Instructional Faculty Consortium Committee Meeting (IFCC)
/September 2, 2009
/10:00am - 2:00pm
/Room A-122 Central ga tech college
Macon, GA
Program / Aviation Structural and AvionicsFacilitator / Steve Conway
Secretary / Bindley Thomas
Attendees / Randy Rynders- Middle Ga Tech College, Mike Reaves - South Ga Tech College, Mike Skelly - Central Ga Tech College, Carl Simmons - Atlanta Tech College, Bindley Thomas - Savannah Tech College, and Steve Conway - TCSG
Agenda Topics
Sing ins and welcome
/15 minutes
/Steve conway
Discussion / Steve Conway welcomed everyone to the meeting and passed around a sign in sheet to document attendance. Steve briefly introduced himself to the group and then asked each attendee to do the same. During these introductions each attendee gave a short history of their programs including enrollment and employment trends of students. Steve then gave an agenda overview to the group and passed around the 2 EMSI occupational reports he had run for aircraft maintenace technicians.Conclusions / Bindley Thomas agreed to take the minutes of the meeting. Avionics and aircraft structural programs were doing well with enrollment. Employment trends are tight at the moment, but Lockheed is looking to hire folks very soon and the EMSI reports indicate job growth in the state for this industry in the next 5 years.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Submit draft minutes to Steve Conway / Bindley Thomas / Sept. 9, 2009
Q2S overview and timeline
/45 minutes
/steve conway
Discussion / Steve asked the group how many had attended the Q2T training sessions back in the spring. Since only one person had, Steve briefly reviewed the project and the reasoning behind it. Steve explained that he just recently realised that avionics and aircraft structural classes did not fall under FAA rules so he thought it would be a good idea to get this IFCC group moving forward on the project. The group could look at course conversions today and then set tasks to complete this fall. IFCC groups have through the winter to look at Q2S conversions. Actual semester courses are supposed to start in summer 2011. The DTAE board still has to vote on this project this fall though.Conclusions / The group agreed that updating some curriculum points was needed in certain courses. Since this board has not met for some time to do this and many bits of information are out of date on the website this project presents the perfect opportunity to take care of these things.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Work on AST and AVT course conversions / Group / November 2009
websites and database
/30 minutes
/steve conway
Discussion / Steve demonstrated the navigation of the TCSG web sites to access the academic affairs division course lists/program standards and guides/meeting announcements and minutes/and new faculty training. Steve also showed the link to the Q2S conversion resources / reference materials/ and EMSI reports.After showing these TCSG websites Steve gave a demonstration of the new Q2S database. The group agreed it looked like a useful tool.
Conclusions / Those who missed the Q2T presentations in the spring will download the presentation from Dr. Resch to read it. Bindley Thomas will sign up for new faculty training.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Follow up with websites as needed upon return to office / Group / September 2009
[Curriculum/programs status]
/[30 minutes]
/[Mike Skelly/Mike reaves]
Discussion / After a lunch break the group reconvened to look at the AST and AVT course guides Steve had pulled off the website. Mike Skelly and Mike Reaves had the most history with these programs so they facilitated a discussion of how to update the courses. After some discussion it was agreed the group could look at the AST courses today. Both Carl Simmons and Mike Reaves wanted to have their avionics teachers look closer at the AVT courses before changing anything on these.Conclusions / Major changes were needed for AST102, AST105, and AST118. Mike Reaves and Randy Rynders agreed to work on these revisions. AST 111 and 112 need only slight shifting of content which Steve agreed to handle. The other AST courses were fine for conversion as is. The new prefix for AST would be ASTT. Course numbers would only have zeros added for semester numbering. The new prefix for AVT courses would be AVIO.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Have TCSG staff work on course entry into database / Steve Conway / October 2009
Edit and update select AST and AVT courses / Reaves, Skelly and Simmons / October 2009
[Fall assignments]
/[30 minutes]
Discussion / After setting the revision assignments for the courses the group discussed what to do next.Conclusions / Steve stated that the next meeting could likely be handled by a conference call sometime in October if the course revisions came in soon enough. After that we would have to wait until the Programs portion of the datbase was ready to go. Steve would meet with FAA programs in the meantime.
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Set conference call / Steve Conway / October 2009
/[10 minutes
Discussion / The group briefly discussed resources with Binley Thomas since he was a new teacher. Mike made copies of staff development forms for the group and had Steve sign them. The group then adjourned at 2 pm.Conclusions
Action items / Person responsible / Deadline
Comments / Special Notes
Resource persons
Special notes
Meeting Adjourned / [September 2, 2009 2 pm]
Minutes submitted by: / [Bindley Thomas, Savannah Technical College]
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