Español 2

Teacher: Seora OrtizRoom: 128/130



Phone: 914-257-5800

Course Description:In Level 2, students will continue to be actively involved in the language and culture. Skills from Level 1 are further developed to a higher proficiency level. In the Level 2 course, we will develop additional themes using more complex structures (interpersonal, interpretative, and presentational).The course meets every day and will create a solid foundation for success towards Spanish 3.

Required Texts:Así se dice 2, Glencoe, 2012 textbook. Online textbook/workbook. (

Student Responsibilities: Students are to arrive on time to class. They should be in their seats and be ready to work when the bell rings. They are not to bring food and drinks into the classroom.

Materials: Students are expected to have all materials with them in class. This includes textbook, workbook, notebook, pens/pencils and flashcards.

Grading Policy: Grades will be computed based on homework, class participation, class work, quizzes, compositions, orals, tests and projects using a total point system.

Here is an idea of what to expect:

Homework = 0-3 Points Daily (depending upon completion of assignment)

Tests = 100 Points (Tests are given at the end of each unit and include listening, reading, grammar and writing)

Projects = 50-100 Points

Quizzes/compositions/orals = 10-100 Points (Quizzes and compositions are given on a weekly basis and will adhere to the topic being studied that week)

Participation = 15 Points(weekly = 3 points per day / Students must arrive to class with all necessary listed materials above as well as be on time and prepared to begin when the bell rings including taking part in daily discussions without being disruptive)

Attendance: Student absences will be dealt with according to the district attendance policy. It is the students’ responsibility to be aware of all work, assignments, etc. given during their absence.

Homework Policy: Homework is a helpful component of the course and will influence the oral and class participation grade. Students will complete homework assignments on time. They will receive a zero for all missed homework. In case of an excused absence, the assignment is due the next day. Time will be extended for missed assignments depending on the length of the absence.

Make-Up Policy: If students miss a quiz or a test due to a legal absence, they will have 3 days to make it up upon returning to school. If a student cuts class, the student will receive a zero for that day’s work and will not be able to make up any missed quizzes or tests.

Extra help: Extra help sessions are available by appointment.

Please sign and return this portion:

Student & Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement:

We have thoroughly read the above document. We understand what is expected of the students in this class. We are aware that the best way to earn a passing grade is to fully participate in class, do all of the assignments and submit all work on time.

Date ______

Student’s PRINTED name ______

Student’s signature ______

Date ______

Parent’s/Guardian’s signature ______