Supplier B2B Integration Readiness and Technical Assessment Questionnaire / Version 1.0
December 1, 2014


The purpose of this document is designed to capture critical information necessary to assess that CRC and its suppliers can exchange electronic business data using mutually agreed upon PIDX and RosettaNet file formats and protocols. Essentially, the Supplier B2B Integration Readiness and Technical Assessment guide demonstrates the following:

  • An indication of what effort and resources will be required to ensure successful enablement
  • Essential contact names and contact details within the supplier organization to ensure effective and regular communication is maintained between parties
  • Connectivity requirements between CRC and its Suppliers (from/to supplier middleware server to/from CRC B2B server) via HTTPs and Client authentication
  • Successful protocol/ process handling
  • Successful exception and error handling
  • Digital certificate signatures

2B2B Integration Supplier Instructions

The supplier should complete this questionnaire and submit completed forms by e-mail to .

3B2B Integration – supplier Key Contact Information

Please fill in the contact information for the following individuals:

Feature Name / Project Manager / B2B Technical Lead / B2B Support Lead / Business Lead
Name / / / /
Job Title / / / /
Address / / / /
Phone Number / / / /
Mobile Phone / / / /
Email Address / / / /

Corporate Information:

B2B Infrastructure Location
Corporate Mailing Address /
Web Site /
Main Phone Number /
Dun & Bradstreet Number (DUNS) /

4B2B Integration Supplier General Business QUestions

  1. What is your level of interest in becoming a CRC B2B Integrated Supplier?

High / Medium / Low
  1. What level of impact will becoming a CRC B2B Integrated Supplierhave on your organization?

High / Medium / Low / No impact
  1. Does your company have a B2B initiative today?

Yes / No
  1. Does your company have resources to become aCRC B2B Integrated Supplier?

Yes / No
  1. If NO, when will the company be ready to become a CRC B2B Integrated Supplier?

2 – 4 Weeks
8 – 12 Weeks
12 – 16 Weeks
In 6 months
In 9 months
In 1 yrs time
Not planning to become an CRC B2B Integrated Supplier
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  1. How is data being exchanged today with CRC or your other trading partners?

Electronic Trading Exchange Network (Please specify e.g. OFS Portal, Channel Link, etc.
Not Transmitting
Other (Please explain below)

  1. Which of the following document types are you currently exchanging with your trading partners?

Purchase Orders
Remittance Advices
Rate Sheets / Price Books
Field Tickets
Other (Please explain below)
  1. What is the frequency in which you exchange electronic (B2B) data?

Batch (Please specify
Real Time
Not Transmitting
Other (Please explain below)

5B2B Integration Supplier Technical Questions

  1. Does your organization’s B2B implementation transmit documents from internally managed systems or through a 3rd party service provider?

If 3rd party service provider, please identify your vendor:

Vendor Name: /
Vendor Phone: /
Technical Lead Name: /
Technical Lead Phone: /
Technical Lead email: /
  1. What middleware/B2B software is used to support your B2B messages?

Software / Version / Latest Service Pack
webMethods / /
Biztalk / /
Tibco / /
Custom Application / /
Other (Please specify below)
/ /
  1. Does your middleware/B2B software or service provider have capabilities of exchanging data via the following message formats?

Flat Files
EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)
Other (Please explain below)
  1. Does your middleware/B2B software or your service provider support transaction tracking to ensure reliable delivery of data (handshake ACK/NACK)?

Yes / No
  1. Does your middleware/B2B software or your service provider support automated retries?

Yes / No
  1. What type of transport protocol does your middleware/B2B software or service provider support?

Web Services (SOAP/WCF – Web Services)
Other (Please explain below)
  1. What ERP/business system environments do you support?(Please check all that are applicable)

Development / Production
Test/Production Support / Disaster Recovery (DR)
  1. Which of these ERP/business system environments are equipped to exchange test/production data?(Please check all that are applicable)

Development / Production
Test/Production Support / Disaster Recovery (DR)
  1. Do you have firewalls as part of your IT security?

Yes / No
  1. Does your company have Disaster Recovery (DR) and Business Continuity Plans?

Yes / No
  1. Does your company keep your ERP/business system Test/Development environments code current with your Production environment?

Yes / No
  1. How frequently do you refresh your ERP/business system Test/Development environments from Production?

  1. B2B Supply Chain communities have multiple options for security. Please indicate the type of certificates you will require for SSL connectivity (CRC requires 3 level certificate):

Test Environment

Certificate Type / Certificate Authority (CA) / Attach the certificate
Digital Signing / Validation / /
Encryption/ Decryption / /
Other (Please explain)
/ /

Production Environment

Certificate Type / Certificate Authority (CA) / Attach the certificate
Digital Signing / Validation / /
Encryption/ Decryption / /
Other (Please Explain)
/ /

Disaster Recovery (DR) Environment

Certificate Type / Certificate Authority (CA) / Attach the certificate
Digital Signing / Validation / /
Encryption/ Decryption / /
Other (Please Explain)
/ /
  1. Are you currently exchanging PIDX XML data with your trading partners?

Yes / No
If Yes, who may we contact to get sample PIDX XML invoices?
Intellectual property restrictions. CRC proprietary information. / Page 1 of 5