Is proud to offer
Summer show
Wsdac & HCBC Sanctioned
Judge: Joan Miller
July 30, 2017
North Thompson Agriplex
North Thompson Fall Fair & Rodeo Grounds
4856 Dunn Lake Road, Barriere, BC
General Information
- This event is governed by the Horse Council of BC and Western Style Dressage of Canada Rules as they pertain to the specific classes.
- Start time – 9am
- Stabling available – outdoor pens or covered stalls.
- Riders may ride multiple dressage tests, maximum of4 per horsein total for the day. This includes Rideability, English & Western.
- Horses may only be entered once per test.
- Snaffle bits may be used on any age of horse for Western Dressage Tests and for Walk/Jog classes.
- ONLY snaffle bits may be used with 2 hands for HCBC Western Dressage Tests. WSDAC Tests permit 2 hands with Transitional Curb bit.
- Horses entered in the 17 & Under or 18 & Over Western Performance classes that are 6 years of age or older must be shown one handed in a shank bit.
- Riders testing at levels requiring lope/canter work may NOT enter the walk/jog-trot performance classes.
- Riders competing in lope/canter performance classes may test in walk/jog-trot Dressage and Rideability.
- Classes may be combined/cancelled at the discretion of Show Management.
Performance Classes:
English Equitation (may be ridden classic or hunt seat, as tack and attire dictates)
Exhibitors shall be judged on hands, seat, legs and basic position and on their ability to ride and control the horse correctly. Horses must be shown in both directions of the ring at a walk, trot, and canter.
English Pleasure (tack and personal appointments to be appropriate to the seat being ridden) To be judged on 45% performance, 40% manners and 15% conformation. To be shown both ways of the ring. Required gaits: a flat-footed walk, normal trot, canter, light contact to be maintained. Not to hand gallop.
Western EquitationRiders will be judged on seat, hands, performance of horse, appointments of horse and rider, and suitability of horse to rider. Rider should appear comfortable, relaxed with good posture. Overall appearance should be of a well-groomed horse, clean equipment, and rider’s apparel suitable to the western discipline. Gaits should be consistent and horse manageable and under control. Results as shown by performance of the horse are NOT to be considered more important than the method used in obtaining them. Riders enter the ring at a walk or jog and are judged at a flat-footed four-beat walk, two-beat jog and a three-beat lope both ways of the ring. All competitors are required to back in a straight line during the line up in all classes.
Western PleasureHorses are to be judged on performance, manners, conformation, quality and substance. A good pleasure horse is responsive, and gives the appearance of being fit and a pleasure to ride. Maximum credit should be given to the flowing, balanced and willing horse. A minimum of 20% of the judging shall be placed on condition and conformation. Horses to be shown at a walk jog and lope on a reasonably loose rein or light contact with undue restraint. Horses must work both ways of the ring at all three gaits to demonstrate their ability with different leads and gaits. Horses may be asked to extend the walk, jog, or lope, one or both ways of the ring. A moderate extension of the jog is a definite two beat lengthening of stride.
Walk/Jog & Walk/Trot These classes are offered to those unable to compete at the lope/canter due to the inexperience or health limitations of the horse or rider. Horses participating in Dressage tests requiring lope/canter work are not eligible for walk/jog or walk/trot flat classes.
Dressage Tests – all available for download at and
HCBC English Dressage to First Level
HCBC Western Dressage to First Level
WSDAC Western Dressage to Level 1
WSDAC Ride-Ability Tests (have obstacles within the Dressage Test)
BDRC Members - $5/performance class. $15/dressage test
Non-Members - $10/performance class, $20/dressage test
PeeWee Classes – $5 each (walk only test and pattern, can be lead line)
Admin Fee - $10.00 per rider
Deadline for entries – July 19, 2017, $20 post entry fee to July 24.
NO entries will be accepted after July 24.
Entries may be withdrawn with a refund until July 24 (less Admin Fee) with a medical or veterinary release. After July 24 partial refunds may be given at the discretion of the show committee.
Stalls/Pens available - $5/pens - $15/stall plus separate refundable clean out fee - $25
Performance Classes / HCBC Western Dressage100 / English Pleasure Walk/Trot / 600 / HCBC Western Dressage Test Of Choice 1
101 / English Pleasure 17 & Under / 601 / HCBC Western Dressage Test Of Choice 2
102 / English Pleasure 18 & Over / 602 / HCBC Western Dressage Test Of Choice 3
200 / English Equitation Walk/Trot / 603 / HCBC Western Dressage Test Of Choice 4
201 / English Equitation 17 & Under / MUST be 4 DIFFERENT TESTS. Choose from
202 / English Equitation 18 & Over / HCBC Tests ONLY
300 / Western Pleasure Walk/Jog
301 / Western Pleasure 17 & Under / WSDAC Western Dressage
302 / Western Pleasure 18 & Over / 700 / WSDAC Western Dressage Test Of Choice 1
400 / Western Equitation Walk/Jog / 701 / WSDAC Western Dressage Test Of Choice 2
401 / Western Equitation 17 & Under / 702 / WSDAC Western Dressage Test Of Choice 3
402 / Western Equitation 18 & Over / 703 / WSDAC Western Dressage Test Of Choice 4
403 / Western Horsmanship Walk/Jog / MUST be 4 DIFFERENT TESTS. Choose from
404 / Western Horsemanship 17 & Under / WSDAC Tests ONLY
405 / Western Horsemanship 18 & Over
406 / Ranch Riding - Open
800 / WSDAC Ride-Ability Walk/Jog
HCBC English Dressage Tests / 801 / WSDAC Ride-Ability Walk/Jog/Lope
500 / Test of Choice #1 / This is basically simple trail!
501 / Test of Choice #2 / English Participants welcome in the
502 / Test of Choice #3 / Ride-Ability class –no gate/bridge
503 / Test of Choice #4
MUST be 4 DIFFERENT TESTS. Choose from / 900 / PeeWee Dressage
HCBC Tests ONLY / 901 / PeeWee Horsemanship
***Test of Choice MUST be clearly defined on entry form!! Level AND Test number eg: Walk/Jog 1 if this is not done show management cannot print your test. There WILL BE a $10 admin fee if you have to be contacted to determine what tests you want to ride****
Ribbons to 4th place in each Class
High Point Awards (TBA)
Rider Number Draw (TBA)
Additional Prizes TBA
# / Description / # / DescriptionPERFORMANCE CLASS FEES
($5/class members, $10/non)
($15/test members, $20/non)
POST ENTRY FEE (if applicable)
ADMIN FEE - $10.00
(1 per rider) / 10.00
Make cheques payable to BDRC
Mail Completed Forms with cheques made payable to BDRC to:
PO Box 1430
Barriere, BC
V0E 1E0
Scan & Email and e-transfer is acceptable – email
E-transfer security word ______
Credit Cards also accepted. Please provide your email if you wish to pay by credit card. Processing fees apply. ______
Non-BDRC Members please include copy of your current HCBC membership card & complete and include the following waivers.
By signing below you are indicating that you agree to abide by the rules set out for this competition, and the entry form is complete and correct.
Signature: ______Date: ______
Barriere & District Riding Club Release & Acknowledgment
"Inherent risks of equine activities" shall mean those dangers or conditions which are an integral part of equine activities, including, but not limited to: the propensity of any equine to behave in ways that may result in injury, harm or death to persons on or around them and/or damage to property in their vicinity; the unpredictability of an equine's reaction to such things as sounds, sudden movement and unfamiliar objects, persons or other animals; the equine's response to certain hazards such as surface and subsurface objects; collisions with other equines, animals, people and objects; the potential of a participant to act in a negligent manner that may contribute to injury to the participant or others, such as failing to maintain control over the equine or to act within his or her ability.
Neither the sanctioning organization(s), the Barriere & District Riding Club, North Thompson Fall Fair Association, property owner(s), lessee(s), this equine event, the members of its organizing committee, officials, volunteers, staff, nor agents shall in any way be liable for any accident, injury, damage, loss or for any other matter that may happen to exhibitors competitors, owners, agents, or to anyone on the grounds or to any animal or article brought to the grounds. It is to be understood and agreed that by making an entry in this equine event, all exhibitors, competitors, owners, agents and representatives acknowledge that equestrian activities involve inherent dangerous risk and do hereby agree to save harmless and keep indemnified the event, the sanctioning organization(s), property owner(s), and lessee(s), business operators and singular, the owners, directors, officers, members, employees, officials, agents and volunteers thereof from and against any and all claims, actions, costs, expenses and demands in respect to death, injury, loss or damage to any person or property and to any other claim, howsoever caused, arising or to arise in connection in any way with my taking part in this event and notwithstanding that the same may have been contributed to or occasioned by the negligence of the organizers, officials, directors, committee members, volunteers or anyone connected with this event.
I,______for myself and on behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS the Barriere & District Riding Club , their directors, officials, judges, agents or employees, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers and if applicable,
owners and lessee of premises used to conduct the event (Releases ) with respect to any and all injury, disability, death, or loss or damage to person or property, whether caused by the negligence of the releaser or otherwise.
I hereby certify that: Every horse is eligible as entered. I am subject to the rules of the Barriere & District Riding Club. I make these entries at my own risk. I consent to the entry of the above named minor child/children (if applicable) I have read and accept the Barriere & District Ridig Club Release Clause on this form and agree for myself and representatives to be bound hereby.
Signature of Rider: ______
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______
(Parent or Guardian to sign if Rider is under 18 years of age)
Club Function Rules & Regulations
Please initial each clause to indicate you understand it.
1. HCBC membership is required for all participants & proof of current year membership must be given at time of registration.____
2. Boots with a proper riding heel are required for ALL riders. Failure to wear proper footwear will result in expulsion from the event with no refund of fees.____
3. ASTM/SEl-approved helmets are required for all riders under the age of 19 years, and all riders in over-fences classes. Failure to wear a proper helmet will result in expulsion from the event with no refund of fees. ____
4. Abuse of horses on the grounds will not be tolerated & may lead to disqualification of the participant in question, at the discretion of the B&DRC Show Committee.____
5. Participants must display good sportsmanship at all times while on the grounds. These are family events & inappropriate language or conduct will not be tolerated.____
6. To ensure the safety of everyone, horses must be led or ridden ONLY AT A WALK outside of the arena or warm up pen.____
7. All events begin promptly at the specified times. Participants not ready at the gate to enter the arena when class is called will forfeit their participation in the event with no refund of fees.____
8. Payment of fees may be made by cheque or cash prior to competing. $25 fee for NSF Cheques.____
9. Stallions may only be handled by Senior competitors (19+), and are not permissible mounts for Leadline entries.
10. The B&DRC Show Committee reserves the right to cancel, combine or divide classes as entries dictate. Notification of any changes will be provided prior to each class.______
11. Stalls are available to rent for each function day at a rate of $5.00 per stall. A $20.00 refundable deposit is required and will be returned to the owner at the end of the day if the stall is left clean & no damage has been incurred. Only 1 horse per stall is permitted. _____
12. Judges’ decision is final. Any protests must be made in writing to the show secretary along with a $50 cash deposit within 12 hours