Dear Partners,
Greetings from the Ankara University,
We are happy to announce our second “Erasmus Staff Training Week” that will take place onMay23-27, 2016.
This year we would like to emphasize how to become a “Green Office”? Let’s discuss suggested workplace practices. AU’s International Staff Training Week aims to provide a platform forthe exchange of knowledge, ideas and best practices regarding the“Green Office, Green Campus, Green Future” concept. There will beopportunities to network with colleagues from all over Europe,and also to discuss about the recent achievements of “Erasmus+”. During to staff week we invite you to discover traditional Anatolian life style, villages and museums.
Places are limited to 20 participants. Please send us an e-mail about your interest in participation to the following address () with the details of name, surname, sending university, gender and field of work.Each potential participant will receive a confirmation e-mail from us to login to our application tool and submit their application form online.
About Accommodation
Our University has a guesthouse located just next to our office, in the central (Tandoğan) Campus. The rooms are three-star hotel standards and there are 12 rooms available, each for two persons. The price for one person in a single room is 60 TRY (approx. €22 – excl. breakfast) and 100 TRY for two in double room. Just contact us from the above e-mail address for booking. Since the room capacity is limited, in case of exceeding the room capacity, we will be pleased to help you about booking in neighbouring hotels.First comes, first served
Detailed information and certain programme will be announced soon on our web site:
Please note that the application deadline is April15, 2016!We would very much appreciate if you share this information with potential participants.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us from ().
We look forward to seeing you at Ankara University,
Best Regards.
Prof.Dr.Sibel SÜZEN
Institutional Coordinator
ANKARA UNIVERSITY -International 2. Staff Week Preliminary ProgrammeGREEN OFFICE, GREEN CAMPUS, GREEN FUTURE
May23,2016 MONDAY / May 24,2016
TUESDAY / May 25,2016
WEDNESDAY / May 26,2016
THURSDAY / May 27,2016
09:00-10:00 / Registration + coffee / Green Campus Green Office Presentations of Participants / Presentation of ESN Ankara/Turkiye / BeypazarıVillage
City Tour
Within “Green Erasmus” concept planting tree to Memory Forest
Visit to traditional Turkish Silver jewelry shops
/ Visit to Anatolian civilization museum
10:00-11:00 / Welcome speech by
-Turkish National Agency
- AU Institutional Erasmus Coor. Prof. SibelSuzen
- Presentation of AU /
Visit to Ataturk’s Moseleum and museum / Good practice examples
From Participants / Closing Ceremony+ refreshments
12:00-14:00 / LUNCH / LUNCH / LUNCH
14:00-15:00 / Survival Turkish for Erasmus Staff / A.U Electronical documents system / City Tour
Kocatepe Mosque
Ankara Castle and Hamamönü
15:00-16:00 / Presentations of Participants / A.U Erasmus office Electronical documents system
16:00-17:00 / Ankara Trade Chamber –Consortium Experience
19:00 / Welcome Dinner / Dinner with departmental Erasmus coordinators
All Programme activities, meals (and serving Turkish tea) are free of charge