Religion: Chapter 6, Key Issue 4
Why Do Territorial Conflicts Arise Among Religious Groups?
Rubenstein, pp. 195-203.
1. In what ways did the Taliban government of Afghanistan raise conflicts with Western/modern ideas
after it took control of the country in 1996?
2. What aspect of Hinduism has clashed with Western/modern ideas?
3. What western groups criticized this aspect of Hinduism? Why?
4. How has the Indian government responded to the criticism?
5. In Russia/Soviet Union, how did each of the following attempt to limit the influence of religion,
specifically the Eastern Orthodox Church?
a. Czar Peter the Great
b. Communism
6. What happened, and is continuing to happen, in each of the following regions of the Russian Empire/Soviet Union since the fall of communism in the 1990s? Complete the table below by adding 3 more countries to each category and then describing what is going on at the present time in that region.
Historic Catholic Regions / Historic Muslim RegionsCroatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Lithuania / Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan
7. How were the Vietnam War and Communist regimes detrimental to Buddhism in Southeast Asia?
8. Define fundamentalism.
9. Fundamentalism is increasing in the world and its growth contributes to conflicts. Why is it increasing?
10. Describe the religious regional make-up of Ireland, and why this has led to conflict in Ireland.
11. Describe the Irish Republic Army (IRA), its purpose and why it was formed.
12. What claims do each of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism have on the Palestine area which has led to conflict
over the area for over 2000 years?
13. Create a brief timeline below outlining Jews vs. Muslims in Palestine since WWI.
14. Define each of the following terms as it applies to the Palestinian conflict:
a. Camp David Accords
b. Palestinians
c. West Bank
d. Palestinian Liberation Front (PLO)
e. Fatah
f. Hamas
g. Green Line Border (p. 202)
15. The ultimate obstacle to comprehensive peace in the Middle East is ______.
As long as any one religion--______, ______or ______---maintains
exclusive ______over Jerusalem, the other religious groups will not be satisfied.