Minutes for Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at 11:00 am

Call to order: Mr. Birdsall called the meeting to order at 11:04am with Ms. MacKay and Ms. Pinette present. CEO Jason Lang was in for the discussion of tree cutting violation. Others in attendance: Bob Trabona and Rick Cliffe.

Public comment: none

Public Hearing: D&E Ventures dba Grey Havens Inn for a Class I, II, III, IV Liquor License. Mr. Birdsall with a second from Ms. MacKay opened the hearing at 11:04. Hearing and seeing no objection or comment, Ms. Pinette made a motion to close the hearing at 11:05 seconded by Mr. Birdsall. The Select Board approved the application with a unanimous vote.

Items to be added to agenda (if approved by chair and board): none

Scheduled appointments: none

Minutes: On motion, meeting minutes of February 28, 2017 were amended and approved as amended.

Review: any bills; building permit listing; deeds and / or declarations. Warrants will be ready tomorrow night.

Assessing Items Pending:

OLD: Abatement applications from Headley (10U-016) and Peterson (10U-022) with Mr. VanTuinen.


Sagadahoc County Commissioners: Tentative Agenda for Tuesday March 14.

Sagadahoc County Sheriff Department: February incident report.

Bath HHW Collection: date is set for May 6.

Maine Coast Heritage Trust: Maine Land Conservation Conference in April.

Maine Recycling and Solid Waste Conference in April.

MMA W/C: Worker’s Comp audit is March 14. This was rescheduled for April 11.

Island Institute: 1st edition of Waypoints – you should have all received electronically.

Requests for funding: Georgetown Community Center ($7500).

Other Correspondence: Principals report for March 2. Action: It recognizes Todd MacMahan for acting quickly when

he found water leaking from the kitchen area upon arrival to play basketball with his kids. Mary noted that it was a team effort and that Mark and David were both here within minutes of her phone call even though it was 5 pm on a Friday night.

Minutes: Cemetery District Trustees meeting March 06; Planning Board, January 18; Shellfish Conservation Committee,

February 02; Solid Waste Committee, February 16 and March 7.

Old Business:

Boards and Committees member needs: any updates? Action: It was noted that Chris Warner has resigned from the

Shellfish Conservation Committee. The Board is looking for an individual to replace him. They are interested in getting

someone that is not a license holder to be on the committee.

Update on tree cutting violation from Mr. Birdsall. Amended restoration plan for review and discussion with CEO.

Action: CEO Jason Lang was in to go over the amended restoration plan for 129 Five Islands Rd. This plan, dated February 6th, replaced the January 16th plan and has been reviewed by Mike Morse at ME DEP. Mr. Lang notes that the concerns of Mr. Morse were included in this revised plan. He also notes that the number one risk to this plan is lack of water and that as long as the plan is implemented as stated it should be good and that he will be there when the project starts and throughout to check on it. Ms. MacKay inquired as to what happens if the owner does not go by the plan and Mr. Lang stated it will come back to them and is why he will monitor. Mr. Birdsall made a motion to approve the plan with a second from Ms. MacKay and a vote of 3-0. Mr. Birdsall will follow up with legal counsel.

Continuing items:

Receipts for pumping: none

Maine Waste Discharge License renewal application: none

Maine Waste Discharge License approved applications: none

New Business:

Hazardous Mitigation Plan for Sagadahoc County: the plan, updated in 2016, needs to be signed off on (you all received

this electronically). Action: Mr. Birdsall made a motion to approve the plan which was seconded by Ms. Pinette and a

vote of 3-0.

Veteran Application for Anthony Cecero. Action: Mr. Birdsall made a motion to approve the application which was

seconded by Ms. Pinette and a vote of 3-0 with an effective date of April 1, 2017.

Bus turn around issue on Moore’s Turnpike. Action: Ms. Pinette discussed some damage done to the road. Mary

informed the board that the bus company will take care of it once the roads are no longer posted.

Resignation of Chris Warner from the Shellfish Conservation Committee. Action: noted with thanks.

Road name for Back River Bend: Addressing Officer asking for Board input on Overlook Road, Way, Lane ? Action:

Mary, as the addressing officer, requested input from the Board as “Overlook” is on Kennebec Point. The Board (and Fire Dept.) do not have any issues with it. Ms. Pinette made a motion to allow the name Overlook Lane which was seconded by Ms. MacKay and a 3-0 vote.

Working League: suggests a “Volunteer Fair” at the School to solicit new volunteers and to recognize the current ones.

Action: The Select Board like the idea and will keep it in mind for the spring.

BOA and Solid Waste Ordinances: are going to be on list to update. Others ?? Action: The Building Permit and

Subdivision Ordinance for language, the Shellfish Ordinance for recreational fees and the Harbor Committee Ordinance. All are due to the Board by March 31.

Other items / updates: February financial Statements; February hauling numbers.

Items for signature: Liquor License App.; Hazard Mitigation Adoption Sheet; Veteran Exemption. Action: Signed

Public comment: None

Executive session: Under 1MRSA §405.6e to discuss legal matters and under 405.6a to discuss a personnel issue.

Mr. Birdsall made the motion to enter executive session at 11:40am. Motion seconded by Ms. MacKay and approved 3-0.

Mr. Birdsall made the motion to adjourn executive session at 11:49am. Motion seconded by Ms. Pinette and approved 3-0.

No action is necessary at this time.

Adjournment: On motion the Board voted to adjourn at 11:50am.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mary F. McDonald

Asst. to the Select Board

Minutes March 14, 2017