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19 May 2003

Gene Reed, Co-Chairman (Delaware), NAIC Producer Licensing Working Group

John Chaskey, Co-Chairman (New York), NAIC Producer Licensing Working Group

C/o Tim Mullen

National Association of Insurance Commissioners


RE: NAIC Producer Licensing Model Act Implementation Guidance


As you recall from the NAIC Producer Licensing Working Group meeting in Atlanta, I requested on behalf of insurance industry interested parties that the Working Group review publicly certain questions regarding PLMA implementation as well as industry’s understanding of the correct answers to the questions. By publicly discussing and either accepting or rejecting the answers, and then commemorating the decisions in the Minutes to the meetings, the NAIC will provide important guidance toward uniform producer regulation for all states and regulated entities on an ongoing, dynamic basis.

Accompanying this document is a list of eleven Questions and Answers. In some Questions, particular States are identified to alert them that they may have a special perspective to bring to discussion before the NAIC. Thank you for bringing this document to the attention of the NAIC Working Group, and for discussing each of the Answers publicly to confirm that there is a meeting of the minds of the regulators and industry participants most involved in achieving uniform state producer regulation.


MICHAEL LOVENDUSKY, American Council of Life Insurers