The following process applies to staff currently employed by the Trust.

Step 1 / Current member of staff is identified as requiring a new DBS clearance. / Manager
Step 2 / Manager asks member of staff to bring in appropriate original ID documentation – see Appendix 1 for list of acceptable ID. / Member of staff
Step 3 / Manager sees and verifies the original ID Documents.
A photocopy of the documents are taken and Manager signs, prints name and dates the photocopies. / Manager
Step 4 / Manager scans and e-mails ID documentation requesting that a DBS check is undertaken. The following information needs to be included in the e-mail; Name, job title, e-mail address and cost centre.
The DBS request cannot be raised until appropriate ID documentation has been received by the Recruitment Team. If insufficient, or inappropriate ID has been seen, Serco Recruitment Team will e-mail the Managerrequesting further details be submitted. Until appropriate ID has been received a DBS check cannot be initiated. / Manager
Step 5 / The request is logged on aDBS tracking spreadsheet by Serco Recruitment Team. / Serco Recruitment Team
Step 6 / Once appropriate ID documentation has been received from the Manager, Serco Recruitment Teaminput ID details on the on-line system.This will generate an e-mail to the member of staff with login and password details to enable them to log into the system. / Serco Recruitment Team
Step 7 / Member of staff logs onto the system and completes online DBS application form.
Once completed this will be quality checked andif no queries, the on-line form will be released and submitted to the DBS for checking. / Member of staff
Step 8 / If there are any errors on the DBS application form an alert will be placed on the form and Serco Recruitment Team will be able to pick up any queries when logging into the system.
Emails will be sent to the Member of staff/Managerrequesting the information to enable the form to be processed. / Serco Recruitment Team
Step 9 / Serco Recruitment Team will log into the system and clear down any received clearance notifications. / Serco Recruitment Team
Step 10 / Serco Recruitment Team will update the DBS tracker with the details of the clearance and e-mail the Manager advising the clearance has been received. A clearance template will be attached to the e-mail for completion by the Manager. / Serco Recruitment Team
Step 11 / Serco will update the staff members ESR record with the DBS details. / Serco Recruitment Team
Step 12 / Manager to ask the member of staff to bring in the original certificate for verification and completion of the Clearance Template. Completed template to be retained on the member of staff’s personal file. Serco/Asp do not need a copy of the clearance template. / Manager
Appendix 1
DBS Acceptable Identity Documents

Documentation produced must confirm the applicant’s current address and at least one document must confirm the applicant’s date of birth.

-Have you seen documents from Group 1? / YES - you need to see 3 documents:
Group 1 = one
Groups 1 or 2 = two; one of which must verify their current address
- / NO – you need to see 3 documents from Group 2;
comprising of 1 document from Group 2a and 2 further documents from Group 2a or 2b one of which must verify their current address
-GROUP 1 Documents – Primary Trusted Identity Credentials
Tick copies attached / Tick copies attached
Any current and valid Passport / Birth Certificate (UK & Channel Islands)
- issued at time of date of birth – full or short form acceptable including those issued by UK authorities overseas, eg Embassies, High Commissions and HM Forces
Biometric Residence Permit (UK) / Adoption Certificate – UK and Channel Islands
Valid Driving Licence - photo card with counterpart where one is issued (UK/Isle of Man/Channel Islands and EU) (Full or Provisional)
-GROUP 2a Documents – Trusted Government/State Issued Documents
-Current Driving licence – old-style paper version / HM Forces ID Card (UK)
-Current photo card driving licence – (where a counterpart has been issued but no counterpart is presented) All countries (full or provisional) / Fire Arms Licence (UK, Channel Islands and Isle of Man)
Birth Certificate (UK & Channel Islands) – issued after time of birth / Marriage/Civil partnership Certificate (UK and Channel Islands)
-GROUP 2b Documents – Financial/Social History Documents
-Mortgage Statementissued within past 12 months (UK or EEA)** / Letter of sponsorship from future employment provider – Non-UK or non-EEA only – valid only for applicants residing outside of the UK at time of application
Bank/Building Society Statement (UK and Channel Islands or EEA)* / -Utility bill (UK)* - Not Mobile Telephone
Bank or building society account opening confirmation letter (UK)* / -Benefit Statement * - eg Child Allowance, Pension (UK)
Credit Card Statement (UK or EEA)* / -EU National ID Card
Financial Settlement** - eg. Pension, endowment, ISA (UK) / A document from Central/Local Government/Government Agency/Local Authority giving entitlement (UK & Channel Islands)* - eg. from the Department for Work & Pensions, the Employment Service, Customs & Revenue, Job Centre, Job Centre Plus, Social Security
P45/P60 Statement ** (UK & Channel Islands) / -Cards carrying the PASS accreditation logo (UK)
Council Tax Statement (UK & Channel Islands)** / -Letter from head teacher or college principal – UK – for 16 to 19 year olds in full time education – only used in exceptional circumstances if other documents cannot be provided
Work Permit/Visa (UK) (UK Residence Permit) ** / -

Please note:

If a document in the List of Valid Identity Documents is:

-Denoted with * - it should be less than three months old

-Denoted with ** - it should be issued within the past 12 months

-Not denoted – it can be more than 12 months old

Serco Internal

Uncontrolled if printed