The Rapid Process Improvement workshop 12 month feedback took place on Thursday November 15th 2012 at the Orchard.

The feedback sessions intentions were to capture a profile across aspects of the service that had been outlined in November 2011 as areas for improvement . Past year has been very productive in terms of the newspaper , target report and carer details, with all aspects being either fully or nearly achieved.

Over 125 ideas were originally identified for review and improvement in November 2011 by Carers and Staff , of which 114 have now been achieved.

The RPIW produced a reflective comparison through its presentation from both a health and social care perspective (Prior to the RPIW), which highlighted that the service now has ;

·  More staff around each day to meet peoples needs.

·  Service users have much more active individual timetables, due to less staff being off.

·  Increased access to the local community .

·  Rooms much more structured around supporting the group functions

·  Co-ordinated integrated staff teams working well together

·  Strengthened management team and much improved partnership arrangement.

·  Carers much happier with the service, effective two way communication and engagement is productive.

·  Promotional marketing that promotes the positives that have been achieved over the last 12 months.

·  Added provision of resources (on site golf course)

The feedback session was acknowledged by the senior management as being the best they have seen , which is a credit to the service users, carers and the staff at the unit .

In summary the progress that the Orchard Resource has made over the last 12 months has received acknowledgment through being shortlisted for the regional NHS TEWV ‘Making a Difference’ Awards in February 2013 .

Appendix 1

Programme of feedback- November 15th 2012



·  Staff member and Service user to present reflection of a Perfect Day


·  Karen and Fiona to provide update


·  Service users to present their feelings about the service , with help from staff at the Orchard.


·  Leanne to share outcome of recent Carers questionnaire update

·  Carer/ s to present feedback o how they have seen the service over the last year – Barbara H


·  Portrayal of Positive Challenges Karen and Tracy G to approached to present profile


·  Fiona to present feedback



·  Graham , Karen and Fiona to compile a profile of how the unit has progressed and developed over the last year, include no of ideas that have been achieved

10.  OLYMIC DVD – 8mins


TEAM : The Orchard RPIW Newspaper DATE: November 2012

Process Owner : Fiona Adams / Graham Clarke

Item # /


/ Action Needed To Complete / Responsibility / By When / Status % Completed
1. / No clarity around role of services delivered from The Orchard. / ·  Create activity menu. Establish a clear identity of for the role of The Orchard.
·  Create a data store around the outcomes and benefits of activities offered / Fiona
Graham / 5 days
30 days
60 days /
2. / No standard work to support activities offered. / ·  Create aide memoir for delivery of all activities. Improve feedback from service users as to benefits.
·  Increase staff awareness of the purpose and expected outcomes of activities. / Fiona
Nicky / 5 days
30 days
30 days /
3. / No weekly plan of activities. / ·  Establish clear rota of activities. / Fiona
Nicky / Complete /
4. / No clear guidance as to daily care needs and recording of care delivered. / ·  Establish template to be used for future reviews of service.
·  Create personalized plans for each service user within Fir Room. / Leanne
Rani / Complete /
Item # /


/ Action Needed To Complete / Responsibility / By When / Status % Completed
5. / Need to create ‘getting to know you’ assessments for use within the first 20 days. / ·  Establish core data set and format.
·  Assessment will provide key data to ensure appropriate care planning. / Pam
Graham / 60 days /
6. / No current staff rota to ensure service delivery. / ·  Establish core number of staff needed to ensure safe service delivery across The Orchard..
·  Identify staff hours available.
·  Agree format to support holidays/ maternity cover.
·  Investigate possibility of the water spider role to ensure continuity of service.
·  Re-define roles and responsibilities of all staff. / Pam
Karen / 30 days
60 days
30 days
60 days /
7. / Lunch-time madness / ·  Establish clinical demand.
·  Create daily rota for all client needs to ensure clinical care.
·  Identify rota for staff lunches.
·  Ensure equitable provision of staff lunch (raise with sponsors). / Karen
Jo / Complete
30 days /
8. / No clarity around 9.00 am to 10.00 am welcome period. / ·  Identify activities and equipment needed for the day.
·  Ensure clients coats, etc are stored in designated area.
·  Agree capacity needed to support clients arriving.
·  Equipment designated to each room within a trolley – no borrowing! / Karen
Jo / Complete
30 days /
Item # /


/ Action Needed To Complete / Responsibility / By When / Status % Completed
9. / 5S work needs to be undertaken / ·  Baseline audit to be completed ahead of commencing 5S
·  Establish team agreement which encompasses the sustainability of the changes made
·  Safety of all areas to be maintained with particular regard to the storage of equipment / Karen
Leanne / 30 days
30 days
30 days /
10. / Implementation plan to be established / ·  Commence changes within FIR from Monday 7th Nov
·  Establish timeline for roll out to other rooms, including the dissemination of information to staff.
Identify and agree the process post-event for monitoring the success of the changes within Fir, and how these are responded to. / Karen
Graham / Complete
30 days
60 days /
11. / Requirements that The Orchard has of the TEWV Physiotherapist / ·  Establish the number of current individual care programmes
·  Establish the number of current staff who are trained to deliver physiotherapy. Review of all service users who require physiotherapy plans. Establish a plan to deliver physiotherapy.
·  Implement the physiotherapy programmes / Fiona
Leanne / Complete
30 days
60 days
90 days /
Item # /


/ Action Needed To Complete / Responsibility / By When / Status % Completed
12. / Transport Review / ·  Review the requirement for bus escorts
·  Establish The Orchard’s transport requirements for both activities and service users
·  Agree transport requirements with service providers. / Karen
Fiona / Completed
30 days
30 days /
13. / Carers / ·  Review the carer questionnaire and action points
·  Re-audit the carers at 30, 60 and 90 days.
Agreed to review after 6 months then 12 months. / Leanne / Complete /
14. / Develop a programme of QIS events / ·  Review clinical data inputting for both Health and Social Care
·  Integrated Service event. / Fiona
Paul / 90 days /

Target Progress Report

Team Name: The Orchard / Date: 15/11/2012
Department: Middlesbrough Social Services/TEWV Tees Directorate / TAKT Time: (include calculation): 7 hrs /day x 5 days i.e. 2100 minutes/
105 client days in a week = 20 mins
Product/Process Summary: Developing Individual personal plans and delivering daily activities / Team Leader: Christine Murphy
Workshop Leader: Chris Parsons Process Owner: Graham Clarke & Fiona Adamas
Metric (units of measurement) / Baseline / Target / Day 2 / Day 3 / Day 4 / Final / 30 days
06/12/11 / 60 days
03/01/12 / 90 days
07/02/12 / 12 month / %
Space (square feet) / (>= 50%)

Inventory (£s)

/ (>= 90%)

Staff Walking Distance (feet)

/ (>= 50%)

Parts Travel Distance (feet)

/ (>= 50%)

Lead Time (minutes)

/ (>= 50%)
Work in Process (WIP) (units observed in the process)
Standard Work In Process (SWIP) (lead time/takt time); target SWIP should be target lead time/takt time / (>= 50%)
Quality (defects)(%)
Actual activity vs planned activity / 51% / 80% / 65% / 75% / 80% / 95% / 95%
Actual activities that match weekly plan / 23% / 80% / 65% / 75% / 90% / 95% / 95%
Actual completion of planned physio / 18% / 100% / 50% / 50% / 50% / 50% / 70%
Lack of an agreed escalation process to resolve resource conflicts / 100% / 0% / Measure at 30 days / 100% / 0% / 0%
Carer satisfaction / 80% / 100% / Measure at 30 days / 100% / 100% / 100% / 100%
Productivity Gain (FTEs – see target metric definitions for formula to calculate baseline) / (>=50%)
Environmental, Health & Safety (5S)
(levels 1 thru 5) – specify for physical space or virtual space / Level 1 / Level 4 / Level 2 / Level 2 / Level2 / Level 4 / Level4

Set-up Reduction (minutes)

/ 9 minutes or less


Carers feedback – yearly review.

As part of the yearly R.P.I.W review, Carers have been asked to complete a questionnaire regarding the service provided for their person who they care for. The questionnaire has been issued in order to get the carers perspective of the service and to highlight objectives which have improved or still require some attention.

Research taken place during the R.P.I.W week showed that there was a base line of 80% in carers satisfaction with the overall service provided. To improve this percentage, carers were offered the opportunity to attend a workshop in which they could voice their concerns and how they felt that services could be improved.

One major aspect of this workshop was the lack of knowing what their person who they care for had done during the day. Carers suggested a weekly timetable be sent home on the Friday prior to the commencement of the following week so they were able to talk with their child and have a meaningful conversation as to what they were doing that particular day. Overall this has a 96% satisfaction score.

As part of the questionnaire it asks about the environment of The Orchard. Mostly positive feedback was given however some areas which were specifically highlighted where the activity rooms, the dining room and the outside space. Since the questionnaires were given to carers to complete there has been developments within the building. All rooms now have clear storage areas which have specified activities housed and client specific boxes. This was completed in November and allows more client focused activities to be carried out with ease and accessibility. One valid point which was made was pedestrian access outside the building. This will be looked into further. The outside space has recently been furnished with a wheelchair accessible crazy golf course.

Overall the carers satisfaction has increased from 80% to 100%. But numbers in this line of work mean nothing so I would like to read you a letter which was written by one of our carers.

“Thank you just doesn’t say how I feel and doesn’t seem enough so I thought I would write this letter. People say to me it must be hard work looking after my son, but I just say no because I have a good family, and what I mean by that is, that’s what you are to me. You are there when I need you to support me and my son and make things so easy for me to be the Dad I need to be.

Not all angels have wings and halos, they walk among us. They work at The Orchard. This is why I can’t just say thank you.

Please pass on my heartfelt thanks to all at the Orchard.

Yours always, Dad and Son. “

P.S. I know my son feels the same way because when he comes home, he tells me in his own special way.