Meeting Called to Order at 7:05 am, followed by prayer and the pledge of allegiance

Members Present: Eric Fulton, Bill Genthe, Al Dalbec, Fr. Greg Pawloski, Darren Butler, Terry Fulton, Loras Baumhover, Bob Engles, Leroy Able, Jim Florence, John Crotty, John Collins, Duane Weninger. Guests: Barb Billesbach, Nancy Fuller

Corrections to Minutes: None. The October meeting minutes were approved.

Chaplain’s Report: Father Greg shared some reflections on the presentation of the Blessed Mother.

Barb Billesbach and Nancy Fuller requested the council’s assistance with a fundraising breakfast for the TeamMates mentoring program. Their proposed date is January 24th and the proposed location is the Halligan Center. They will cover the cost of supplies and advertising, and can provide workers. The council voted in support of the breakfast. Bob Engles volunteered his team to chair the project.

Treasurer’s Report: Al Dalbec

Scholarship Fund $1417.83

RSVP Fund $ 808.27

Funeral Benefit Fund $ 400.03

Project Moses $1584.00

One Rose One Life $ 10.00

CD $1036.10

Checking Account $ 608.74

TOTAL $5864.97

Financial Secretary’s Report: Darren Butler


50/50 Raffle $97.00

October/November Breakfasts $706.81



Boy Scout donation $100.00

Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen Foundation $30.00

Annual liability insurance $275.00

Council supplies $9.20

October/November breakfast supplies $186.11


We are current with no outstanding bills to the state and/or Supreme. I did receive a letter from Supreme Secretary last week on the Culture of Life Fund. No surprise since we were under the assumption that this fund would be continued when they announced the formation of it this past year. We will be looking into exactly how we would like to support this fund within the next couple of months.

There are currently no reports due anytime soon either. We will be working on membership dues soon with the letters going out the first part of December.

Membership Report: Jerry Bulmer was absent. We are at 0 new members for 2009-2010. Our quota is 7. We are at 100% of our insurance quota of 3.

Right to Life Report: John Crotty sadly reported that the University of Nebraska Board of Regents failed to pass the resolution to limit embryonic stem cell research. Our regent, Jim McClurg, was the deciding vote, and voted against the resolution, which resulted in a 4-4 tie.

Evangelization Report: Bill Fulton was not present.

Field Agent’s Report: John Stoeckinger was not present.

District Deputy’s Report: Bernard Burenheide was not present.


-  The council received a thank you card from Jeanine Crotty for the memorial mass. John Crotty made a motion that the expenses for the memorial mass be paid by the council. Bob Engles seconded the motion. Jim Florence has the bills for roses and pies, the total is less than $100. The vote passed.

-  The council received a letter from the Mid America Council of the Boy Scouts of America, in appreciation for our donation of $100 to the Little Sioux Scout Ranch.

-  The council received a thank you letter from Catholic Social Services in appreciation for our donation of $200 to the CSS Golf Classic.

-  The council received a thank you letter from the Archbishop Fulton John Sheen Foundation in appreciation for our donation of $30 for the purchase of books for seminarians.

-  The council received a thank you from seminarian Ben Rynearson for our support through the RSVP program.

-  The council received a letter from General Agent Doug Pfeifer, recognizing our Field Agent, John Stoeckinger, as Agent of the Month for October 2009. He has won the award three months in a row.

Old Business:

-  Project Moses: the monument will arrive in late November.

-  Holiday Dinner: Date has been set for Monday, December 7th from 5:00-7:30 at the Family Connection. The menu is roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, dinner roll, pumpkin bars, coffee/tea/water/kool-aid. Susan Mann is ordering the food and Eric Fulton is printing tickets. Jim Florence will work on advertising. Next committee meeting is Monday, November 23 at 7:00 at the Halligan Center.

-  Keep Christ in Christmas: we will be selling the Christmas cards during the next few weeks. A table will be set up in the church basement. Jim Florence will make an announcement at masses this weekend.

-  The council received a letter from seminarian Wesley Skillett. He plans to travel to the Holy Land in May 2010, and is asking for prayers and monetary support. The trip will cost $2500 and he is asking for $100 or whatever the council can offer. The council voted to not provide any financial support at this time.

New Business:

-  Altar boys trip: Eric Fulton proposed a Nebraska basketball game. Saturday home games on Dec. 12th and 19th, and Jan. 2. Tickets are $6. Group discount (25+) of $2.00 per ticket. Darren Butler made a motion that the council pay for tickets for altar boys, but chaperones and others who are not altar boys will have to cover the cost of their tickets. Duane Weninger seconded the motion. The vote passed. Jim Florence will chair the event.

-  KofC supreme council is offering for sale a new chasuble and stole for council chaplains. The cost is $150. The council decided not to order one at this time.

-  Christmas matins will be Dec. 14-19 at 7:30 am. The full schedule was emailed to all members. We are hosting on Tuesday, Dec. 15th. Terry Fulton proposed that we serve coffee and rolls afterward in the church basement. He offered to cover the expenses.

-  We will be helping assemble artificial Christmas trees for sale at St. Francis Gift & Thrift immediately after the meeting.

-  Thanksgiving mass this Wednesday evening, Nov. 25th, with a social afterward including pie and drinks.

-  Free Throw Challenge: Duane Weninger has ordered the kit. He is arranging to reserve the high school gym on Dec. 20 at 2:00 pm.

Action Items: reviewed with no changes.

Good of the Order: Loras Baumhover won the 50/50 raffle.

Prayer for Vocations, meeting adjourned