Baden United Methodist Church
420 Dippold Avenue
Baden, PA 15005-1716
D. Edward Bailey, Pastor
Time Value Mail Change ServiceRequested
Schedule of Services
Sunday…………………………………………………………………………………………………. Chapel – 8:15 a.m.
Sunday…………………………………………………………………………………………….. Sanctuary – 10:30 a.m.
Saturday……………………………………………………………………….……………………Sanctuary – 6:00 p.m.
Last Saturday of Each Month………………………………………… Contemporary Service - Sanctuary – 6:00 p.m.
2/ 3
7:00p Trustees
meeting / 4
6:00p Aldersgate
practice / 5
9:30a LET Bible
6:00p Bell Choir
7:30p Sanctuary
Choir practice / 6
6:00-7:30p Kidz
Club / 7 / 1
7:30a Camp Let Your Light Shine pick up 8
Worship 9:00a
6:00p Worship
11:30a Pancake & Sausage Easter Brunch
11:30a GEMS
meeting / 10 / 11
12:30p UMW
6:00p Aldersgate
7:30p Church
Council meeting / 12
9:30a LET Bible
6:00p Bell Choir
7:30p Sanctuary
Choir practice / 13
9:00a Busy Bees / 14 / 15
6:00p Worship
/ 17
5:30 – 8:30 pm
We Care Food Distribution / 18
6:00p Aldersgate
practice / 19
9:30a LET Bible
6:00p Bell Choir
7:30p Sanctuary
Choir practice / 20
DaVinci’s Last Supper Scene
Silent Communion
6am – 6pm / 21
Tenebrae Worship Service / 22
6:00p Easter Worship Service
8:30 & 10:30a Worship Services in the Sanctuary / 24 / 25
6:00p Aldersgate
practice / 26
9:30a LET Bible
6:00p Bell Choir
7:30p Sanctuary
Choir practice / 27
9:00a Busy Bees / 28 / 29
11:30a CE Board
meeting / 31 / Sunday Worship:
8:15am in Eaton
10:30am in the
Sunday School:
9:00am Gathering
9:15am Opening / Chapel Café
open from 9:00am until 10:15am / AA meets in Fellowship Hall every Sunday evening at 6:00pm / Weight Watchers meets in Fellowship Hall every Wednesday at 6:00pm
The Gleam March 2008
Baden United MethodistChurch * 420 Dippold Avenue * Baden, Pennsylvania * (724) 869-2720
Dear Friend and Member of Baden UMC:
Without Easter, the Christian faith is a waste of time.That is what the apostle Paul says: “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile and you are still in your sins” (1Corinthians 15:17).
The reason for this is that Christ’s Resurrection not only gives us hope for eternal life, but it also confirms that what Jesus said in his earthly life was true. Jesus said he would rise from the dead. If he had not, who would have taken his teachings seriously thereafter?
“But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead,” Paul says (1Corinthians 15:20). The resurrection was God’s stamp of authenticity on Jesus, proclaiming, “Yes, Jesus is my Son. Yes, he has overcome death. Yes, what he told you is true. Trust him! Follow him!”
There will be special worship opportunities at Baden UMC. These include:
Palm Sunday Saturday, March 15that 6:00 P.M.
Sunday, March 16that 8:15 A.M. and 10:30 A.M.
Maundy Thursday Thursday, March 20that 7:00 P.M. (In the Fellowship Hall)
Good Friday Friday, March 21stat 7:00 P.M.
Tenebrae Service featuring the Sanctuary Choir
Easter Celebrations Saturday, March 22nd at 6:00 P.M.
Sunday, March 23rdat 8:30 A.M. and 10:30 A.M.
Holy Humor Service Saturday,March 29th at 6:00 P.M.
Sunday, March 30th at 8:15 A.M. and 10:30 A.M.
I hope you can join me and others during these Special worship services to worship God and bless God.
Grace, Hope, and Joy
Ed Bailey, Pastor
Our Volunteers in Mission will travel to Dulac, Louisiana
February 29th –March 8th
Bill Alberts, Sally Bramble, Alan Hazelwood, Bud Meade, and the Pastor will be joining 25 others from Western PA to travel to Dulac, LA to provide relief from hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Dulac is a community about 90 minutes south of New Orleans. Nearly fifty percent of the residents are Native Americans from the Houma Tribe (to learn more about this particular tribe go to ). A special thank you to the endowment that helped to make this trip possible. The endowment contributed 500.00 for supplies, 800.00 for van rental and or gas for transportation, and 75 percent (225.00) of each participants registration cost. Please keep Baden UMC Volunteers in Mission in prayer. Also, note that Alan Hazelwood and the Pastor will be traveling March 2 (following Sunday worship) and returning March 7(Friday).
2 Tracy Krepps
4 Tracy Fennell
Amy Stumpf
6 Jim Logan
7 Sarah Alberts
10 Leah Bailey
Dorothy Kopchick
11 Shawn Corless
13 Garnet Mazur
14 Helen Dishong
Zoe Setzenfand
16 Bill Alberts
19 Kathleen Barsic
Randi Montagna
22 Amy Freed
Emily Puhalla
23 Emily Chismire
Charlotte Reese
24 Margery Tillery
25 Marilyn Dobich
Dave Setzenfand
27 Treva Lansberry
28 Bill Ickley
29 Mali Lubic
Lea Anne Ochs
Mar 16 Doug & Jill
Mar 25 Jim & Linda
Pleasehelp us keep our birthday and anniversary lists current. If you or someone you know has a March birthdayor anniversary and is not included on, or would like to be removed from our list, please contact the church office.
2.....….....………...... …..Bob Blanarik
9……….....…..…...... Glenn Schaeffer
16……….....…...... ………...... Alan Freed
23...... …..……..…...... Jan Pasuit
30...... Dick Johns
2...... Breanna Jean Wayne, Candle
Dylan Hespenheide, Bible
9...... Rachel Bailey, Candle
Jacob Bailey, Bible
16...... Carrie Freed, Candle
Paige Miller, Bible
23...... Elizabeth VanDeCar, Candle
Jesse DiCicco, Bible
30...... Carrie Freed, Candle
Isaac Jones, Bible
2...... Jim & Lorraine Rhode
9...... Dian Sherin
16...... Bill & Joyce Ickley
23...... Teres Fausti
30...... Betty Wells
Mar 3 7:00pm Trustees meeting
Mar 9 11:30pm GEMS meeting
Mar 11 12:30am UMW meeting
Mar 11 7:30pm Church Council
Mar 30 11:30am CE Board meeting
2 8:15...... Timothy Smith
10:30...... Walt King, Don Fleming
William Ickley, Dale Sheaffer
9 8:15...... Gerald Dunstan
10:30…...John Parkhurst, Dave Smith
Dale Sheaffer, Alan Freed
16 8:15...... Dan Wilson
10:30….....Bill VanDeCar, John Krepps
Bobby Charlovich, Dale Sheaffer
20 7:00p...... Gerald Dunstan, Walt King
Dave Woodling, Bobby Charlovich
21 7:00p...... Dale Sheaffer, Alan Freed
Dan Wilson, Bill Ickley
23 8:15...... Gerald Ferguson, Dan Wilson
Timothy Smith, Gerald Dunstan
10:30...... Don Fleming, Brandon Short
Jeff McClure, Alan Freed
30 8:15...... Paula Hazelwood
10:30...... Bill & Joyce Ickley
Fred & Viki Zajac
We extend our condolences to the family of Elizabeth Laszacs, who recently passed away. Please keep her family in prayer at this difficult time.
“I am the resurrection and the life,” says our Lord. “Those who believe in me, even though they die, will live, and everyone who lives and believes in me will never die.” (John 11:25-26, NRSV).
I would like to thank everyonefor their calls, visits, cards and prayers.
~Lorraine Rhode
To the congregation of the Baden UMC,
“Your kind expression of sympathy is gratefully acknowledged and deeply appreciated.”
The Family of Betty Laszacs
A Maundy Thursday Drama will be presented on Thursday, March 20, 2008 at 7:00pm in the Fellowship Hall. Once again the members of our congregation will act out Advance’s Last Supper Scene with Holy Communion served by the “Disciples”.
The order will be placed through Beaver Valley Floral this year and the cost will be $8.50 each. You will have a choice of lilies, tulips or hyacinths. There is an order form and envelopes in the narthex for your convenience. All orders must be placed by March 10th.
We extend a warm welcome to our newest members, Joseph Fausti and Caroline Fausti who joined our church on Saturday, February 23rd. Joe and Caroline are the husband and daughter of current member Teresa Fausti. Welcome to our church family!
Perfect Attendance:
Our Sunday school children and youth were presented with award certificates for perfect attendance on Sunday, January 27th during our Opening.
Congratulations to all who made perfect attendance for our fall & winter quarters.
Shining Stars for Jesus
Our Sunday school recognition program “Shining Stars for Jesus” is well underway. So far we have recognized the following: Kasey Arnold, Leah, Rachel, Jacob, and Dinah Bailey; Nicholas, Jacob and Allyson Charlovich; Garrett and Mason Foley; Brooke, Jesse and Christopher DiCicco; and Laina Montagna. Every student in Sunday School will have the opportunity to become a “shining star”. Don’t forget to check out all of our “Stars” in the hallway leading to the Chapel café.
Pretzel Sunday:
Many years ago, an Italian monk made a simple bread to remind his brother monks that Lent was a time of prayer. He rolled bread dough in strips and shaped them in the form of arms crossed over the heart in a prayerful manner. These little breads were called “bracellae” the Latin word for “little arms”. From this word came the German word bretzel, and our word pretzel. The Sunday school classes had a great time making “Pretzels” on Sunday, February 3rd as we continued our tradition of making pretzels on the first Sunday before Lent, to help remind
us of the time of prayer and repentance during the Lenten season. We would like to thank the adult Sunday school class for helping to bake our pretzels for us.
Thank you all!
Camp: “Let your Light Shine”
Get those flashlights out, and find your sleeping bags, our sleepover for all of our Sunday school students (including the adult class) is back on! We will begin all of the fun on Friday, February 29th at 7:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall, and will pack up our camp on Saturday morning beginning at 7:00am. The hall will be converted into a campground, complete with dome tents and S’mores”. All of your favorite Sunday school teachers will be on hand to make the evening a great adventure. Don’t forget to get your signup letter from your Sunday school teacher, and don’t forget to register in your classroom for our sleepover! See you at Camp!
Kidz Club:
Hey kids, if you missed Kidz Club this past month, you missed a great time! Our club had “anything that rolls” night! You should have seen Cody and Justin trying to keep out of the way of Catherine and Carrie. Not too mention the “Bailey Bunch” on wheels! Oh what fun we had! We even had Kasey and her Mom, Dawn, out on the floor. After our fun time, we talked about our Bible verse: “Beloved let us Love one another”.
The children made chains of love out of hearts, and we talked about how God loves us all. Our next Kidz club will meet on Thursday, March 6th at 6:00 in Fellowship Hall. Come and join us!
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
12:30 pm
Greeters...... Everyone
Hostesses...... Pat McCaslin
Paula Hazelwood
Program……………………….………………………....Linda Fleming
The “Busy Bee” sewers will gather on the Thursdays of March 13th & 27th
from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
will meet March 9, 2008 after the 10:30 worship service.
Lori Hartge will lead devotions and as always we welcome new members.
Please Pray for....
Cody Bagnel; Justin Beck; Wayne Bennett; Christina Blinn; Pauline Bruning; John Brynczak; Katherine Collingwood; Nancy Craig; Bonnie Cromie; Lisa D’Ambrosio; Joseph Davies; Maggie Gall; Paul Gennaro; Abigail Goodrich; Amanda Hartge; Jack Hayes; Jason Hazelwood; Ken Jones; Pastor Warren Jones of Bethel UMC (Lower Burrell); Tracy & Trevor Kaiser; Linda Kopicko; John Krepps; Ellen Lawrence; Amber Mazur; Hugh McCreery; Spc. Jeanette McDonald; Megan Michaels; Brian Mickey; Emma Mills; Mark Montagna; Bob Muders; Janine Parkhurst; Phyllis Parkhurst; Charlotte Reese; Lorraine Rhode; Jim Robinson; Joshua Shoup; Jack Smith; Emily Staggs; Marge Tillery; Walt Tillery; Matthew Wadd; Brenda Washington; David Waxler; Lillian Winters; Mary Wolz; Cynthia, Doug; Pam.
Please help keep our prayer list current. If you know someone who needs prayer, call the office and let us know. If you know someone on the list who is doing better, please let us know so that we may remove his or her name. All names will remain on the list for no more than six weeks unless the office is notified otherwise.
Pancake and Sausage Brunch
Sunday, March 9th in Fellowship Hall
11:30 (after worship)
Sponsored by: the Education Dept.
Free will offering will be taken to help with this year’s VacationBibleSchool!
(Parents will want to bring a camera for our surprise visitor!)
Please fill out the reservation form below and place it in the offering plate. Reservation deadline is Sunday. March 2nd
Name: ______
Number of Adults: ______
Number of children/ Youth: ______