Gary B. Huffnagle, Ph. D.

Professor of Internal Medicine
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

University of Michigan Health System

1150 W. Medical Center Drive, 6301 MSRB III

Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-0642

(734) 936-7934; fax (734) 764-2655

Title and Contents1

Education and Training

Academic, Administrative, and Clinical Appointments

Research Interests


Honors and Awards6

Memberships in Professional Societies6

Editorial Positions, Boards, and Peer-Review Services7


Committee, Organizational, and Volunteer Services12

Visiting Professorships, Seminars, and Extramural Invited Presentations


Gary B. Huffnagle, Ph. D.

Professor of Internal Medicine
Professor of Microbiology and Immunology

Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

University of Michigan Health System

1150 W. Medical Center Drive, 6301 MSRB III

Ann Arbor, MI, 48109-0642

(734) 936-7934; fax (734) 764-2655

Education and Training

9/80-5/84Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA

B. S. (Honors in Microbiology)

9/84-9/90University of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr., Dallas, TX

Ph. D. (Immunology)

Postdoctoral Training

10/90-6/92University of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr., Dallas, TX;

Department of Pathology, Immunopathology

Academic, Administrative, and Clinical Appointments

Academic Appointments

6/92-8/97Research Investigator, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Medical Center

8/97-8/00Assistant Research Scientist, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Dept. of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan

9/99-8/00Assistant Research Scientist, Department of Microbiology/Immunology, University of Michigan

9/00-8/02Senior Associate Research Scientist Associate Professor (without tenure), Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan

9/00-8/02Associate Professor (without tenure), Department of Microbiology/ Immunology, University of Michigan

9/02-9/06Associate Professor (with tenure), Div. of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Dept. of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan

9/02-9/06Associate Professor (with tenure), Department of Microbiology/ Immunology, University of Michigan

9/06-currentProfessor, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan

9/06-current Professor, Department of Microbiology and Imunology, University of Michigan

Research Interests

  1. pulmonary
  2. mucosal
  3. gastrointestinal
  4. immunology
  5. inflammation
  6. infection
  7. allergy
  8. asthma
  9. microbiota
  10. microflora
  11. fungi
  12. probiotics


Present and Active

National Institutes of Health(1R01HL114447) "Pulmonary bacterial microbiome-epithelial cell interactions in COPD"

Principal Investigator (multi-PI) 6/1/2012-5/31/2016 ($1,000,000 total direct costs)

National Institutes of Health (4UH3DK083993) “The Role of the Microbiota in Ulcerative Colitis” Co-investigator 6/24/09-5/31/13 ($8,500,000 total direct costs)

National Institutes of Health (1U01HL098961) “Understanding the Lung Microbiome in HIV-Infected and HIV-uninfected individuals”

Co-investigator 9/23/09-7/31/14 ($2,450,000 total direct costs)

National Institutes of Health (U19AI090871) “Enteric Research Investigational Network (ERIN) – Clostridium difficile Cooperative Research Center”

Principal Investigator Project #3: Host Defense 7/1/10-6/30/15 ($5,000,000 total direct costs for all 3 ERIN projects)

National Institutes of Health(1R21AI087869) "The role of the microbiome in the development/prevention of food allergies"

Principal Investigator 9/1/2010-8/31/2012 ($275,000 total direct costs)

National Institutes of Health (2 P30 DK034933) “Gastrointestinal Hormone Research Core Center”

Microbiome and Inflammation Core Co-director

12/1/2010-11/30/2015 ($500,000 total direct costs for core)

Previous Grants

National Institutes of Health (R01-AI064479), “Role of Fungal Microflora in Mucosal Tolerance/Immunity.” Principal Investigator; 4/1/05-3/31/11 ($1,250,000 total direct costs)

National Institutes of Health (1R21-AI064479) “Mucosal Mechanisms Linking Pulmonary and Gastrointestinal Inflammation/Immunity” Principal Investigator; 7/26/09-7/25/11

($275,000 total direct costs)

National Institutes of Health (R01-HL077417), "Regulation of Pulmonary Host Defense by Leptin." Co-Investigator; 1/1/06 - 12/31/10 ($1,000,000 total direct costs)

Abbott Nutrition, "The Use of a Murine Model for Screening Probiotics, Prebiotics and Nutritional Interventions for their Effectiveness in Reducing the Risk of Allergic Airway Disease." Principal Investigator; 6/30/08-12/30/09 ($63,000)

National Institutes of Health (R01-AI059201), “Oxylipins in Cryptococcal Pathogenesis.” Principal Investigator; 2/1/04-1/31/09 ($1,250,000 total direct costs)

National Institutes of Health (R01-HL51082), “Macrophage Recruitment/ Activation in Lung Defense.” Co-Investigator; 6/1/03-5/30/09, ($1,250,000 total direct costs)

National Institutes of Health, (R01-HL65912), “Modulation of Th1/Th2 Responses by Innate Immunity,” Principal Investigator, 9/1/00-8/31/05, ($1,000,000 total direct costs)

Francis Families Foundation, Parker B. Francis Pulmonary Fellowship Mentor (Mairi Noverr, PhD, fellow) 7/1/05-6/31/08 ($132,000)

[Transferred on 10/1/05 because Dr. Noverr accepted a faculty position at Wayne State Medical School]

National Institutes of Health, (R01-HL63670), "Chemokine receptors in immunity to C. neoformans."Principal Investigator, 7/1/99-6/30/04, ($875,000 total direct costs)

National Institutes of Health (RO1-HL51082), “Macrophage recruitment/ activation in lung defense.” Co-Investigator; 12/1/97-11/30/02, ($1,365,113 total direct costs)

National Institutes of Health, (P50HL060289, SCOR in Acute Lung Injury), “Effect of sepsis on lung antibacterial host defenses.” Co-Investigator; 12/1/98-11/30/03, ($945,000 total direct costs)

University of Michigan Department of Internal Medicine Pilot Grant Program, “Lactobacillus-Candida Interactions: Biology and Mechanisms.” Principal Investigator 1/01/03-12/31/04, ($40,000)

Francis Families Foundation, Parker B. Francis Pulmonary Fellowship Mentor (Timothy Traynor, PhD, fellow) 7/1/00-6/31/03 $120,000 [Transferred on 6/15/01 because Dr. Traynor accepted a faculty position at Washington State University Veterinary School]

Burroughs-Wellcome Fund, (New Investigator Award in Pathogenic Mycology), “The role of melanin production by Cryptococcus neoformans in evasion of host defenses.” Principal Investigator; 7/1/98-6/30/02, ($195,000 total direct costs)

National Institutes of Health (R29-AI38190), “The role of TNFin T cell immunity to C. neoformans.” Principal Investigator, 9/1/95-8/31/00, ($350,000 total direct costs)

Michigan Memorial Phoenix Project, “The role of macrophage inflammatory protein-1 (MIP-1) in pulmonary inflammation.” Principal Investigator; 12/1/92-11/30/93, ($6,000)

Francis Families Foundation- Parker B. Francis Pulmonary Research Award “The role of macrophage inflammatory protein-1 (MIP-1) in pulmonary inflammation.” Senior Fellow, 7/1/93-6/30/96, ($102,000)

University of Michigan Geriatrics Center Pilot Grant “T cell mediated host defenses in the lungs of aged mice.” Principal Investigator; 1/1/95-12/31/95, ($20,000)

University of Michigan Geriatrics Center Pilot Grant, “Effect of aging on cell-mediated immunity in the lungs.” Principal Investigator; 6/1/97-8/31/98, ($20,000)

Undergraduate Fellowship Sponsor:

Biomedical Research Council (Lisa McNeil):

5/94-8/94, $2,500

Biomedical Research Council (Michael Boyd):

5/94-8/94, $2,500

Howard Hughes Medical Foundation (Lisa McNeil):

5/95-8/95, $2,500

Howard Hughes Medical Foundation (Michael Boyd):

5/95-8/95, $2,500

Biomedical Research Council (Ryan Fajardo):

7/95-9/95, $2,500

Biomedical Research Council (Lori Dargurz):

5/96-8/96, $2,500

Biomedical Research Council (Lauren Pray):

7/96-9/96, $2,500

Biomedical Research Council (Andrea Bediako):

5/97-8/97, $2,500

Biomedical Research Council (Deirdra Williams):

5/97-8/97, $2,500

Biomedical Research Council (Adam Dumas):

5/99-8/99, $3,500

Biomedical Research Council (Anne Hartmann):

5/99-8/99, $3,500

Biomedical Research Council (Elaine Te-Yie Huang):

5/01-8/01 $3,500

Biomedical Research Council (P. Anne Poole):

5/03-8/03 ($3,500)

Biomedical Research Council (Jeff Hopcian)

5/06-8/06 ($3,500)

Honors and Awards

1993Clinical Immunology Society: Young Investigator Award

1993 Parker B. Francis Pulmonary Research Award

1998Burroughs-Wellcome Fund, New Investigator Award in Pathogenic Mycology

2008American Society for Microbiology Division F (Medical Mycology) Lectureship

2010University of Michigan Faculty Recognition Award

Memberships in Professional Societies

1994-currentAmerican Association of Immunologists (AAI)

1995-currentAmerican Society for Microbiology (ASM)

2007-2008Chair Elect, ASM Div F (Medical Mycology)

2008-2009Chair, ASM Div F (Medical Mycology)

2009-2010Advisor, ASM Div F (Medical Mycology)

Editorial Positions, Boards, and Peer-Review Services

Editorial Boards

1998-2002Associate Editor, the Journal of Immunology

2002-2006Section Editor, the Journal of Immunology

2003-2008 Editorial Board, Infection and Immunity

2004Associate Editor, Medical Mycology

Manuscript Reviewer (approximately 30/year):

Journal of Immunology, American Journal of Respiratory Cell and Molecular Biology, American Journal of Pathology, Journal of Infectious Diseases, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Infection and Immunity, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, FEMS Letters, Biochimica Biophysica Acta, Journal of Bacteriology, Nature Reviews, Cell Host & Microbe, Eukaryotic Cell, American Journal of Gastroenterology, American Journal of Respiratory & Critical Care Medicine, Cell Host & Microbe, Medical Mycology, ISMEJ, PLoS

Study Sections (Permanent member, National Institutes Of Health, Bethesda, Md)

2002-2005NIH, Bacteriology/Mycology Study Section 2 (BM-2) and Pathogenic Eukaryotic Microbiology (PTHE) {study section re-organized and re-named in 2004} – Review Committee, Center for Scientific Review

2010-currentCenter for Scientific Review (CSR), College of Reviewers

2012-currentNIH, Immunology & Host Defense Study Section (IHD)- Review Committee, Center for Scientific Review (appointment through 2018)

Study Sections (ad hoc, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD)

1998NIH, AIDS Research - Review Committee, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

1998NIH, Mycology Program Projects - Review Committee, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

1999NIH, Models of HIV Infection - Review Committee, National Heart Lung Blood Institute

2000NIH, Vaccine Immunology - Review Committee, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

2000NIH, Immunology of Orapharyngeal Candidiasis - Review Committee, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research

2000NIH, Members Conflict Special Emphasis Study Section - Review Committee, Center for Scientific Review

2001 (Mar)NIH, Bacteriology/Mycology Study Section 2 (BM-2) – Review Committee, Center for Scientific Review

2001 (Oct)NIH, Bacteriology/Mycology Study Section 2 (BM-2) – Review Committee, Center for Scientific Review

2002 (Feb)NIH, Bacteriology/Mycology Study Section 2 (BM-2) – Review Committee, Center for Scientific Review

2003NIH, Conflict Special Emphasis Study Section - Review Committee, Center for Scientific Review (Chair)

2004NIH, Mycology Program Projects - Review Committee, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

2005, 2007NIH, Conflict Special Emphasis Study Section - Review Committee, Center for Scientific Review

2006NIH, Conflict Special Emphasis Study Section - Review Committee, Center for Scientific Review (Chair)

2007, 2008NIH, Pathogenic Eukaryotic Microbiology (PTHE) – Review Committee, Center for Scientific Review

2007, 2008NIH, NHLBI P01 review study section

2008, 2009NIH, Special Emphasis Study Section (Microbiome Roadmap / New Technologies RFA) - Review Committee, Center for Scientific Review

2009NIH, RC1 Challenge Grant remote review

2009, 2010NIH, AIDS & Opportunistic Diseases Study Section (AOIC) – Review Committee, Center for Scientific Review

2010NIH, P01 program in Allergic Diseases, Review Committee,National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

2010NIH, Metagenomics of Orapharyngeal Diseases - Review Committee, National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (Chair)

2010NIH, Conflict Special Emphasis Study Section - Review Committee, Center for Scientific Review

2010NIH, CSR College of Reviewers

2011NIH, NHLBI P01 Special Emphasis Panel – Review Committee

2011NIH, NIAID Asthma and Allergic Diseases Cooperative Research Centers (AADCRC) – Review Committee

2011NIH, NIDDK Special Emphasis Panel – Review Committee

2011, 2012NIH, CSR - Ad hoc reviewer, Immunology & Host Defense (IHD) study section

2011NIH, NIEHS - Dietary Influence on the Human Health Effects of Environmental Exposures - Review Committee

2011NIH, CSR - Population Sciences and Epidemiology (PSE) Integrated Review Group - R15 application reviews (Ad hoc)

Grant Reviewer (ad hoc)

1992American Heart Association.

1993British Columbia Lung Association

1994-2005Department of Veterans Affairs

1996British Columbia Health Research Foundation

2000Louisiana State University Board of Regents

2001-2006Alberta Heritage Medical Research Foundation

2004Wellcome Trust, England

2007Singapore National Medical Research Council

2009Ludwig Boltzmann Institutes, Austria: “Role of the Microbiome in Disease”- Review Committee

2010European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme for Research: “Infection and dysbiosis as the triggers of the development of inflammatory processes in allergies and autoimmune diseases” - Review Committee

2010Natural Environmental Research Council – United Kingdom

2010Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council – United Kingdom

2010Wellcome Trust, United Kingdom

Government Review Panels and Advisory Committees

2004Department of Defense, Innate Immunity in Biodefenses, Center for Technology and National Security Policy, National Defense University

2007NIH, National Human Genome Research Institute, the Microbiome in Health and Disease

2007NIH, NHLBI, the Microbiome in Pulmonary Disease

2008NIH, NIAID, Helicobacter Pylori Workshop

2011NIH, NIHGRI Director’s Advisory and Ideas Meeting: Human Microbiome Research Initiative

2011NIH, NHLBI Human Lung Microbiome Workshop and Advisory Panel

Non-government Advisory Committees

2008-2010Ganeden Biotech, Scientific Advisory Board



1986-1988Teaching Assistant, Medical Microbiology,

UT Southwestern Medical School, Dallas, TX

1988-1992Lecturer, Tumor Immunobiology

UT Southwestern Graduate School, Dallas, TX

1998External Examiner: Doctoral Dissertation Committee (Rachel Syme),

University of Calgary, Alberta, Canada

1999Invited Lecturer, Microbial Pathogenesis Course

Duke University, Durham, NC

2004External Examiner: Doctoral Dissertation (Rosie Santangelo), University of Sydney, Australia

2006External Examiner: Doctoral Dissertation (Joanna Zhou), University of Nevada, Reno, NV

2009University of Michigan Retirees Association, "Probiotics, Prebiotics & Human Health", Ann Arbor, MI

University Of Michigan

Undergraduate Courses

2000-2003Microbiology 505 “Introduction to Infectious Diseases,”

Course Director and Primary Lecturer (3 cr)

2005-2009Microbiology 460 / Internal Medicine 460

"Eukaryotic Microbology and Microbial Symbiosis,"

Course Director/Instructor (3 cr)

2010, 2011Microbiology 460 / Internal Medicine 460

"Eukaryotic Microbology,"


Graduate Courses

2000, 2005-2008, 2010

Immunology 850 “Advanced Immunology”

Course Director and Instructor (2 cr)

2001-2004Immunology 815 “Immunology Student Seminars”

Course Director (1 cr)

2006Microbiology 512/Pharmacology 502 “Grant Writing"

Faculty group leader/reviewer (2 cr)

Graduate Lectures

2002Immunology 850 “Immunity to Infection”

2004School of Public Health - "The Epidemiological Links between Infection and Chronic Disease”

2006, 2007School of Public Health - "The Hygiene Hypothesis”

2007Immunology 851 “Mucosal Immunology”

2009NHLBI T32 Basic science core curriculum: Multi-disciplinary training program in pulmonary diseases - "Flow Cytometry" & "Cell Culture"

Program Membership

1999-currentMicrobiology Graduate Program

1999-2010Immunology Graduate Program

1993-currentUniversity of Michigan Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)

2004-currentInterdepartmental Undergraduate Microbiology Concentration Steering Committee (Chair, 2005-current)

Undergraduate Mentorship

1993-currentMichael Boyd (1993-96)Lisa McNeil (1993-96)

Ryan Fajardo (1993-96)Nicola Bolf (1995)

Lauren Pray (1995-98)Lori Dargurz (1995-96)

Chrystie Dronjseko (1996)David Petrovski (1996)

Andrea Bediako (1996-1999)Deirdra Williams (1996-2000)

Anne Hartmann (1998-2001)Cara Christman (1998-2000)

Elaine Te-Yie Huang (1998-2002)Adam Dumas (1998-1999)

Zack Leshen (1999-2000)Danielle Bracy (2000)

Stephanie Dionne (2001)Nicole Robson (MS, 2001-2002)

P. Anne Poole (2003)Rishi Surana (2002-2006)

DeAndrea Fedrick (2003)Mia Lui (2002-2004)

David McNamara (2005-2007)James Kozich (2007-2008)

Kelly Mason (2008-2010)Ryan Pakula (2009)

Lauren Miller (2010-2011)Ryan Muraglia (2012)

Kathryn Higdon (2012) Zachary Britt (2012-2013)

Charles Frank (2012-current) Chinmay Pandit (2012-current)

Medical Student Mentorship

Jeff Hopcian (2006)

Graduate Mentorship

1999-2002Ph. D. Dissertation Mentor for Mairi Noverr (Microbiology/Immunology)

2000-2003Ph. D. Dissertation Mentor for Yadira Hernandez (Microbiology/Immunology)

2000-2004Ph. D. Dissertation Mentor for Dennis Lindell (Immunology)

2000-2005Ph. D. Dissertation Mentor for John Erb-Downward (Microbiology/Immunology)

2002-2005Ph. D. Dissertation Mentor for Shikha Arora (Immunology)

2002-2007Ph. D. Dissertation Mentor for Toby Rodriguez (Microbiology/Immunology)

2005-2008Ph. D. Dissertation Mentor for Andrew Shreiner (MSTP, Immunology)

2006-2010Ph. D. Dissertation Mentor for Katie Mason (Microbiology/Immunology)

2007-2010Ph. D. Dissertation Mentor for Ben Murdock (Immunology)

2011-currentPh. D. Dissertation Mentor for Brittan Scales (Microbiology/Immunology)

2011-currentPh. D. Dissertation Mentor for Andrew McDermott (Microbiology/Immunology)

Post-doctoral Fellow Mentorship

1997-1999Research Fellowship Mentor for John Lee, M.D.

1998-2003Research Fellowship Mentor for Michal Olszewski, D.V.M., Ph.D.

1998-2001Research Fellowship Mentor for Tim Traynor, Ph.D.

1999-2002Research Fellowship Mentor for Raj Pandrangi, Ph.D.

1999-2003Research Fellowship Mentor for Amy Herring, Ph.D.

2001-2002Research Fellowship Mentor for Jill Kolodsick, Ph.D.

2002-2005Research Fellowship Mentor for Mairi Noverr, Ph. D.

2005-2007Research Fellowship Mentor for Jami Milam, Ph. D.

2005-2008Research Fellowship Mentor for John Erb-Downward, Ph. D.

2008-2009Research Fellowship Mentor for Mary Pat Craver, Ph. D.

2009-2011Research Fellowship Mentor for Michael Shen, M. D.

2009-2012Research Fellowship Mentor for Merritt Gillilland III, Ph. D.

2012-currentResearch Fellowship Mentor for Robert Dickson, M. D.

Graduate Program Student Committees

2000-currentMicrobiology/Immunology Graduate Program, Preliminary Exam Committees:

Nancy BeckBecky WiesnerBrendan Thomason

Jess SipleNathan FisherAri Molofsky

Ryan MihalikLisa GralinskiMiranda Gray

Patrick Virgil Shandee DixonWill DePas

2011 exams (4 students)

2001Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program, Preliminary Exam Committee:

Seema Bajaria

2002-2005Immunology Graduate Program, Preliminary Exam Committees:

Rebecca HenryKatie Johnson

Matt SchallerKelly Seidl

Chun-Shu Wong

2001-currentDissertation Committees:

Brendan Thomason (PhD, Micro/Imm) - defended 10/2005

Steve Cendrowski (PhD, Micro/Immun) - defended 8/2004

Sharlene Moore (MS, Epidemiology) – defended 12/2002

Gabriel Maine (PhD, Immunology) - defended 12/2004

Laura Rozen (PhD, Chemistry) – defended 12/2002

Scott Berger (PhD, Biochemistry) - defended 10/2005

Ping Ye (PhD, Microbiology/Immunology) – defended 6/2003

Seema Bajaria (PhD, Biomed. Engineering) - defended 12/2004

Rebecca Henry (PhD, Immunology) - defended 12/2004

Ari Molofsky (PhD, Micro/Immun) - defended 6/2005

Matt Schaller (PhD, Immunology) - defended 11/2005

Andrew Hsu (MS, Nutrition) - defended 4/2005

Brian Heffernan (PhD, Micro/Immun) – defended 12/2006

Megan Ballinger (PhD, Immunology) – defended 12/2006

Helen Lau (PhD, Micro/Immun) - defended 6/2007

Christian Ray (PhD, Micro/Immun)- defended 10/2007

Bryna Burrell (PhD, Immunology) - defended 12/2007

Laura Delbridge (PhD, Microbiology) - defended 1/2009

Heather O'Malley (PhD, Pharmacology) - defended 8/2009

Adam Hartigan (PhD, Immunology) - defended 6/2009

Lindsay Davis (PhD, Microbiology/Immunology) - defended 3/2010

Hemanth Ramaprakash (PhD, Immunology) - defended 4/2010

Gitanjali Kundu (PhD, Wayne State Med. School, Imm & Micro) – defended 7/2010

Tiffany Tsang (PhD, Microbiology/Immunology) – defended 12/2010

Marta Hernandez-Gonzalez (PhD, Immunology) - defended 8/2012

Angela Hopkinson (PhD, Microbiology/Immunology) - defended 7/2012

Kelly Schwartz (PhD, Molec Cell Develop Biol)

Joe Zakular (PhD, Microbiology/Immunology)

2001-currentAdditional Graduate Laboratory Research Rotations

Rebecca Wiesner Ari Molofsky

Christian RayEric Komuniecki

Megan BallingerBrittany Shaw

Zach DalebrouxTiffany Tsang

Margarita HernandezKelly Schwartz

Julia Wu

Committee, Organizational, and Volunteer Services


1996-1999American Thoracic Society Program Committee (MTPI)

2007American Society for Microbiology, Division F Program Committee

2007-2009American Society for Microbiology, Division F Chair-elect/Chair/Advisor

University Of Michigan

1993-currentUndergraduate Research Opportunity Program (UROP)

1998-2001Advisory Committee on Primary Research Appointments, Promotions and Titles (APRAPT) - Chair 2000-2001

2000-2004Graduate Studies Committee (Microbiology/Immunology)

2001Pulmonary Faculty Search Committee (Internal Medicine Dept)

2002-2003Curriculum Committee (Microbiology/Immunology)

2002Rackham Graduate School Distinguished Dissertation Award Committee

2002Immunology Faculty Search Committee (Microbiology & Immunology Dept)

2003Microbiology Faculty Search Committee (Dental School)

2003University Committee on the Use and Care of Animals (UCUCA)

2004Graduate Studies and Admissions (Immunology)

2005, 2010Immunology Faculty Search Committee (Microbiology & Immunology Department)

2004-2008The Committee for Science and Technology Recruiting to Improve Excellence and Diversity (STRIDE)

2008-2009Microbial Ecology Faculty Search Committee, Department of Microbiology & Immunology

2007-2008Medical School Dean's Faculty Compensation Committee

2004-currentInterdepartmental Undergraduate Microbiology Concentration Steering Committee (Chair, 2008-current)

2005-currentUndergraduate Advisor, Microbiology Concentration, College of LS&A

2012-currentCo-Director, Multidisciplinary Training Program in Lung Disease (Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine)

2008-currentMicrobial Ecology University Cluster Hire, Steering Committee

2009-currentUM Med School-China (Peking University) Joint Institute Lung Group

Visiting Professorships, Seminars, and Extramural Invited Presentations


6/1998 “The Role of TNF, Chemokines, and Microbial Virulence Factors in Th1/Th2 Immunity during Pulmonary Infection,” Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, the University of Calgary, Canada

4/1999“Cells and Cytokines in Pulmonary Cryptococcosis,” VII International Meeting on Paracoccidiomycosis, Sao Palo, Brazil

9/1999“Cytokines and Leukocyte Recruitment into the Lungs during Cryptococcosis,” Fourth International Conference on Cryptococcus and Cryptococcosis, London, United Kingdom

6/2000“Cryptococcosis: Knock-out to Knock-out, Mice to Yeast,” International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM) Meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina

9/2005"The Microflora Hypothesis of Allergic Disease," British Association for the Advancement of Science, Dublin, Ireland