Minute of the Area Clinical Forum Meeting

held on Wednesday 1 July 2015 at 4.30pm

in the Foresterhill House Committee Room, ARI site


Dr Helen Moffat, ACF Chair and Chair, Grampian Area Applied Psychology Advisory Committee (GAAPAC)

Dr Craig Beattie, Chair, GP Sub Committee

Mrs Jackie Berry, Chair, Allied Health Professionals Advisory Committee (AHPAC)

Mrs Pamela Cornwallis, Vice Chair, AHPAC

Dr Niall Craig, Chair, Consultants’ Sub-Committee

Mr David Corry, Chair, Area Optometric Committee (AOC)

Mr Chris Llewellyn, Chair, Area Healthcare Scientists Committee (HSC)

Dr Rebecca Riddell, Chair, Area Medical Committee (AMC)

Mrs Ann Smith, Chair, Area Pharmaceutical Committee (APC)

In Attendance:

Dr Steve Baguley, Clinical Director, eHealth, (Item 5)

Mr Graeme Smith, Director of Modernisation

Ms Tracey Leete, Minuting Secretary

Item / Subject / Action
1. / Apologies
Dr Nick Fluck, Medical Director
Ms Jenny Gibb, Vice Chair, GANMAC
Dr Caroline Howarth, Vice Chair, GP Sub-Committee
Ms Lynne Lawrence, Vice Chair, APC
Mr Angus Lorimer, Vice Chair, GAAPAC
Prof Rosemary Lyness, Interim Director of Nursing & Quality
Dr Alastair McKinlay, Vice Chair, Consultants’ Sub-Committee
Mrs Jenny McNicol, Chair, GANMAC
Mr David Shaw, Chair, Grampian Area Dental Committee (ADC)
Mrs Kathryn Trimmer, Vice Chair, AOC
Mrs Susan Webb, Acting Director of Public Health
Mr Malcolm Wright, Chief Executive
2. / Minute of meeting held on 20 May 2015
The Minute of the previous meeting was approved as an accurate record.
Dr Provan highlighted the concerns in the north cluster of Aberdeen City continues and Dr Riddell advised that the situation with recruitment is deteriorating. Dr Beattie confirmed that there were significant issues in Aberdeenshire also.
Mrs Trimmer had volunteered to be join representative for Child Health 2020 and to liaise with Mrs Cornwallis. / KT/PC
3. / Matters Arising
3.1 Review of ACF Constitution
3.1.1 Electing a Vice Chair
Mrs Smith proposed and Mrs Berry seconded to elect Mr Llewellyn as Vice Chair of ACF.
The Committee agreed Mr Llewellyn be elected as Vice Chair of the ACF.
3.1.2 Public and IJB Representatives
Further to the advert seeking two public representatives to become non-voting members of the ACF, six nominations had been received.
The Committee agreed for Dr Moffat and Mr Llewellyn to hold informal interviews in August 2015 to select two public representatives.
3.2 Review of advisory committees’ constitutions
The ACF sub group had met prior to this meeting and agreed that constituent advisory committees would need to review their individual constitutions by end of 2015, ensuring that these are consistent with the ACF constitution.
Review of advisory committees’ constitutions to remain on the ACF agenda.
Ms Leete to pursue date of next ACF Sub Group in August 2015.
3.3 Mental Health Update
Ms Gibb was not at the meeting but had advised she will feedback if/when required and when the review of mental health services is complete.
Dr Riddell advised that Royal Cornhill Hospital is still under pressure.
Mrs Berry advised that common themes are ongoing.
The Committee agreed to keep this item on the agenda and discuss at a future meeting. / HM/CL
4. / Updates from Advisory Committees, Director of Public Health and ACF Chair
Each committee provided an update of matters discussed at their recent meetings and highlighted the following:
4.1 AHPC
·  Still awaiting Flying Start Programme for newly qualified Band 5 staff.
·  Waiting for review of Learning and Development policy as comments to be made regarding how equally supported training is across the areas.
·  Looking at dementia tool being made more generic.
4.2 AOC
·  Now have a full committee (7 members confirmed). Would like to fill remaining place with Optometrist from Moray but, if not, a previous chair is happy to be re-elected onto the committee.
·  A new form has been developed for Independent Prescribing Optometrists to advise GP’s of prescribing in the community. This has been approved by the AOC and now with the GP Sub-Committee.
·  New post-op cataract form is now in operation and has improved communication between Eye Clinic and Optometry Practices.
·  An Eye Health meeting was held to give feedback on a recent survey of 100 consecutive Glaucoma referrals from Optometry practices.
·  Will discuss AOC constitution at next meeting on 26 August.
4.3 APC
·  Prescription for Excellence still developing.
·  Developing ‘off the shelf’ training for minor illness.
·  Looking for inactive independent prescribers to prescribe again.
·  12 new pharmacists to undertake prescribing course.
·  Overview of Board Seminar regarding primary care - some non-executives not aware of what Pharmacists can do/what their role is so need to raise awareness/provide shadowing opportunities.
It was noted that Board Seminars to have each advisory committee to present to the Board.
·  Revalidation – A Nursing and Midwifery Group has now been set up and is led by June Brown, Associate Director of Nursing. Each sector is represented and plans are beginning to be put in place to support the process. Dates are now out for this group to meet monthly to ensure progress is maintained and staff are prepared.
·  Mentor numbers have significantly reduced over the past 10 years despite student numbers increasing. This reduces placement opportunities as well as increasing the time each mentor has a student which can increase stress for them. Discussed at Lead Nurse meeting and each sector will take this back for review.
4.5 HCS
·  HCS National Delivery Plan discussed at previous meeting held on 8 June.
·  Producing a newsletter for hospital.
·  Discussed publicity for HCS and distributing leaflets to encourage people to join the profession.
·  HCS constitution and to circulate ACF constitution.
·  To rearrange HCS dates to align with ACF.
4.6 AMC
·  At previous meeting held on 1 June, discussed framework for support.
·  Dignity at work.
·  Proposed standing agenda.
4.6.1 GP Sub Committee
·  At previous meeting held on 15 June, discussed getting a handle/gauge of other practices and where they are at.
·  Child protection registers.
·  GP Sub newsletter to issue to CSC also.
·  Pathway redesign.
·  Vision 360.
4.6.2 Consultants’ Sub Committee
·  Emergency presentation took place which resolved current issues and this item is no longer needed as a standing item on agenda.
·  Consultant Job Plans – clarity given and to improve previous year’s figure.
·  Performance Reference Group and changes from LNC.
·  Last meeting held in May.
·  Grampian-wide CPD Event on health professional well being / self-care planned for autumn.
·  Recruitment issues ongoing, given number of retirals.
·  Reviewing role of psychology in primary care and modernisation.
4.8 Director of Public Health Report
Mrs Webb not in attendance.
4.9 Chair’s Update
Dr Moffat highlighted the need to provide suggestions/comments for report to the Board. It was also agreed it would be beneficial to provide informal feedback from the Board meetings at ACF meetings. Mr Smith recommended it would be valuable to share the future Board programme with ACF and for ACF to share its forward programme with the Board.
The Committee agreed to discuss Integration Joint Boards through the advisory structure.
4.9.1 Previous ACF Report to the Board
May 2015 Report was circulated for information. / ALL
5. / eHealth Update
Mr Smith and Dr Baguley, Clinical Director of eHealth, presented two papers ‘Electronic Patient Records (EPR) in Grampian hospitals – a clinical governance update’ and ‘Review of Healthcare IT Priorities in Grampian’ for discussion.
Mr Baguley explained of the need to have more accessible records electronically, whilst managing the risks and reliance on adequate training and processes in place.
Mr Smith advised of the requirement to take a step back for the next 2/3 months and ask people what they think the priorities are, therefore looking to engage with the advisory structure for debate and advice regarding the eHealth strategy and need to establish where the priority of EPR lies. Mr Smith gave an example of one of the priorities to focus on as The Baird Family Baird Hospital and the ANCHOR Centre, to support modernisation of services and efficiency savings.
The Committee highlighted their concerns which included current quality of scanned records being illegible and therefore unease at destroying paper records until this is resolved; issues of patient safety and clinical governance when paperless, lack of financial backing and issues/risks of some practices using both EPR and paper notes due to lack of training etc. The Committee also raised that some of the old systems do not interlink at present.
Mr Smith agreed that there needs to be investment and clear priorities. Board Seminars will reconvene in September and will include eHealth.
The ACF agreed to sponsor EPR across the organisation to the Clinical Governance Committee. Dr Moffat and Dr Baguley to liaise on how to take forward.
The Committee agreed each Chair to discuss both papers with their advisory committee (particularly the questions in the IT priorities paper) for advice and feedback to the ACF November 2015 meeting. / HM/SB
6. / Organisational Development for NHSG
Mr Smith presented a paper to seek advice on the development of a new OD plan and how it should be shaped over the 3 years, to take account of the changing environment and the continuing need to implement the recommendations set out in the HIS reviews. Mr Smith went on to say that making the organisation work is everyone’s business and people should raise/prompt actions if they see something is not working or could be improved.
The ACF were asked to consider the current position and provide advice which will shape the development of a new OD plan for NHSG.
The Committee discussed initial thoughts which included improving patient care safety and team functioning.
The Committee agreed for each advisory committee to discuss and feedback priorities to the ACF September 2015 meeting. / ALL
7. / NHSG Reputation – current concerns
Dr Riddell asked for this item to be on the agenda, given the recent publicity and negative media which may have an adverse effect on recruitment and retention and effect morale, and asked what the ACF could do to move forward.
The Committee discussed the need to highlight positive stories e.g. GRAFTAS and noted that Corporate Communications already stream positive stories through social media. However it was felt that there needed to be a more proactive move to manage this and more detailed processes in place e.g. patients currently having to go elsewhere for treatment which created negative press. The Committee recommended that a strategy should be put in place to build/restore NHSG’s reputation again. Mr Smith suggested ACF form a sub group to meet with Mr Wright to discuss where we want to be next year.
Mr Smith agreed to liaise with Mr Wright to take forward and would feedback before the ACF September 2015 meeting. / GS
8. / Healthcare Scientists Delivery Plan
Mr Llewellyn had circulated the HCS Delivery Plan.
The HCS Delivery Plan 2015-2020 creates the framework for improvement programmes, which will take their place within the national culture of improvement in Scotland. The programmes aim to make a real contribution to achieving high-quality, sustainable and effective health and care services and there are five key points of the improvement programme, which were highlighted in Mr Llewellyn’s covering paper. These included looking at ways to develop sustainability, roles and imaging to improve data collection so that it can transfer with patients and save resources, reduce repeat testing and inefficiencies.
The Committee agreed to include this item in its report to the Board. / HM
9. / Annual Review with Cabinet Secretary
Dr Moffat advised that she is required to submit an ACF report prior to the Annual Review, and asked Committee members for their thoughts.
The Committee discussed this item and suggestions included that ACF has made good progress, the Committee is to received forward programme from the Board in future, Advisory Committees to present at Board Seminars, highlight NHSG reputation and request support from Cabinet Secretary, ongoing recruitment issues which are intensifying, particularly in primary care and the impact on patient outcomes and care; empowering staff to highlight improvements and positive change, sharing and learning and IJBs/primary care uncertainty/positives.
Dr Moffat agreed to email the ACF a draft copy of the report for comments. / HM
10. / ACF input to NHSG policy consultation
Dr Moffat asked if members wished to have ACF input into NHSG policies e.g. bullying and harassment policy currently being developed.
The Committee felt it was important for ACF to have input.
Dr Moffat agreed to email Area Partnership Forum to clarify the consultation process and timescale. / HM
11. / Launch of The Baird Family Hospital and The ANCHOR Centre – update
Mr Smith advised that there was no update. The project was proceeding well, lots of consultation and communication events to be held after the summer.
Mr Smith will update each advisory committee. / GS
12. / Health and Social Care Integrated Joint Boards (IJBs) – Integration Schemes for consultation
Mr Smith advised of delegated Acute services and currently deciding regarding hosting services e.g. GMED, Mental Health, so developing proposals and where accountabilities lie.
Dr Riddell enquired of the timeline for clinical services plan. Mr Smith advised that it is to be approved by the Board in March 2016 and the advisory structure would have input before.
13. / Minutes
Recent minutes were circulated for information.
14. / Items for ACF Report to the Board
·  Healthcare Scientists Delivery Plan
·  NHSG Reputation – current concerns and positive NHSG stories to be highlighted
·  eHealth update
·  Organisational Development Plan for NHSG
Mrs Cornwallis highlighted that it had been extremely beneficial to have been included in the recruitment process for the new Chief Executive and Director of Nursing. / HM
15. / AOCB
16. / Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 16 September 2015 at 4.30pm in the Committee Room, Foresterhill House, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary.