Population in areas with infectious disease

Notes on dispop.dta

Contents: population in areas with infectious disease weighted by 1994 population: yellow fever (1952 and 1996); plague (1952); leprosy (1952); visceral leishmaniasis (1954 and 1984); helminthiasis (1952); dengue fever (1951 and 1975 to 1995); schistosomiasis (1987); and lymphatic filiriases (1984).

Variable / Description / Creation/Source of Data & notes
wbcode / World Bank (ISO) country code / ESRI, 1996. Arcworld Supplement Data Reference and User’s Guide. Redlands, Calif.
country / country name / ESRI, 1996. Arcworld Supplement Data Reference and User’s Guide. Redlands, Calif.
disp1 / % of population living in areas with yellow fever, 1951 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Dengue and Yellow Fever: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 5.” The American Geographical Society, The Geographic Review, Vol. 42, No. 4, 1952.
disp2 / % of population living in areas with plague, 1952 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Plague 1900-1952: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 6.” The American Geographical Society, The Geographic Review, Vol. 42, No. 4, 1952.
disp3 / % of population living in areas with leprosy, 1952 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Leprosy 1952: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 7.” The American Geographical Society, The Geographic Review, Vol. 42, No. 2, 1953.
disp4 / % of population living in areas with oriental sore leishmaniasis, 1954 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Leishmaniases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 14.” The American Geographical Society. 1954.
disp5 / % of population living in areas with kala azar leishmaniasis, 1954 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Leishmaniases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 14.” The American Geographical Society. 1954.
disp6 / % of population living in areas with american leishmaniasis, 1954 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Leishmaniases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 14.” The American Geographical Society. 1954.
disp7 / % of population living in areas with helminthiasis schistosoma haematobium, 1952 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952.
disp8 / % of population living in areas with helminthiasis schistosoma mansoni, 1952 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952.
disp9 / % of population living in areas with helminthiasis filariid mansonella ozzard (% country area), 1952 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952.
disp10 / % of population living in areas with helminthiasis paragoniumus westermani (% country area), 1952 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952.
disp11 / % of population living in areas with helminthiasis fasciolapsis buski (% country area), 1952 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952.
disp12 / % of population living in areas with helminthiasis optisthorchis felineus (% country area), 1952 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952.
disp13 / % of population living in areas with helminthiasis diphyllobothrium latum (% country area), 1952 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952.
disp14 / % of population living in areas with helminthiasis clonorchis sinensis (% country area), 1952 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952.
disp15 / % of population living in areas with helminthiasis hookworm group (% country area), 1952 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952.
disp16 / % of population living in areas with helminthiasis filarid loa loa (% country area), 1952 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952.
disp17 / % of population living in areas with helminthiasis filariid wucheria bancrofti & malayii (% country area), 1952 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952.
disp18 / % of population living in areas with helminthiasis filariid onchocerca volvulus (% country area), 1952 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952.
disp19 / % of population living in areas with helminthiasis filariid acanthocherlonema perstons (% country area), 1952 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Helminthiases: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 4.” The American Geographical Society. The Geographical Review, Vol. 42, No. 1, 1952.
disp20 / % of population living in areas with dengue fever (% country area), 1951 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
“Distribution of Dengue and Yellow Fever: Atlas of Diseases – Plate 5.” The American Geographical Society, The Geographic Review, Vol. 42, No. 4, 1952.
disp21 / % of population living in areas with shistosomiasis, 1987 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
Doumenge, J. P., et al. 1987. Atlas de la Répartition Mondiale des Schistosomiases. Bordeaux: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux.
disp22 / % of population living in areas with yellow fever (% country area), 1996 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
disp23 / % of population living in areas with dengue fever (% country area), 1975 to 1995 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
WHO. 1995. “Key Issues in Dengue Vector Control Toward the Operationalization of a Global Strategy.” Geneva: WHO. Page 4.
disp24 / % of population living in areas with lymphatic filiariases (% country area), 1984 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
WHO. 1984. Lymphatic Filiriases. Technical Report Series 702. Geneva: WHO.
disp25 / % of population living in areas with visceral leishmaniasis (% country area), 1984 / Calculated in equal-area cylindrical projection.
WHO. 1984. The Leishmaniases. Technical Report Series 701. Geneva: WHO. Page 49.

Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max


wbcode | 164

country | 164

disp1 | 164 .2095732 .3900249 0 1.12

disp2 | 164 .0638415 .1372714 0 .62

disp3 | 164 .5368293 .447826 0 1.05

disp4 | 164 .1306707 .2910825 0 1.01

disp5 | 164 .0645732 .1770839 0 1

disp6 | 164 .0427439 .178557 0 .98

disp7 | 164 .2379878 .3879254 0 1.01

disp8 | 164 .1105488 .2426623 0 1

disp9 | 164 .0037805 .0268209 0 .3

disp10 | 164 .1363415 .3210145 0 1.14

disp11 | 164 .0279878 .1338123 0 .94

disp12 | 164 .0031098 .0220031 0 .22

disp13 | 164 .1359756 .3153413 0 1.05

disp14 | 164 .0054878 .0395884 0 .42

disp15 | 164 .5077439 .4363475 0 1.14

disp16 | 164 .0379268 .1675463 0 .97

disp17 | 164 .3187195 .4145323 0 1.05

disp18 | 164 .1267073 .2984482 0 1.02

disp19 | 164 .149878 .3402399 0 1.01

disp20 | 164 .1481098 .325683 0 1

disp22 | 164 .1218293 .2244619 0 .65

disp21 | 164 .0042683 .0430446 0 .54

disp23 | 164 .1832317 .2499004 0 .61

disp24 | 164 .1493902 .2306425 0 .65

disp25 | 164 .0841463 .1674636 0 .56