Minutes of the meeting of Yarcombe parish council held at 8.00pm on

Monday 3rd September2012 in the Jubilee Hall, Yarcombe

Present:Councillors Mrs L Pidgeon (Chairman),CllrsP Nicholls,ALong,B Anning, C Button-Stephens, H Derryman, A WigginsandS Waplington (Parish Clerk) and W Randle, and Cllr P Diviani and Cllr A Moulding. One member of the public was present and David Everett of Chardstock Parish Council.


Apologies were received from Cllr D Barnes and Cllr N Randle.

2.Declarations of Interest

There were no declarations of interest.

3.To receive a report from PC Clive Vickery/PCSO Phil Anning

The police did not attend the meeting nor send a report.

4.To confirm the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 02 July 2012

The minutes were confirmed and signed as a correct record.

5.Reports on ongoing activities of the council

a)Cllr Pidgeon has not yet purchased the tree or plaque to commemorate the Diamond Jubilee.

b)212 housing needs surveys have been printed. It was RESOLVED to request a few more copies to ensure there are enough for each household and to retain one on file. They will be distributed with the next copy of the Yarcombe Voices. Cllr Nicholls expressed some concern that the survey states that although the Parish Council won’t see the results of the survey the wording with regards to other parties having access to this information is not very clear. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk will contact Sue Southwell (in the absence of John Scott) and ask for some clarification. It was further RESOLVED to write a piece for the Voices to let people know the outcome of this.

c)The Clerk has emailed Tooway to see if it is possible to get a communal satellite dish fitted for use by the community.

d)Brian Hoare had a site meeting with Cllr Button-Stephens to look at the area of badly kept land in Marsh. It was RESOLVED that the work done already is not satisfactory and Brian will write again to the owner of the land and give him the opportunity to get it done himself. If this is not done within the correct timeframe then DCC will do it and charge the land-owner.

e)The Clerk has again reported the poor road surface at the Stopgate junction on the A303 and the at Knightshayne Corner to the Highways Agency. She was told that someone would get back to her but they haven’t done so despite being chased. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Diviani would follow this up with David Key of EDDC.

f)The Clerk has drafted and shared a risk assessment with the Councillors. It was RESOLVED to adopt it as it stands.

g)Peter Tarrant has agreed to look into setting up a parish e-group.

h)Brian Hoare has emailed a map to the Clerk to identify precisely where the blocked drains around the Beacon are. It was RESOLVED that the Cllr Long will mark up this map and post it back to Brian.

6.Open session for public participation

There was no public participation.

7.To discuss financial matters

a)Payments were approved and made in line with the following schedule:-

Date / Payee / Particulars of Payment / Cheque No / Amount
03/09/12 / S Waplington / Clerk’s Salary & £2.70 expenses / 000357 / £501.44
03/09/12 / Axminster DAPC / Subscription fee / 000358 / £10.00
03/09/12 / Audit Commission / Annual Audit / 000359 / £144.00

b)The annual audit has been completed and returned without any issues.

8.To hear reports from individual Councillors / Clerk

a)Cllr Moulding talked about a meeting that will be taking place on 18th September to discuss some funding which is available for Parishes working together, for example paying for and using a shared lengthsman. He will be sending an invitation shortly.

9.Parish Pooling of resources

David Everitt, Councillor and secretary of Chardstock Parish Council came along to talk about the suggestion that the four parishes which form the Yarty Ward i.e. All Saints, Membury, Chardstock and Yarcombe consider an informal pooling of resources, ideas and sharing of problems relating to issues such as the EDDC local plan and neighbourhood plans. It was RESOLVED that the Clerks of the relevant Parishes would share all minutes and relevant information with each other.

10.Councillor Register of Interest forms

All Councillors completed a new register of interest form following changes in the code of conduct. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Pidgeon would take one for Cllr Barnes and Wendy Randle would take one for Cllr Randle, in their absence, to be completed and returned as soon as possible.

11.Parish paths

Cllr Wiggins has reported several issues to DCC but they have not been rectified. It was RESOLVED that he will report these issues again and copy in Cllr Moulding who will also follow it up.

12.Highway matters

  • It is believed that both Watchford Lane and Clifthayne Lane which were previously categorised as grade 9 roads have been reclassified as grade 11 roads. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk will ask Brian Hoare why this has been done as they are no longer being maintained satisfactorily. She will copy in Paul Downes and Meg Booth as well as Cllr Moulding and Cllr Diviani.
  • A resident has reported that the ditches between Cornhill and Higher Moorhayne are blocked with stones. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would report this.
  • One of the 20mph signs on Knightshayne Corner is missing. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would report this to Highways.
  • There is a temporary road sign near Marsh saying that there are no road markings. It has been there for a very long time and needs to be removed. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would report this to Highways.


a)Old Woodhayne Farm, Bishopswood, TA20 3SB – 12/0725/LBC – internal and external alterations to farmhouse and threshing barn (to facilitate use as ancillary accommodation) and construction of new buttress to yard barn – approved retrospectively.

b)9 Drakes Meadow, Yarcombe, EX14 9BN – 12/1755/FUL – 2 storey rear extension and single storey side extention – pending consideration. An objection has been received from a parishioner for the consideration of the Parish Council.

c)Shutlands Farm, Yarcombe, EX14 9ND – 12/1391/FUL – installation of ground mounted PV array – approved.

14.To discuss items of general correspondence received:-

a)A letter has been received from John Carter thanking the parish council for nominating him as the “unsung hero” to attend the recent EDDC garden party.

b)A poster promoting the forthcoming Blackdown Hills heritage day which takes place on 29th September. It was RESOLVED that this would be placed on the notice board in Marsh.

c)An invitation to the DALC AGM and conference which takes place on Saturday 6th October – includes their annual report 2011-2012. It was RESOLVED that no-one from the Parish Council would attend this meeting.

d)An invitation from EDDC for one representative to attend an event on 14th September called “working together for the future of East Devon”. It was RESOVLED that no-one from the Parish Council would attend this meeting.

e)An email from Catherine Bass thanking the Parish Council for the generous and well considered contribution to the network.

f)An email from EDDC asking for the Parish Council’s views on forthcoming changes in council tax benefit. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Nicholls would complete and return the survey.

15. Publications received:-

  • The new Blackdown Hills AONB design guide for houses guide. It was RESOLVED that the Clerk would request a further 100 copies of the guide to give to Mary Smith for inclusion in the welcome pack. It was further RESOLVED that an article would be placed in the Voices saying that if anyone would like a copy they could contact the Clerk.

16. To confirm date of the next meeting – Monday 1st October 2012.