Ali Lines

ED 608

Dr. Helms



Our Heritage of American Folk Songs Vol.3 Songs of the Railroad and Civil War

This set of 3 videocassettes combines folk music, narration and the landscape of the time of the 3 distinct eras in this country’s history. This will give the children insight into the culture, land and heroes of the past time in which certain events occurred. The children will be able to see the diversity which occurred in the land. I think it will be very beneficial for the children to listen to the difference in the music of the past and the music in which they listen to.

Cost: $179.95

Living at Plymouth Colony

This videotape shows the hard life that the immigrants had who settled at Plymouth. This tape shows what the houses and activities consisted of as well as the agricultural needs of the settlers. This will allow the students to see how different the life of the colonials were from their own.

Cost: $95.00

Charlie Brown: This is America Series

This set of 7 videocassettes mixes historic photographs and film footage along with cartoon sequences. The topics include the Mayflower Voyagers, The Birth of the Constitution and The Great Inventors. This will allow the children to relate often hard to understand topics to their favorite cartoon characters.

Cost: $99.00

Economics: The Production , Distribution, and Consumption of Goods and Services

This set of 5 videocassettes, 21 photocopy masters and guides introduces children to the concepts of economics. The tapes deal with resources, money, needs and wants, producing and consuming. They are all brief and contain maps and charts to illustrate. One of the tapes tours the assembly line of the U.S mint. It will be good for the children to see where money actually comes from.

Cost: $425.00

Enrichment Books
American Indians: True Books

This set of 5 books explores the life in each of 5 Indian tribes. The kids will enjoy the vivid pictures and reading about the traditional ceremonies, crafts, foods, houses and religion of each tribe.

Cost: $33.00

Library of American Landmarks – including Ellis Island

This set of 6 hardback books will expose the children to American Landmarks including the first part of America that many immigrants saw – Ellis Island. There is easy to understand narrative along with color pictures. The historical perspective is also discussed.

Cost: $ 68.70

Computer Programs

Travelrama USA

This CD-ROM is a game in which the children are on a scavenger hunt around the country searching for “postcards” with places of historical interest. The children must budge their miles by finding the shortest routes between destinations. The children will learn their American Geography.

Cost: $19.95

Diorama Designer

This CD-ROM is a program that helps students design original three-dimensional dioramas on the computer and then print and assemble them. Two of the four topics possible are Native Americans and Colonial America. These are both topics we will be covering and this will help the “non-creative” students make a realistic model of houses, villages, etc. in those times.

Cost: $79.95

Teaching and Learning Supplemental Books

A Guide to American’s Indians: Ceremonials, Reservations and Museums

This paperback book will be a guide to American Indians for myself, the teacher. It shares ways to connect class discussions to actual artifacts and Native Americans. This will also give me additional information on tribes as well as ideas for field trips for the class or expert speakers.

Cost: $19.95

Curriculum Unit – Content Area Reading-Social Studies

This set of 60 booklets can be used as an aid to a specific grade level social studies curriculum. It includes booklets on 6 topics including Earliest People, Colonial Times and Expanding Horizons. Each short booklet tells the story of a certain concept. This is excellent for low readers or those who need additional help in a topic area.

Cost: $179.00

Learning Activities

United States History Charts

This complete set of 8 charts includes two sets of charts that address major topics in U.S. history. There are timelines, color coated charts and background information that could help the children further understand their units.

Cost: $30.00

Colonial America

This set of 3 posters include maps and images of different American Colonies. The posters convey historical background and information on how people lived and worked and the key differences amongst settlements. This will benefit the child who is a visual learner.

Cost: $15.95

Fun Activities in American History

This resource kit consists of 15 exercises that provide practical activities related to American History. The activities include History Bowl Quiz Games, State Nickname Puzzles, Word Searches and Map Activities. These activities can be used to break up lectures or check knowledge in a certain area. The kids will think that these activities are fun learning.

Cost: $8.95