RSA Conference 2017 Asia Pacific & Japan
Session Evaluation Lucky Draw
official rules
1.Eligibility: ThisLuckyDrawisonlyopentoindividualswhocanverifytoSponsor’ssatisfactionthat they:[a]resideinAsiaPacificand Japan;[b]not fromanExcludedTerritory definedbelow;[c]areoftheage ofmajorityintheirstateofprimaryresidenceasofJuly26,2017;[d]successfullyregisteredforandattended RSAConference2017AsiaPacificJapaninSingaporeJuly26-28,2017(“Event”)and received an Event badge (“Badge”);and [d]compliedwiththeseRules.Employees,staff,independentcontractors,officers,directors,members,managers, agentsorotherrepresentativesofSponsor, Dell Inc.andEMCCorporation,ofeachofits/theirsubsidiariesandaffiliates, ofits/theirrespectiveadvertising-,promotion- andfulfillment-agencies,legaladvisors,andsuppliers (includingbywayofexample,Singex,1ExpoDrive02-01,Singapore,486150;andNthDegree,2Liberty Square,Boston,MA,02209(eacha“Vendor”),andallserviceprovidersassociatedwiththeLucky Draw)(all oftheforegoingentitiesreferredtocollectivelyasthe“Lucky DrawEntities”),andanymembersofeachsuch person’simmediatefamily(spouses,parents,siblings,childrenandtheirspousesandin-laws)andpersons livinginthesamehouseholdofsuchindividuals(whetherrelatedornot)(collectively“Family”)arenot eligible.
Void in Excluded Territory:This Lucky Draw is void in Cuba, Syria, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and in all jursidictions where prohibited by law or regulation (including but not limited to jurisdictions with laws that would require registration and/or trust account or posting of a bond, or any other requirements that have not been satisfied), or restricted or taxed by law, or where prohibited, and void where restricted by internal business or company policy (collectively, “Excluded Territory”). Residents of Excluded Territory are prohibited from entering or winning a prize.
Prohibited from Entering; No Government Official; Not on USA Government List: No participant may enter or win a prize if he or she is [a] an official, employee, or internally contracted vendor of any government, government-affiliated company or organization, or [b] listed on the US Consolidated list published by the USA Government currently located at
NOTICE TO HEALTHCARE EMPLOYEES: If you are employed in the healthcare industry, prior to awarding any prizes you will be required to obtain certification that acceptance of the contest prize is permitted in accordance with applicable law and ethics policies of your employer.
2. Sponsor:RSA (acting through EMC Information Systems Management Limited (Singapore Branch)), 1 Changi Business Park Central 1, #08-101, ONE@Changi City, Singapore 486036.
3. Timing: The Lucky Draw begins on July 27, 2017at 9:00 a.m. PT and ends on July 28, 2017at 5:30 p.m. Singapore Time(the "Entry Period").
1.4. How to Enter: ToentertowinaFirstPlacePrizeortheGrandPrize,attend,requesttohaveyourBadgescanned,and submitacompletedsurvey(“Evaluation”)foroneormoreseminarorsessionpresentations(eacha“Presentation”):[a]SEMINARS-consistsoffullandhalf-day seminars.Only onlineevaluationswillbeaccepted.[b]SESSIONS-consistsoftracksandkeynote/panelsessionsofferedJuly 26, 2017 thruJuly 28, 2017;onlyonline evaluationsaccepted,whichareaccessibleviamobileapp(“MobileApp”);youcanalsoaccesstheEvaluationviathelinkintheemailsenttoattendeesfollowingeachSession.
EntryPeriod:Defined.Entriesmustbesubmittedbeforetheirrespective“Cut-OffTime”asdefinedin Chart#1below.Timesare measuredbytheserversassociatedwith theMobileApporevaluationwebsite,orbythedigitalclockusedbySponsor,asapplicable.
If you attend a / Presentation Drawings*For a chance to win a prize in that day’s daily drawing, your entry must be received by: (“Cut Off Time”)
Presentation on July 26 / 4:30 PM on July 26
Presentation on July 27 / 5:30 PM on July 27
Presentation on July 28 / 3:30 PM on July 28
EntryTerms.AllEntriesaresubjecttotheRules.Oddsofwinningdependonnumberofentriesreceivedforthatdrawing.NotrequiredtoanswerallquestionsontheEvaluationtoenter.TheanswersyouprovideonanEvaluationdonotimpactyourchancetowin.Entries(includinganswers toallEvaluations)becomethepropertyofRSAandtheirreceiptwillnotbeacknowledgedor returned.Any attemptby apersonto gainmore Entriesthan permittedbytheRulesshallresultindisqualificationatRSA’ssolediscretion.EntryintotheLucky Drawdoesnotconstituteentryintoanyotherpromotion,contestorLucky DrawduringtheEventoratanyothertime.
DisputedEntry.ForadisputeconcerningwhosubmittedanEntry,theEntrywillbedeclaredtohave beenmade bythe individualwiththe name andemailaddresscorrespondingto theinformationfoundontheEntry,butonlyifthatpersonmeetsallothereligibilitycriteria.IfanydisputecannotberesolvedtoRSA'ssatisfaction,theEntrymaybedeemedineligible.Entrieswithmorethanonenamemaybedisqualified.
EntriesMayIncurInternetUsageCharges.WhenyousubmitanEvaluationelectronicallyusingyoursmartphoneorwirelessdevice,unlessyouusethefreeWi-FiprovidedattheEvent,normalInternetaccessandusagechargesimposedbyyouronlineservicewillgenerallyapply,accordingtothetermsandconditionsofyourserviceagreement.Useofawirelessmobiledevicemayresultinairtimeandcarrierchargesaccordingtothetermsandconditionsofyourserviceagreementwithyourwirelesscarrier.YouunderstandthatbyparticipatinginthisLucky DrawviaasmartphoneorbyprovidingyourmobilephonenumberaspartofanEntry,ifyouareapotentialwinner,RSAmaycontactyouviamobilephone,whichwillbesubjecttothechargespursuanttoyourcarrier’srateplan.
5. Grand Prize Drawings:Sponsor’s decisions as to the administration and operation of the Lucky Draw and the selection of the potential winners are final and binding in all matters related to the Lucky Draw. On or around July 26- 28, 2017,Sponsor will conduct a random drawing to select the potential Lucky Draw winners from all eligible entries received during the Entry Period. The potential winners will be notified by email. Each potential winnerwill be required to sign and return to Sponsor, within ten (10) days of the date notice or attempted notice is sent, an Affidavit of Eligibility and Liability Releaseand any required tax formsin order to claim his/herprize. If a potential winner cannot be contacted, fails to sign and return the Affidavit of Eligibility andLiability orrequired tax forms within the required time period, or prize is returned as undeliverable, potential winner forfeits prize. Potential winner must continue to comply with all terms and conditions of these Official Rules, and winning is contingent upon fulfilling all requirements. By entering, entrant agrees he/she is in compliance with all of his/her employers’ rules, policies, and procedures that relate accepting prizes. In the event that a potential winner is disqualified for any reason, Sponsor will award the applicable prize to an alternate winner by random drawing from among all remaining eligible entries.Only three (3) alternate drawings will be held after which the prize will remain un-awarded.
Answering Mathematical Skill Question:If a potential winner is a resident of Australia, New Zealand, or other jurisdiction where the Lucky Draw is similarly prohibited, then as a condition of receiving the prize, the selected potential winner may be required to correctly answer a mathematical skill question, asked verbally by telephone. The question must be answered within five minutes, and without the benefit of any assistance (including without limitation, any calculation devices).
6. Prizes:Winners oftheFirstPlacedaily drawingswilleachreceiveone (1)Bose QuietComfort 35 Wireless Headphones. TheApproximateRetailValueinUSDollars(“ARV”)ofthisprizeis $349.95.TotalARVofall FirstPlacePrizes(3)is$1,049.85.WinneroftheGrandPrizedrawingwillreceive one(1)Bose QuietComfort 35 Wireless Headphones.TheApproximate RetailValue(“ARV”)ofthisprizeis$349.95but subject to change based on, among other things,normal price fluctuations associated with the consumer marketplace. Prize is non-transferable and no substitution will be made except as provided herein at the Sponsor’s sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a prize for one of equal or greater value if the designated prize should become unavailable for any reason. Winner is responsible for all taxes and fees associated with prize receipt and/or use. Odds of winning a prize depend on the number of eligible entries received during each Entry Period. Limit: One (1) prize per person. Total ARV for all Prizes: $1,399.80.
7. Release: By entering, entrant agrees to release and hold harmless the Lucky Draw Entities and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, distributors, advertising/promotion agencies, and prize suppliers, and each of their respective parent companies and each such company’s officers, directors, employees and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from and against any claim or cause of action, including, but not limited to, personal injury, death, or damage to or loss of property, arising out of participation in the Lucky Draw or receipt or useor misuse of any prize.
8.Publicity: Except where prohibited, participation in the Lucky Draw constitutes winner’s consent to Sponsor’s and its agents’ use of winner’s name, likeness, photograph, voice, opinions and/or hometown and state for promotional purposes in any media, worldwide, without further payment or consideration.
9.General Conditions: Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, suspend and/or modify the Lucky Draw, or any part of it, if any fraud, technical failures or any other factor beyond Sponsor’s reasonable control impairs the integrity or proper functioning of the Lucky Draw, as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion,to disqualify any individual it finds to be tampering with the entry process or the operation of the Lucky Draw or to be acting in violation of these Official Rules or any other Promotion or in an unsportsmanlike or disruptive manner. Any attempt by any person to deliberately undermine the legitimate operation of the Lucky Draw may be a violation of criminal and civil law, and, should such an attempt be made, Sponsor reserves the right to seek damages from any such person to the fullest extent permitted by law. Sponsor’s failure to enforce any term of these Official Rules shall not constitute a waiver of that provision.
10.Limitations of Liability: The Released Parties are not responsible for: (1) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by entrants, printing errors or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Lucky Draw; (2) technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines or network hardware or software; (3) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the entry process or the Lucky Draw; (4) technical or human error which may occur in the administration of the Lucky Draw or the processing of entries; (5) late, lost, undeliverable, damaged or stolen mail; or (6) any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant’s participation in the Lucky Draw or receipt or useor misuse of any prize. If for any reason an entrant's entry is confirmed to have been erroneously deleted, lost, or otherwise destroyed or corrupted, entrant’s sole remedy is another entry in the Lucky Draw, provided that the Entry Period has not ended. If the Lucky Draw is canceled, suspended or modified, Sponsor, in its sole discretion, may elect to hold a random drawing from among all eligible entries received up to the date of discontinuance for any or all of the prizes offered herein. No more than the stated number of prizes will be awarded. In the event that production, technical, seeding, programming or any other reasons cause more than stated number of prizes as set forth in these Official Rules to be available and/or claimed, Sponsor reserves the right to award only the stated number of prizes by a random drawing among all legitimate, un-awarded, eligible prize claims. Participant agrees that any and all claims, judgments, and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred up to USD$500, including costs associated with entering this Lucky Draw but in no event attorney’s fees, and under no circumstances will Participant be permitted to obtain awards for, and Participant hereby waives all rights to claim punitive, indirect, incidental and consequential damages, and any other damages, other than out-of-pockets expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitations or exclusion of liability for incidental or consequential damages, so the foregoing may not apply in such jurisidction.
11. Disputes:Except where prohibited, entrant agrees that any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of, or connected with, the Lucky Draw or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by the courts of Singapore. All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, entrant’s rights and obligations, or the rights and obligations of the Sponsor in connection with the Lucky Draw, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Singapore, without giving effect to any choice of law or conflict of law rules.
12. Entrant's Personal Information: Information collected from entrants is subject to Notwithstanding anything to the contrary, the Sponsor shall comply with the mandatory requirements of the local data protection and privacy law that may be applicable.
13.Winner List:For a Winner List, send a hand-printed, self-addressed, stamped envelope to “RSA Conference 2017 Asia Pacific & Japan”, c/o Amy Hubbard, 174 Middlesex Turnpike, Bedford, MA 01730. Winner List requests must be received by December 31, 2017.