The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to help create an environment which will enable students to develop their educational potential. Teachers and students both have responsibilities which should be fulfilled and rights which should be respected.

Together they can develop an atmosphere which encourages productivity and the achievement of worthwhile learning outcomes.

The Code of Conduct for Glen Eira College is based on the belief that all College members have a right to learn and work in an environment that is safe, secure and stable and which meets their needs to develop individual skills and abilities at all stages of their school life. It is understood that rights and responsibilities are inseparable.

Glen Eira College is committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment for all its students, including LGBTI students.

We promote respect, diversity and tolerance at Glen Eira College, and people from all walks of life and cultural backgrounds are welcome.

In particular we:

  • promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
  • promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of students from culturally and/or linguistically diverse backgrounds
  • promote the cultural safety, participation and empowerment of LGBTI students
  • ensure that students with a disability are safe and can participate equally.


All students, regardless of their gender, race, religious beliefs, age, disability, sexual orientation, or family or social background, have equal rights to protection from abuse.

The Principal, Assistant Principals and the Student Wellbeing Leader are responsible for leading the development of a culture of child safety and are the first point of call for concerns regarding student safety.

We want students to be safe and empowered. We have zero tolerance of child abuse, and all allegations and safety concerns will be treated seriously. If a student has any concerns at any time about their safety or the safety of others they are encouraged to speak to a teacher they trust to assist them obtain the support they need to ensure their safety.

There are many people that can help including outside school, some suggestions include:

  • visit eHeadspace (which provides an online and a 9am-1am telephone support service) or 1800 650 850
  • call KidsHelp Line on 1800 55 1800 or visit for 24 hour support
  • call or visit your local police station or call 000.
  • Talk to your doctor, psychologist, social worker, welfare officer, or another trusted adult.
Rights / Responsibilities
  1. The right to a positive learning environment in all classes and learning areas.
/ 1.The responsibility to be punctual and
cooperative to ensure that lessons proceed and students may work without interruption.
  1. The right to be secure and to be treated with respect, politeness and understanding.
/ 2. The responsibility to treat others with respect, politeness and understanding and to display mutual respect to teachers/staff/community.
  1. The right to be treated fairly and equally irrespective of race, gender, beliefs, age, sexuality, health or economic circumstances.
/ 3. The responsibility to treat others fairly and equally irrespective of race, gender, beliefs, age, sexuality, health and economic circumstances.
  1. The right to be safe and healthy in an orderly and well conducted school environment.
/ 4. The responsibility to observe College rules and to behave in a way which will not physically or otherwise threaten or endanger oneself or others. This includes the responsibility to use materials and equipment safely and to report any defective equipment, buildings or fittings.
  1. The right for one’s personal belongings to be safe.
/ 5. The responsibility not to steal, damage or destroy the property of others; to hand in any items which are found and to follow any rules which are designed to protect people’s belongings.
  1. The right to spend time at school in pleasant, clean and well-maintained buildings and grounds.
/ 6. The responsibility to care for the school environment by keeping grounds and buildings neat and clean, and to correctly dispose of litter.
  1. The right to expect the local community to support, respect and have pride in the College.
/ 7. The responsibility to behave and dress in such a way that the community will respect the College.
  1. The right to participate in College decision-making via appropriate processes.
/ 8. The responsibility to make use of provided processes in a responsible and constructive fashion.
Glen Eira College considers that a positive approach to behaviour is desirable to foster a school climate within which personal responsibility and self discipline will be developed. / We are therefore committed to strategies that:
  • Give positive reinforcement
  • Build positive self concept
  • Develop respect for, and acknowledge differences between individuals
  • Encourage sharing, tolerance and compassion
  • Enhance and encourage parent-teacher contact
  • Are consistent and fair in applying logical forms of sanctions
  • Foster a community pride in the College

The following College Rules provide a framework in which they can be achieved:
College RulesStudents are expected to:
  • Behave in a responsible and safe manner at all times, obey reasonable staff instructions and allow other students to learn without interference
  • Respect personal property and the school environment
  • Comply with all College policies and procedures.
  • Wear the correct College uniform
  • Be punctual and correctly equipped for all classes.
  • Remain on College grounds unless prior permission to leave has been granted.
  • Be respectful at all times.
/ Possible Consequences of Breaches of Discipline
  • Verbal warning
  • Apology
  • Confiscation
  • Conduct/report card
  • Detention
  • Cleaning duties /Environment maintenance
  • Counselling
  • Community service
  • Removal of privileges
  • Signed agreements
  • Reparation
  • Banning or withdrawal from excursions or activities
  • Referral to YLC, Assistant Prin or Principal
  • Removal from normal classes
  • Contacting parents
  • Referral to appropriate agency or authority in-house and external to the school
  • Suspension
  • In school suspension
  • Expulsion
These consequences are only indicative of the kinds of sanctions which may be imposed and are not intended to be exhaustive or in any strict hierarchy.
Repeated offences may lead to progressively more serious consequences.
To assist in achieving the above behaviours:
1.Teachers should:
  • fully support the College’s policies, aims and code of conduct for the benefit of all students
  • continually evaluate teaching strategies
  • set a good example in all respects for students, inculcating respect for persons and property
  • provide adequate and appropriate supervision
  • encourage awareness and understanding and consistent observation of College rules
  • request advice and assistance when needed

2.Parents should:
  • fully support the College’s policies, aims and code of conduct for the benefit of all student.