Number and Algebra / Level 5 ASSESSMENT CRITERIA
Geometry and Measures, Statistics
 I understand and can use decimal notation and place value e.g.
  • I know that in 5.239 the digit 9 represents nine thousandths, which is written as 0.009
 I can multiply and divide integers and decimals by 10, 100, 1000 and explain the effect e.g. I can answer questions like
  • 4 ÷ ? = 0.04, 0.4 x 10 = ?, ?x 1000 = 40 000, 0.4 ÷ ? = 0.004
 I can round decimals to the nearest decimal place
 I can put negative numbers in order
 I can recognise and use number patterns and relationships e.g.
  • I can tell if a number can be divided by 25
 I can identify equivalent fractions and order fractions and decimals
 I can cancel fractions to their simplest form by looking for highest common factors
 I can understand simple ratio problems e.g.
  • In the gym club there are 2 boys for every 3 girls. There are 30 children at the club. How many boys are there?
 I can calculate, including using all four operations, with decimals to 2 places e.g.
  • 543.65 + 45.8 764.78 – 56.4 6.24 x 8 239.22 ÷ 6
 I can use a calculator where appropriate to calculate fractions and percentages of amounts e.g. What is 14.5% of 56 litres?
 I can multiply and divide three-digit by two-digit whole numbers without a calculator e.g. I can calculate 673 × 24, 806 ÷ 26
 I can solve simple problems involving ordering, adding and subtracting negative numbers e.g.I can calculate 62 + -51, 5 - -3, -3 + ? = 7, -2 - ? = 7
 I can solve simple problems involving ratio and direct proportion e.g.
  • If 1 litre of fruit drink contains 200ml of orange juice, how much orange juice is there in 1.5 litres of fruit drink?
 I can estimate using approximations and check by using inverse operations e.g.
  • I know that 786 ÷ 38 is about 800 ÷ 40
  • I can use a calculator to check3 ÷ 7 = 0.4285714… with 7 x 0.4285714
 I can construct expressions and use simple formulae e.g.
  • I understand that a letter can stand for an unknown number or variable number and not a label, e.g.‘5a’ cannot mean ‘5 apples’
 I can use and interpret coordinates in all four quadrants e.g.
  • If I am given the coordinates of three vertices of a parallelogram, I can find the fourth
/  I can identify all the symmetries of 2-D shapes e.g.
  • recognise line symmetry and rotation symmetry
 I can correctly describe angles e.g. acute, obtuse, reflex
 I know and can use the total of the angles a trianglee.g.
  • I can calculate ‘missing angles’ in triangles
 I know and can use the total of the angles at a point e.g.
 I can transform shapes and make sense of the way their position changes
  • I can reflect, rotate and translate shapes
 I can measure and draw angles to the nearest degree e.g.
  • I can measure and draw reflex angles to the nearest degree
 I can construct shapes accurately e.g.
  • I can construct a triangle given the length of two sides and the angle between them
 I can read and interpret scales on a range of measuring instruments and explain what each labelled division represents on ascale
 I can solve problems that involve converting units e.g.
  • Change 750 g into kilograms
  • I can work out approximately how many km are equivalent to 20 miles
 I can make sensible estimates of a range of measures in everyday situations
 I know and can use the formula for the area of a rectangle
 I know the difference between area and perimeter e.g.
  • I can find the length of a rectangle given its perimeter and width
 I can ask questions, plan how to answer them and collect the data I need
 I can work out probabilities based on equally likely outcomes and experimental evidence e.g.
  • I can compare the likelihood of numbers on two spinners
 I understand and can use the probability scale from 0 to 1
 I understand and can use the mean of discrete data
 I can compare two simple distributions using the range and one of the mode, median or mean
 I understand that different outcomes may result from repeating an experiment
 I can interpret diagrams and graphs, including pie charts, and draw conclusions
 I can create and interpret line graphs for suitable data