October 8, 2015

Present: J. Anaya, J. Ayala, M. Barrios, R. Bell, W. Cox, R. Davis, C. Fitzsimons, E. Geraghty, I. Graff, A. Grant, A. Hernandez, K. Holmes, P. Humphreys, C. Jeffries, T. Lew, G. Miranda, W. Morris, R. Murray, R. Natividad, A. Osanyinpeju, D. Patel, S. Pedrahita, B. Perez, V. Rapp, S. Rodriguez, J. Shankweiler, C. Striepe, K. Whitney

Other Guests:I. Reyes, J. Domingo (regular member going forward)

  1. Notes of 9/10/2015: minutes reviewed and approved with the following revisions:
  • IIE: P. HumphriesHumphreys

:JeffriesC. Jeffries

:A. Hernandez: “Twenty-five $1,000 scholarships awarded from Edison.”

:C. Fitzsimons: “Divisions completed approved independent study proposals

andcooperative order. The division approved independent study proposals

and cooperative work experience proposals.

:GrantA. Grant

  1. Introduction of Junior Domingo, Interim Athletic Director
  1. Academic Senate Report:C. Striepe provided an update:

The Collegial Consultation Survey was sent out; should get back in two weeks.Faculty Position ID meeting is today. Winter session dates were shared with the Senate: Jan 4 – Feb 6; CEC dates may be different.Ed policies: AP 5520 passed with small amendment; BP/AP 3540 passed with 2 nays and small amendment in language. Curriculum process is being evaluated for best practices. Faculty Development is working on award process and annual “Getting aJob” workshop. Book club is going strong and working with Professional Development. SLO assessment results improved dramatically. TracDat trainings continue. Russell Serr gave Program Review highlights. Academic technology: faculty can test laptops before final decision. Campus technology decision is coming up. Dr. Shankweiler spoke about these details and rise of Student Services Center. D. Patel sat in for Dr. Nishime and spoke about the SENSE survey. P. Marcouxwill chair next senate election. A. Sala gave presentation on Foundation scholarships. AIMS chairs spoke on campus endeavors.

  1. ASO Report: S. Pedrahita provided an update:

All senator positions filled; received over 40 applications. All divisions should have met senators by now. Business division has 10 senators (large division). October 14th is ASO“Follow-a-thon” (to get students to follow ECC on social media). ASO“Meet Your Senator” is at the end of October.Retreat is next week. Would like to have two Halloween events; hoping to have a maze in Activities Center asin the past. S. Pedrahita will look into having senators for Library and Counseling/Student Services.

  1. PBCReport: C. Fitzsimons provided an update:
  • PBC met on 10/1. The committee is focusing on self-evaluation. A performance feedback survey was drafted, discussed and revised to include communication and effectiveness of meetings, in addition to responsibilities of committee. Statement of Purpose went through second review; document includes goals and responsibilities of committee pertaining to planning and budgeting. Worked on yearly goals: to conduct college-wide evaluation of planning and budgeting process; review and endorse Master Plan to ensure supports ECC’s mission and strategic initiatives; evaluate achievable progress on strategic plan and strategic initiatives; develop information packet for new members; work to develop a common template for various constituency groups posting on the website.
  • R. Natividad: Happy to have students attend meetings consistently. PBC committee has a lot of temporary fill-ins.
  • I. Graff: Current Master Plan willexpire in 2017; hoping to develop current plan which is on hold until new President begins. Hoping to finalize by next fall. Some aspects will be revised and some will be completely new.
  1. Student Equity Plan Proposals: I. Reyes provided an update:
  • Referred to handout “Student Equity Plan 2015-16 Request for Funding”. Chancellor’s Office designed a form that must be submitted when requesting funds, but many find it overwhelming. I. Reyes created this form to get the main idea of activity for funding; Student Equity office will contact the requestor afterward for more details. One request form should be completed per activity. Each activity must be aligned with a success indicator. Student Equity office can help identify which indicators apply. I. Reyes reviewed each section that is to be filled out by requestor of funds; emphasized on page 2, parts II and III. I. Reyes uses this to help draft the executive summary.
  • The actual report on the 2014-15 funds will not need to be completed until January, but will look for what is left over. Activities for this fall (2015) are paid with old money ($1.4 million). Leftover funds may be given to another institution rather than giving back to state. This proposal is for spring, summer and fall (because ECC will have until next December to spend this new money); I. Reyes was informedECC will receive 70% more than what was received last year.
  • J. Shankweiler notedI. Reyes is working on two proposals: last year’s wrap up and the upcoming year. Need to find out what courses have highest enrollment of African American students. I. Reyes received new data from IRP that will be analyzed to filter courses that have at least 15-20% African Americans who have had a D, F, or No Pass. Eventually, I. Reyes hopes to do the same for Latino students; she is attending a conference to better understand how to help the Latino students, as focus since inception has been on African American students. Program needs more faculty involvement. J. Shankweiler reported needing these proposals by next week Wednesday for Board approval. I. Reyes will include C. Striepe and C. Jeffries to ensure proposals are ready for the November 12th meeting. Senate meeting is November 17th, will ask for comments and feedback between 11/17-12/2, SEP plan will then need ASOPresident approval. Plan needs to be finalized by December 7thto get Board approved by 12/14. Electronic copies of these documents and data will be sent to council members tomorrow. Need to do more data analysis on other programs (DSPS, Foster Youth, and Veterans) to see if there is inequity. Goal is to have an equity mindset as an institution.
  • B. Perez reported having a separate plan for CEC: one requirement of the plan is that all student programs must be incorporated in the plan: Student Equity, Student Success, EOPS, MESA, DSPS, and Foster Youth. B. Perez does not have current enrollment data; only has CUE data from USC. Previously, physically visited classrooms to gather data. Marci in IRP is working on ECC student equity data; Jessica from CEC should be involved in that process.
  • T. Lew confirmed: 15%+ African American enrollment; 44% lack of success.
  • “Attachment A” document states thedos and don’ts of the use of student equity funds.

*CEC Report:R.Murray provided an update:

Career day is today. R. Murray reported working on SLO assessments and evaluations for fall. R. Bell reported partnering with Compton Unified School District for Early College Program; 117 9th graders will visit campus next week.In the first two years, instructors will be sent to the high school; next two years, students will come to campus. If ECC wants to do the same, B. Perez recommends an Early College set-up instead of a high school set-up. May not be able to accommodate other interested districts. Overall, students are having positive experience. C. Striepe reported CEC had active shooter training. October 17 isCampus Beautification day; free t-shirts and free lunch.

  1. AP 4040: C. Striepe provided an update:

Proposing to remove #10. Committee is not getting faculty buy-in and is a duplication of another policy. Ed Policy already approved it. C. Striepe noted #7 can also be withdrawn, as is a duplication of #6.

  1. SSSP: M. Barrios & D. Patel provided an update:
  • SSSP began as a result of recommendations (22 within 8 areas) put forth by the Student Success Task Force. These recommendations became the Student Success Act of 2012. SSSP addresses only a few of these recommendations, which have been bolded on the handout “Student Success & Support Program (SSSP) Update”. Several other initiatives taking place to address other recommendations. Big push to integrate resources; for example, requirements to receive SSSP funding are to have a SEP in place, adopt the common assessment, and match SSSP allocations. SSSP is designed to help students with access to classes and remain in class; want to highlight that campus is working as a whole to ensure student success. Core services include: orientation, assessment, and counseling/advising/ed planning. Every student must have a comprehensive ed plan and declare a major by 15 units or by 3rd semester in college. Need to provide follow-up services to at-risk students (students undecided on a major, in basic skills courses, and/or on probation). The name SSSP (Student Success & Support Programs) can be misleading because it only funds activities that support or provide the core services; must align with core services for funding. Not allowed to supplant; Chancellor’s Office very strict. D. Patel noted that this is different than the Matriculation Act. One big difference is that funding was previously based on head count; now based on 40 % head count, 60% contactsof core services and follow up. B. Perez reported that there is too much to be done for the non-credit; not likely to do. D. Patel noted that carry-over is being allowed with some limitations. 2015-16 plan is through December 2016 (like SEP); expects more money since Chancellor’s Office requested more money for SSSP.
  • D. Patel reviewed important dates: New, incoming district students, non-exempt, who want Tier 3 registration need to have core services completed by October 30th. R. Bell asked if deadline was pushed back to November 2 (the following business/schoolday if last day of month falls on Saturday); D. Patel will confirm (NOTE: priority registration deadline was changed to November 2 after meeting). Last year, SSSP focus was on core services;2015-16 plan will also focus on follow-up services. One recommendation was to implement a RISECenter, which will addressprobation, pre-probation, and Early Alert. Early Alert already exists on a manual level, but plans to greatly expand. Starfish Early Alert will allow faculty to identify students doing well and those not doing well. Ideas are encouraged; please contact D. Patel or M.Barrios to discuss possible activities or initiatives. I. Reyes notedmembers will see more collaboration between SEP and SSSP to ensure student success from start to finish.
  1. OTHER
  1. Announcements:
  • C. Fitzsimons: Center for the Arts is having Carmen Bradford perform on stage tomorrow(Blues and Jazz). Art Gallery is having a one-person show by David Jordan Williams (Art and Design elements).
  • Great Shakeout: Members were asked if they had a list of students with mobility issues. K. Holmes reported that Lyn Clemons (from SRC) compiled a list by division. Rocky Bonura said those students should shelter in place, and that divisions should have a plan for them. Members were asked to please check if EVAC chairs by stairs were there and to know how to use. D. Patel asked members to please ensure someone with a radio stays with person. A. Grant asked members to ensure to have ear plugs for person sheltered in place and person staying with them (any able-bodied person, not necessarily faculty/staff). Building Captains should ensure ear plugs are in first aid kit.
  • C. Jeffries: Drop deadline is 11/13; heard from B. Mulrooney that there would be a fees hold prohibiting students from dropping on that deadline; B. Perez will clarify this and whether faculty can still drop.

October 22, 2015

8:30 am – 10:00 am

Adm 131