
·  Map of Europe, and parts of Asia and Africa

·  Armies: represented by coloured squares of paper

·  Missiles: map tacks of various colours; missiles range from 1 to 5 stages

·  Devastation Patches: squares of white paper

The Board

·  The entire map is divided into coloured regions of five types:

o  Capital Cities—Yellow

o  Industrial—Red

o  Agricultural—Green

o  Mountains—Black

o  Non-productive—Brown

·  Regions are said to be adjoining if they have a common land boundary or are connected by a dotted line across water.

Object of the Game

·  The object of the game is to occupy as many regions as possible--each region centered on a capital—join his armies and attempt to capture and defeat enemy armies. As players will see, the more regions they occupy the more armies they can lay down.

To Begin the Game

·  Each player chooses a set of armies of one particular colour.

·  Players pick a number out of a bag to determine the order of play.

·  Each player in turn selects a capital city.

·  Once each player has chosen a capital city, the order of choosing is reversed if there are enough cities left to complete a whole round. This procedure continues until there are too few cities left to complete another round. Any remaining capitals are available for occupation during the normal course of the game.

·  As each capital is chosen, that player places one army on that city.

·  The player, who had first choice of a capital, will be the first aggressor.

Building Empires

·  Any empire begins with a capital city, and player may end up with more than one capital. When it is a player’s turn to be the aggressor, he takes his allowed number of armies and lays them down on empty and adjoining areas to his capital. Players take armies according to the areas already occupied by that player. The values of occupied territory are as follows:

·  Each Capital: One army

·  For every 2 Industrial: One army

·  For every 3 Agricultural: One army

·  For every other territory: No armies

·  Armies raised in one empire may not be used in another. Odd industrial or agricultural regions from one empire cannot be added together with odd regions from another empire. Players may only count all regions together when the empires are joined. If an empire is split by enemy action, it becomes two or more separate

·  Empires, and must be treated as such.

Laying Down Armies

·  Armies only may be laid down only as follows:

·  on land already occupied by the player;

·  on vacant land adjoining to that which is already occupied by the player.

·  All armies must be laid down at the beginning of a player’s turn. Any number of armies may be laid down on any appropriate region.

Transferring Armies

·  An army is “laid down” at the time it is acquired, but any subsequent movement is deemed a transfer. An army or armies may be transferred only to a vacant adjoining region. Players cannot transfer al their armies to another region, as at least one must be left to occupy that region. Transfers can be made at any time during a player’s turn.

Method of Attack

·  Attacks are made after an aggressor has laid down his allocation of armies. [Players should attack from a region he has occupied with a number or armies.] Players must declare which region he is attacking, and from which region they will launch the attack.

·  The aggressor takes a die and secretly selects a number on it, which is not greater than the number of armies on the attacking region and covers the die with an upturned cup, or box, or the like He then calls upon the defender to guess the number chosen. [An interesting variation is for the aggressor to secretly roll the dice and cover the rolled number. It can be made a house rule whether or not the aggressor has to tell the defender if the number was placed or rolled.]

·  If the defender guesses the number correctly, the aggressor must remove that number of armies from the attacking region. If the defender guesses incorrectly, one army must be removed from the defending region.

·  Any number of attacks may be made during the aggressor’s turn. If a successful attack leaves a region vacant, the aggressor must move a number of armies into that region. The number of armies must equal the last number shown on the die.

·  Having conquered a region and having occupied it with a number of armies, an aggressor may attack another adjoining region from the newly occupied region, if the aggressor so desires.

Special Rules of Attack

·  When attacking a capital, the aggressor may not select the number 1.

·  When attacking a mountain region, the aggressor only may select numbers 1, 2, or 3.

·  When attacking across water, the aggressor must allow the defender two guesses at the number originally selected on the die.

·  If the aggressor breaks any of the special rules, the aggressor loses all armies in the region in the attacking region.

·  No suicide attacks are allowed: attacks using one or two armies against a capital or across water.

·  End of an Aggression

·  Players may end their turns as the aggressor at any time they choose. Players only are forced to end their turns as aggressor if all possibilities of action are exhausted.

Gaining and Laying Down Missiles

·  At the end of an aggression, players must convert captured armies into missiles. One captured army becomes a 1-stage missile, two become two stage missiles…up to five stage missiles.

·  As missiles are obtained, they must be placed on a region occupied by the aggressor in the empire in which the missiles were obtained.

·  The missiles will stay on the chosen site until the missile until exploded.

·  Only one missile is allowed on any single region.

·  If a region containing a missile is captured, the player capturing the missile becomes the new owner.

·  If a captured missile is larger than a 1-stage missile, it must be converted into a 1-stage missile.

·  A missile cannot be launched during the turn in which it is captured.

Launching Missiles

·  Players may launch missiles while they are aggressors, but not at the end of the turn in which they captured a missile.

·  The range of the missile determines where the aggressor may explode a missile.

·  A 1-stage missile may be moved from its site to any adjoining region, and there may be exploded.

·  A 2-stage missile may be moved two regions from its base before detonation…and so on up to a 5-stage missile.

·  A missile is fired when an aggressor declares: “I shall explode this missile on [Names the region].”

·  Missiles are launched only at the end of the aggressor’s turn.

Effects of Firing a Missile

·  When a missile has been exploded on a region, that region and all adjoining regions are said to be devastated.

·  All armies are removed from a devastated region and a devastation patch [square of white paper] is placed on all devastated regions, becomes wasteland, and loses all of its region value.

·  There is no way to restore wasteland to its former colour value.

·  Mountains are not affected and still function as mountain regions.

·  If a region within a devastated area contains another missile, this missile also explodes, and all adjoining regions are also devastated. This is called a chain reaction and may affect several missiles.

End of the Game

·  A game ends when one player has annihilated all the armies of the opposition.


·  When a player is so weakened that his empire can no longer raise any armies, that player is defeated and must capitulate. When this state occurs the defeated player’s armies must be removed from the map and that player must retire after his turn.

Additional Rules

·  If a region with a missile on it has no armies on it at the end of a player’s turn, the missile must be removed.

·  If a player’s empire is split and one section of it is so weakened that it can no longer raise an army, the player has until the end of that player’s next turn to re-connect his empire. If the player is unable to do so, the weakened sections will have all armies removed. The player may or may not fire any missiles under this section, as long as all other rules are followed.

·  Secret Alliance and Agreements may be formed between two or more players. The strength of such agreements is as strong as secret alliances and agreements are in real life. Beware.