NUS BusinessSchool
Department of Marketing
BMA5533Marketing in the Digital Age
Lecturer:Haresh Khoobchandani
Phone: (65) 68888660
Session:Semester I, 2011/2012
Venue:To be confirmed
This course is about Marketing in the Digital Age. There has never been a more exciting time to be in marketing than now – where on one hand opportunities are aplenty whilst at the same time the need to reinvent and adapt is paramount to staying relevant as a marketer. This course will provide students with a real world view of marketing in this age – separating how they need to think about Marketing in the Digital Age from Digital Marketing – a common area of confusion amongst marketers today. The course starts with providing a quick recap of the basic principles of marketing. Following that I will cover some of the macroeconomic changes taking place and the broader consumer trends emerging that’s changing how consumer socialize, live and behave. The underlying factor driving this change in both the environment and consumers is technology. We will cover the increasing role technology is playing and introduce a framework that will allow marketers today to evolve their thinking of marketing from Communications (from where it stands today) to Conversations (where we need to be). I will introduce a framework that will allow students to think about marketing in the digital age – a real world framework that allows them to become more relevant in how they think about Insights to Engagement to Campaigns to Acquisitions and finally to Advocacy. I will introduce the new online tools that will equip students with a good understanding of how they measure impact of marketing. The course will also cover Social Media – friend or foe and introduce students to in depth insights into social media and its application to marketing in the digital age. The course will also cover several real world case studies on the application of the framework and how both old and new forms of marketing need to co-exist.
Marketing in the Digital Age is a real challenge. Technology is evolving at such a rapid pace that marketers now more than ever must understand the evolution of marketing that technology is driving. Technology in itself is democratizing the brand and putting control in the hands of consumers. Moving from Communications to Conversations is a transition that marketers must understand and ensure they are equipped to do. This course will provide students with deep insight into this shift, help them become more relevant real world marketing practitioners and at the same time, help them understand how to operationalize this in their organizations.
30% group project (which you will explain in class)
20% cases analysis
50% final quiz
You can reach me any time by email () or 68888660.
I graduated from the University of Stirling receiving an MBA with Distinction. I started my career in the service industry as a Flight Steward for 18 months before embarking as an entrepreneur. Following a short but successful stint, I than went on to do work in retail and distribution across a 4 year period where I led buying and operations in a large retail organization and in distribution, I developed the first profitable business model between a traditional IT distributor (Tech Pacific – now Ingram Micro) and a large format consumer electronics store (Courts Singapore). The experiences led me to my next role in Microsoft where I have worked for the last 14 years. My career spans from the dawn of reviving a fledgling consumer business to running mainstream business across the Windows and Office franchise. In the course of doing so, I have achieved both sales and marketing experiences working in subsidiary and regional leadership roles winning various accolades thru the years. I am a qualified coach and presently sit on the SCS Exco as their Hon Secretary, on the Singapore Poly Board of Advisors to the School of IT and Nanyang Poly Board of Advisors to their School of IT. I have completed an executive course at the Harvard Business School on Leading Change and Organizational Renewal.
/ Topic of Discussion / Cases to Prepare[1]/ Research Articles[2]1 / Principles of Marketing
Macroeconomic & Consumer Trends
2 / Marketing in the Digital Age:
Communications to Conversations
3 / The Marketing Framework:
From Insights to Advocacy-Part I
4 / The Marketing Framework:
From Insights to Advocacy-Part II
5 / Case Study 1 / The Microsoft Example:
The Launch of Windows 7
6 / Social Media: Friend or Foe?
7 / Case Study II
The list of topics is not exhaustive, but is wide enough to cover a broad spectrum of issues typically faced by Marketing Directors in a company. The topics will cover strategy, brand management, agency role, role of PR, and building an influencer strategy. There will be several more case studies that will be presented in the course of the discussions.
Students are strongly encouraged to tell about their own industry experiences with respect to marketing strategy. They are also encouraged to talk about interesting and relevant bits of information they may have access to in other countries.
BMA5533 Future of Marketing in the Digital Age1
Semester I, 2011/2012, Haresh Khoobchandani
[1]Cases are team-based. Submit the case reports before the beginning of the class-concerned. Read all the cases thoroughly, but you need to prepare a 2-page report only for those cases in bold-face. During case discussion in the class, I will ask any team randomly to lead the discussion.
[2] I will give a list of articles sometime in February.