TK20 for Cooperating Teachers

TK20 is an online tool used the College of Education at Temple University to manage field experiences and track assessments and observations for our students in Teacher Preparation programs. For Spring 2013, Cooperating Teachers are invited, but not required, to utilize TK20 to complete and submit your midterm and final evaluation forms[1].

Completing the MidTerm and Final Evaluation Forms on TK20

1.  Login at using the username and password provided to you. Note: the first time you login, you will be prompted to change your password.

2.  Click on the “Field Experience” tab at the top of the screen

3.  Make sure you are in the section call “Assessments” and “Students I Assess” on the left-side menu.

4.  Click on the name of the student you wish to assess (redacted in the screenshot for privacy)

5.  The Assessment Binder opens. The left-side includes information about the binder and a place where students can upload materials to share with their Cooperating Teacher or Supervisor. The right-side includes the list of assessments available for you to complete. You can click and drag the line between the two sides to make more room.

6.  Click on the title of the assessment form to open it and enter information.

Saving and Submitting Your Work

1. To complete an assessment, locate it on the right side of the split screen and click on its name.

2. Once you click on the assessment tool name, it will populate the right side of the screen. Complete all fields as required.

3. Once you have finished all required fields, click Save. Once an assessment has been saved, the results will be visible to the Supervisors, administrators at the institution, as well as to the student.

4. Complete this process until you have finished all assessments. When you are finished with the last assessment tool, click Submit.

After you click Submit, the evaluations become locked, so be sure that they are complete!

Online tutorials:

Tk20 has step-by-step tutorials located by clicking Help in the upper right corner of the screen (except the login page). This will take you to a page where you may select the role that best describes you. Once you click on a role, you may view all resources available to that role by functionality.

A short online video is available at:

If you need additional assistance, contact Lori Bailey, Director of Information & Instructional Technology in the College of Education – (email preferred) or 215-204-6263.

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[1] These forms are also available for download/print at: Typed or hand-written copies may be submitted in lieu of online forms completed via TK20.