Further Information

Important Note: Notification of an in-situ Historic Shipwreck or Relic must be provided to the Department for Environment and Water (DEW) as soon as practicable after the discovery.

Contact details of person giving notice (a person may be the representative of a club, group or entity)
First name: / Surname:
Name of club, group or entity:
Town/City: / State: New South WalesVictoriaWestern AustraliaQueenslandSouth AustraliaNorthern TerritoryNorfolk IslandAustralian Capital Territory
Street number: / Street name:
Mobile: / Postcode: / Post office box:
Telephone (Business hours): () / Facsimile: ()
Discovery details
Date located: / Names of finders:
Name of shipwreck: / Location method: Diver visualSnorklingSurface visualSide scan sonarSub bottom profilerMultibeam sonarEcho sounder
National Shipwreck Database ID number: / Circumstances of discovery: Scuba divingTechnical divingFishingTrawlingMarine surveyResearchRecreation
Location information (if possible please provide positions in decimal degrees)
Location of discovery:
Latitude: / Distance from shore: km
Longitude: / Chart number: / Chart or GPS datum: WGS84GDA94AGD84AGD66
& bearings / Name: / Bearing o
Name: / Bearing o
Proximity to buoys or markers:
Site access details:
Description of shipwreck or relic (attach photographs, digital images or sketches where possible)
Site description and extent:
Hull material: WoodIronSteelCompositeAluminiumFibreglass / Hull integrity: Mostly intactPartly intactBow and stern intactBroken upScattered / Hull exposure: Mostly buriedPartly exposedFully exposedExposed at low tide
Hull length: m / Hull width: m / Ballast type: StoneBrickLead ingotsIron ingots / Fastenings: Iron boltsIron spikesCopper boltsCopper nailsBrass boltsBrass spikesBrass nailstreenails
Other relics present (X the appropriate boxes):
Engine Boiler Propeller Anchor Chain Winch Cement barrel casts
Ceramic Mast Wire rope Cannon Glass Bricks Coal Coins
Site environment
Environmental conditions: SurfStrong tidesCalm water / Exposure to weather: ShelteredOpen waterNorthern exposureSouthern exposureEastern exposureWestern exposureNortheastern exposureNorthwestern exposureSoutheastern exposureSouthwestern exposure
Depth: m / Visibility: m / Seabed type: SandMudGravelCoral reefRocks

I declare that the information I have given on this form is correct to the best of my knowledge.

Name (block letters):
Date: / Signature:

Further Information

Further Information

Information on the protection of Australian historic shipwrecks and relics under the Historic Shipwrecks Act 1981 can be obtained from Heritage South Australia (DEW).

Heritage South Australia

Department for Environment and Water

81-95 Waymouth Street, Adelaide SA 5000

Phone: (08) 8124 4960


Further Information