Revised 2/10/14

Ramirez Charter School Language Policy

Classroom Instruction

Language Learning is integrated throughout the entire school day, rather than in an isolated block of time. At Ramirez we are committed to planning cross-curricular units in which language learning is evident throughout all the disciplines. Teachers do this by following the state standards knowledge and skills to create their Units of Inquiry lessons. All faculty; Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade, use the English Language Arts-Reading (ELAR) curriculum. It is essential for the faculty to use all resources when planning their Units so that they may successfully integrate language into other subject areas. Language integration allows for creative expression and use of various forms of assessment, such as projects and performance tasks. This is evident by looking through our Units of Inquiry, teacher lesson plans, rubrics, and the physical classroom environment.

Ramirez Elementary provides differentiated literacy instruction, by using instructional teaching practices at each student’s developmental level to enhance language development. Our faculty utilizes the Writing and Reading workshop models as described in Guided Reading and Guided Readers and Writers Grades 3-6th by Fountas and Pinnell. This model allows for literature studies, independent reading, and reflective practices for both teacher and student. The purpose of Guided Reading and Guided Writing is to foster independent reading and writing skills, facilitate reflective discussion and written reflection, and to create small flexible groups that target students’ individual instructional levels. Teachers in grade Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grade build on the language skills, focusing on students instructional levels to gain mastery.

Collaboration occurs horizontally within grade level team members and vertically among teams of Pre-Kindergarten to 5th grade teacher teams. This collaboration enables teachers to create grade-level checklists, and to create rich, exciting, engaging, and aligned language lessons within our Programme of Inquiry. Our emphasis on communication through reading and writing is apparent when walking around our campus.

Dual Language Program-90/10 Model

Our school implements a 90/10 Dual Language Program Pre-Kindergarten to 5th grade. This program’s goal is for all students to become bilingual, bi-literate, and bicultural. We have 48% of our students who are classified as English Language Learners (ELL) with the home language being Spanish who are in this program. In addition, we have students whose home language is English and are placed with the Spanish speaking students to be totally immersed in Spanish instruction and with Spanish speaking students. The ratio in the class is 1/3 Spanish speaking students, 1/3 Bilingual Spanish speaking students and 1/3 are English speaking students.

Students whose primary language is Spanish are screened upon enrollment and all students that are identified as English Language Learners are placed within the program. These students serve as our Spanish speaking models. The Dual Language Program serves as an additive enrichment model for our Spanish Language Learners. Parents of native English speaking students attend a Dual Language information session. After reviewing the criteria, parents commit whether their child would be a good candidate. A language test is given and pending results, the student is placed in the program. Our Dual Language classrooms place equal emphasis and value on both languages.

Pre-Kindergarten through 1stgrade students begin with a 90/10 model where 90% of their instruction will be in Spanish. Spanish speaking students benefit form this framework since they continue developing their native language as they learn English. English speaking students are totally immersed into the Spanish language and academics. Science is the only academic subject taught in English. Students also receive additional English in their Fine Arts classes and in their ESL block.

Starting in 2nd grade the model begins to change and is as follows:

2nd-80/20 model

3rd-70/30 model

4th-60/40 model

5th-50/50 model

Science continues to always be taught in English for all grades. By 3rdgrade English is formally introduced in Reading and Writing. Components that enhance communication and language acquisition include bilingual pairs, cooperative learning, centers, bilingual resource centers, and committing to the language 90/10 model throughout the day.

Language Instruction for Speakers of Languages other than English or Spanish

The students at Ramirez Charter School are predominately English speaking in their homes; with approximately 48% are Spanish speaking. Students whose primary home language is not English are identified during initial enrollment in our school using a Home Language Survey. When the parent completes the form stating that English is not the language spoken in the home, we begin our assessment of English Language Skills using the Woodcock-Muñoz assessment. The results are used to determine program placement. Our campus provides services for native Spanish speaking students through the Dual Language Program described in this document. Students who qualify as English Language Learners other than Spanish are placed in classrooms with teachers who are certified to teach English Speakers with Other Languages (ESOL). These students receive the same curriculum, plus assured an additional set of standards for ESOL students. Students are closely monitored for their acquisition of the English learning components. Finally, we have on campus an ESL teacher who supports teachers with ESOL students, training, and monitoring.

Spanish Language Instruction

At Ramirez Charter School Spanish instruction is offered in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 5th grades. Our Pre-Kindergarten students receive instruction for 30 minutes every week. Our Kindergarten through 5th grade students receives instruction for 45 minutes every week.

All grade levels spend time in Spanish class studying about the different Spanish-speaking areas of the world. Students enjoy learning about many aspects of life regarding the specific country or area such as music, food, traditions, special days, geography, history, etc. Children learn to appreciate the differences seen in other cultures and to discover the many things they have in common. Each year a different area is spotlighted. These are:

  • Mexico
  • Central America
  • South America
  • Spain
  • Africa

Pre-Kindergarten to First Grade:

Pre-Kindergarten through 1st grade learn the target vocabulary through thematic units every two weeks. The goal is to give them vocabulary that can be used in the storytelling that begins in the 2nd semester of Kindergarten and continues all the way through 5th grade. The lessons are high energy and are filled with movement and humor. The following units are also taught to all students Pre-Kindergarten through First Grade:

  • Colors, numbers to 10, shapes, family members, basic greetings
  • House
  • Food
  • School
  • Action verbs
  • Animals
  • Environment

Second-Fifth Grades:

2nd through 5th grades are taught using a method called TPRS (Total Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling) model. It is a highly interactive method that is used with incredible results. The idea is to use stories as a medium for learning. This model helps students acquire vocabulary and fluency though the use of storytelling in a fun, low stress learning environment. An action is taught with each new vocabulary word.

Students will also gain knowledge of various Spanish speaking countries around the world. They will study the culture through traditions, history, songs, celebrations and the people of those countries.

Our Spanish teacher collaborates with classroom teachers in order to support oral language development. The classrooms and campus are rich in print with labels of both English and Spanish translation. Classrooms are also given a word of the week in Spanish. Students’ progress is reported on the district report card each six weeks. As an added enrichment, Spanish Club is offered to students in grades K-5th. During club time students meet every Monday once a week to extend their learning through games, songs, and crafts.

All verbs are taught in the present tense starting with 3rd person singular and then to 3rd person plural. A large amount of gender agreement is spent in Pre-Kindergarten.

2nd and 3rd grades also get a mini phonics lesson at the beginning of each class. It is called “Estrellita”. This will help students with simple reading and writing.

Students Pre-Kindergarten to 5thgrade must also put on a PTA performance in Spanish for the community. Each grade-level will perform Spanish songs, poems, etc that they have learned in Spanish class. The Spanish Teacher will coordinate with the Music teacher about the performance.

Signs posted in common areas throughout our school are posted in both English and Spanish to promote student’s acquisition of a second language.

Spanish in the homeroom:

Our Spanish teacher collaborates with classroom teachers in order to support oral language development. Spanish labels cover the common classroom items. They also have a set of Spanish phrases to display so that they can readily use them.

In addition, each class is provided with a word of the week in Spanish. Each time a class goes to Spanish, they are given the word to display in their homeroom. The challenge is to teach their homeroom teacher what the word means and how to pronounce it. This will allow for everyone including the teacher to use the word. Classes are encouraged to keep a word wall of Spanish vocabulary in their room. Students’ progress is reported on the district report card each six weeks.

Library Media

The Ramirez Charter School library supports the language acquisition and development of students by providing a wide variety of print and electronic materials for students to read and for teachers to use for instruction. Our print collection includes nearly 1,200 books including nearly 1,800 in languages other than English. The primary languages present in our collection are English and Spanish for now but will work on ordering other books to support mother tongues of our students. The library staff strives to maintain a current collection that meets the academic needs of students and staff, but also provides books for pleasure reading. Our campus participates in district wide inter-library loan and can borrow titles from any of the district’s 47 schools. Our library is open daily for students, parents and staff to check out new materials. In addition, the library is open and available once a week during the summer for parents and students to have access to all materials.

Our district and campus subscribe to 2 electronic databases: NetTracker and Tumblebooks. The district also subscribes to Discovery Education so teachers have access to high quality videos and video clips that enrich student learning in the classrooms. The library has a SMARTboard so that the librarian can use to teach lessons in addition to 7 computers and 4 iPads so that students can use to research topics of interest.

Parent Communication

Communication is a vital part in how our campus and families stay connected. Through communication in both Spanish and English we can ensure that our students and their families needs, questions, and concerns are addressed. For example, grade-level character folders BOB organization binders, school website, teacher website, parent/teacher GOALS conferences, classroom newsletters, School Messenger, Wednesday folders, marquee outside our school, and PTA meetings are our campus commitment to keep all parents informed in both languages.

Current Language Practices at Ramirez

Staff Development for Faculty and Staff

  1. English as a Second Language (ESOL) training and certification for some

faculty members. Each grade level has at least one ESOL teacher.

  1. Primary Years Programme (PYP) Level I, II, & III training for all faculty


  1. As needed training for teachers with new and different opportunities for

continued learning.

Programs and Activities that Support Language Development

  1. International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program
  2. Thinking Maps
  3. Interventions to ensure grade-level mastery of reading
  4. Enrichment Club UIL Creative Writing
  5. Special Education to ensure students read on-level: Resource, Inclusion
  6. Speech Special Education for students who need support with either or both receptive and expressive language, as well as articulation
  7. ESL services for ESL students
  8. Dyslexia interventions for students needing additional instruction in phonemes, phonics, and reading.
  9. Spanish in all grade-levels
  10. Spanish Club once a week

Assessment/Monitor Tools Used to Determine Student Acquisition and Progress

  1. Fountas & Pinell Benchmark Assessment Systems Kit
  2. Running Records to determine reading level every 2 weeks
  3. iStation Benchmark K-5th and intervention progress monitoring
  4. Benchmarks in Reading, Writing, and Math to assess progress
  5. District Six Weeks Reading Tests for 2nd-5thgrades to assess students’ reading performance
  6. District Six Weeks Writing Tests for 2nd-5thgrades to assess students’ writing performance

Monitoring Meeting/Focus:

  1. Teacher/Administration meetings to discuss students
  2. Student Support Team (SST) which is for campus-level intervention
  3. Language Proficiency Assessment Committee (LPAC) for ESL students
  4. Admission, Review, Dismissal Committee (ARD) for Special Education Students
  5. Section 504 Committee for students with an identified substantial limitation
  6. GRADEBOOK-home access to review students grades
  7. Parent Conferences-GOALS conferences, emails, phone calls, Student messenger etc. as needed
  8. Campus Improvement Plan (CIP) Development and Reviews/Summary
  9. Gifted and Talented Review Meetings
  10. Report Cards, Progress Reports, Parent conferences

Instructional Practices/Processes and Program Support Materials

  1. Inquiry Instruction in all grades
  2. Writing Journals in all grades
  3. Student televised broadcasting
  4. Science Notebooks 1st-5thgrades
  5. Guided Reading Instruction
  6. Daily Five in Grades K-5th
  7. Interactive Writing and/or Shared Writing in Grades PreK-2nd grades
  8. Reading and Writing Workshop in Grades K-5th
  9. Phonemic and Phonetic Instruction
  10. Technology supported through computer lab
  11. English as a Second Other Languages (ESOL) support
  12. Gifted and Talented Program for qualifying students in grades 1st-5th

Materials and Resources used to support language development

  1. Parent Volunteers
  2. School Library
  3. Parent Resource Specialists (Nicki Zambrano)
  4. Guest Speakers, ie: Watch Dogs, Donuts for Dads, Muffins for Moms, Literacy Nights, College and Career week etc.
  5. Tech Teach Student Teachers
  6. Interpreter Availability
  7. Computer lab and iPads
  8. High School Helpers
  9. College Students-Jumpstart for PK classes

Política Lingüística de la Escuela Primaria Ramírez

Instrucciónen el Aula
El aprendizaje de lenguasestá integradodurante todo eldía escolar, en lugar de un bloqueaislado de tiempo. En la escuela Ramírezestamos comprometidos conla planificación delas unidadestransversales en dondeel aprendizaje de idiomasesevidente a través detodaslasdisciplinas. Los profesoreslo hacensiguiendolos estándares estatales de conocimientos y habilidadespara crearsuslecciones sobre sus UnidadesdeIndagación.Todos los profesores; Pre-Kíndera 5to grado, utilizan el currículo delasArtes del Idioma de Lectura en Inglés-Español(ELAR/SLAR). Es esencial parala facultadutilizartodos los recursosen la planificación desusunidadespara que puedanintegrar con éxitoel lenguaje enotras áreas temáticas.Integracióndel lenguajepermite la expresióncreativay el uso dediversas formas deevaluación, como los proyectos ytareas de rendimiento. Esto es evidentemirando a través denuestrasunidades de indagación, lecciones planificadas por el profesor,rúbricas, y el ambiente físicodel aula.
La Escuela PrimariaRamírezofreceinstrucciónliteraria con diferenciación, mediante el uso delas prácticas de enseñanzade instrucciónenel nivel de desarrollode cada estudiantepara mejorarel desarrollo del lenguaje. Nuestra facultadutiliza losmodelosde los talleresde escriturayde lectura, como se describe en Guided Reading and Guided Readers and Writers Grades 3-6thporFountasyPinnell. Este modelo permiteestudios de literatura, lectura independiente, yprácticas de reflexiónparael profesor y elestudiante. El propósito de laLectura GuiadayEscritura Guiada espara fomentar lalectura y la escrituraindependiente, facilitar la discusiónreflexivay la escritura reflexiva, y crearpequeñosgruposflexiblesque se dirigen alos nivelesde instrucciónindividuales de los estudiantes. Los profesores degradoPre-Kínder hasta quintogradoconstruyen sobrelashabilidades lingüísticas, concentrándose en los nivelesde instrucción de cada estudiante paraobtener el dominio.
La colaboraciónse producehorizontalmente dentro delos miembros del equipode cada gradoy verticalmenteentre los equiposdeprofesores de Pre-Kínderaquinto grado. Esta colaboraciónpermite a los profesorescrearlistas de control para cada grado, ypara crearlecciones de lenguaje con riqueza, emoción, atracción, y alineadascon nuestroProgramade Indagación. Nuestroénfasis en la comunicacióna través dela lectura y laescritura esevidenteal caminar alrededor denuestra escuela.

Programa de Lenguaje Dual- Modelo 90 /10
Nuestra escuelaimplementa un90/10Programa de LenguajeDualPre-Kinder a5to grado. La meta de esteprograma esque todos los estudiantesse conviertan bilingües, bi-alfabetizados, ybicultural. Tenemosel 48% denuestrosestudiantesque son clasificadoscomoEstudiantes Aprendiendo el Idioma Inglés(ELL’s)que tienen Español como el idioma del hogarque están eneste programa. Además, tenemos alumnoscuya lengua maternaes el inglésyse colocanconlosestudiantesque hablan Españolpara sertotalmente inmersos enla enseñanza del Español. La relaciónde la clasedual esun tercio de los estudiantes hablansolamente Español, un tercio de los estudiantessonbilingüe que hablan Español/ Inglés yun tercio delos estudiantes hablan solamente Inglés.
Los estudiantescuyo idioma principales el Españolson evaluadosal momento de inscripcióny todos los estudiantesque son identificados comoEstudiantes Aprendiendo el Idioma Inglésse colocandentro del programa. Estos estudiantessirven comonuestros modelosde habla hispana. ElPrograma de LenguajeDualsirve comoun modelode enriquecimientoaditivo paralos Estudiantes dela Lengua Española. Los padres de losestudiantesnativosde habla inglesaasisten a unasesión informativasobre el Programa de Lenguaje Dual. Después de revisarloscriterios, los padres se comprometensi su hijosería unbuen candidato. Entonces se le da unaprueba de idiomay dependiendoenlos resultados, el estudiante es colocadoen el programa dual. Nuestras aulasde Lenguaje Dualponenigual énfasisyvalorenlos dos idiomas.
Pre-Kinder a Primer gradolos estudiantes comienzancon un modelo de90/10, donde el 90% de su instrucciónserá en español. Los estudiantesde habla hispanase beneficiancon este marco, ya que continúan desarrollandosu lengua maternamientras aprendenInglés. Estudiantes que hablan inglésestán totalmenteinmersosen el lenguaje Español yel aspecto académicoen Español. La ciencia esla únicamateria académicaque se enseña en Inglés. Los estudiantes también recibenInglésadicional en susclases deBellasArtes yen subloque deInglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL).
A partir de2 º gradoel modelocomienza a cambiaryes lo siguiente:
2do- Modelo 80/20
3er- Modelo 70/30
4to- Modelo 60/40
5to- Modelo 50/50
La ciencia siempresesigue enseñado enIngléspara todos los grados. Para el 3er gradoInglésseintroduceformalmente enlectura y escritura. Los componentes quemejoran la comunicaciónyla adquisición del lenguajeincluyen paresbilingües,el aprendizaje cooperativo, centros, centros de recursos bilingües,ycomprometerse con elmodelo de lenguaje90/10durante todo el día.
Enseñanza de Lenguajepara Personas que HablanIdiomasdistintos delInglésoEspañol
Losestudiantes dela Escuela Primaria deRamírezsonpredominantementede habla Inglésen sus hogares, conaproximadamente el 48% sonde hablaespañola. Los estudiantes cuyalengua maternanoes el Inglésson identificadosdurante la inscripcióninicial ennuestra escuelamediante unaencuesta de idioma. Cuando elpadre completael formularioindicandoque el Inglés noes el idiomahablado en el hogar, comenzamos nuestra evaluación deConocimiento de Inglésutilizandola evaluaciónWoodcock-Muñoz. Los resultados se utilizanpara determinarla colocación de cual programa recibirán. Nuestra escuelaofrecelos serviciospara los estudiantesde habla hispananativaa través delPrograma de LenguajeDualcomo se describe en estedocumento.Los estudiantes que calificancomo Estudiantes Aprendiendo el Idioma Inglésque no seanespañolesse colocanen las aulascon los maestrosque están certificadospara enseñarHablantesde InglésconOtros Idiomas (ESOL). Estos estudiantes recibenelmismo plan de estudios, ademásla seguridad deun conjunto adicional deestándares paralos estudiantes de Hablantes de Inglés con Otros Idiomas (ESOL). Los estudiantesson supervisados ​​cuidadosamentepara medir suadquisición deloscomponentes de aprendizajede Inglés.Por último, tenemosen nuestra escuelaun profesor de Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL), que apoya a los profesoresconlos estudiantes de Hablantes de Inglés con Otros Idiomas(ESOL), con capacitación y con monitoreo.
Enseñanza de la LenguaEspañola
En la Escuela PrimariaRamírezinstrucciónde la lengua Españolase ofreceen los gradosPre-Kínder hasta 5to grado. Nuestrosestudiantes de Pre-Kínderreciben instruccióndurante 30minutos cadasemana. Nuestros estudiantes deKínder hasta5to gradoreciben instruccióndurante 45minutos cadasemana.
Todos losniveles de gradopasan tiempo enla clase de españolestudiandoacerca de las diferentesáreasde hablahispana del mundo. Los estudiantesdisfrutan aprendiendoacerca de muchosaspectos de la vidaen relación conel paíso área específica, como la música, la comida, las tradiciones, los días especiales, la geografía, la historia, etc.Los niños aprenden elaprecio alas diferencias observadas enotras culturasy descubrenlas muchascosas que tienen encomún.Cadaañoun área diferentees señalada. Estos son:
•América Central
• África
Pre-KinderaPrimer Grado:
Pre-Kínder hastaPrimer gradoaprendenel vocabularioobjetivoa través deunidades temáticascada dos semanas. El objetivoes darlesun vocabularioque puede ser utilizadoenlanarraciónque comienzaen elsegundosemestre deKíndery continúatodo el caminoa través dequintogrado.Las lecciones sonde altaenergía yestán llenas demovimientoy humor. Lassiguientesunidades tambiénse les enseña atodos los estudiantes dePre-Kínder a Primer Grado:
• Colores, números hasta el10, formas, miembros de la familia, los saludos básicos
• Escuela
•Los verbos de acción
• Medio ambiente
2doa 5togradose les enseñael uso deun método llamadoTPRS(Habilidadtotala través dela lecturay lanarración de historias) modelo.Es un métodoaltamente interactivoque se utiliza conresultados increíbles.Laidea es utilizarhistoriascomo mediopara el aprendizaje.Este modelo ayuda alos estudiantes adquirirvocabulario y fluidez, a través del usode la narraciónusando diversión,y el ambiente de aprendizaje proviene bajo estrés. Una acciónse enseña concada nuevapalabra del vocabulario.
Los estudiantes tambiénadquirirán conocimientosdediversospaíses de habla hispanade todo el mundo. Estudiaránlacultura a través delas tradiciones, la historia, las canciones, las celebraciones y lospueblos de esos países.