning school governance after the business model, with elected school boards responsible for setting policy and board-appointed chief executive officers in charge of day-to-day administration of schools; and

WHEREAS, the Education Improvement Act and the appointment of superintendents have provided greater flexibility at the local level to operate schools and made school systems more accountable for results, and

WHEREAS, the appointment of superintendents provides a broader pool of qualified candidates and removes residency limitations, allowing the selection to be based solely on professional qualifications and leadership skills rather than the political savvy of only those individuals living in a particular district and willing to run for office, and

WHEREAS, the appointed superintendent is accountable to the board of education and may be replaced for failure to achieve the standards and goals established by the local board and the state; and

WHEREAS, the appointment of the superintendent ensures cooperation and a common vision with the board of education to improve student achievement and overall school performance; and

WHEREAS, history in Tennessee has shown that most elected superintendents are voted out of office after one term – just around the time the school systems, students and the community can begin to benefit from their increased knowledge and experience; and

WHEREAS, only three states in the entire country (Alabama, Florida, and Mississippi) continue to participate in the outdated practice of electing school superintendents, electing less than one percent of the more than 15,000 superintendents in the United States; and

WHEREAS, the Tennessee General Assembly will undoubtedly continue to face pressure to revert to elected superintendents, particularly from some local funding bodies reluctant to increase education funding and improve school system budgets and frustrated with the lead advocacy roles of appointed superintendents;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Anderson County Board of Education encourages the Tennessee General Assembly to place the interest of students above any other by recognizing the value of appointed superintendents and rejecting any attempt to revert to superintendent elections.


Motion by Jo Williams and seconded by Peggy Hayes to adopt the resolution affirming the appointment of superintendents. Motion carried.

B.  Motion by Glenda Langenberg and seconded by Jo Williams to approve Sue Voskamp as a member of the Negotiation Team. Motion carried.

C.  Motion by Dail Cantrell and seconded by Rickey Rose to define a “local applicant” in the search for a director of schools as an employee of Anderson County Schools. Motion carried.

D.  Motion by Glenda Langenberg and seconded by Jo Williams to approve the internal advertisement for director of schools as presented by Larry Pierce for posting on our website. Motion carried.

E.  Glenda Langenberg withdrew her motion calling for a local area search for the director of schools position that was tabled at the January 29, 2009 special called meeting.


B.  Motion by Peggy Hayes and seconded by Greg Crawford to approve the 2009-2010 school calendar as presented. Motion carried.