Working With Families

Two Credit Hours Spring, 2005

Professor: Perry C. Hanavan Class Meeting Times: TTH, 12:00/1:00

Office: Madsen Center 219 Room: MC 103

Email: Office Hours: MWF, 9:00-10:30 am

I. Course Description

This course reviews the literature and practice related to building partnerships with families and schools. Topics include: conferencing, parent education, special needs of families with children with disabilities, parental roles in IFSP and IEP planning and school-home collaboration.

II. Relationship to Circle of Courage

The Circle of Courage (Brendtro, Brokenleg, and VanBockern, 1990) model was adopted by Augustana’s Department of Education to guide our curriculum and requirements for students preparing to serve youth in educational and other youth service agencies. This circle incorporates four broad themes: Mastery, Belonging, Independence, and Generosity. Its primary focus is on developing cooperative relationships with all of the families of youth they will serve and value the strengths offered by diverse families and families with children with special needs. Through this course, students will hopefully realize that youth are best served when professionals and parents function as a team whose goal is to help their youth gain mastery of their world, develop a sense of belonging, become independent and develop generosity toward their world and society. Given this model, The Teacher Education Program at Augustana believes it graduates should be disposed to:

·  Understand their strengths, needs, and social beliefs

·  Support a classroom environment that promotes the development of attachment, achievement, autonomy and altruism in learners

·  Demonstrate inclusiveness while acknowledging diversity in students (and their families)

·  Engage learners (and families) in joint exploration of ideas, critical and divergent thinking and problem solving

·  Participate in collaborative models of teaching and cooperative relationships

III. Program Alignment

The curriculum of the Teacher Education Program at Augustana College incorporates the Circle of Courage values into a model for professional behavior. The following competencies have been identified to guide course content and practicum experiences.



Infusion of the Model

Competency / Level / Program Competency / CEC Standard / DECA Standard / Assessment Tool
To understand families with children who have special needs and families from diverse backgrounds / 1 / 1 / I 5, II 9, 12
CEC-CED Joint Standards
I3, I12,14, 15 / 24:16:08:45 (5) / Report on a novel,
Final exam
Understand the role of parents in educational programs as determined by legislation and practice / 1 and 2 / 3 / VII 93,94
CEC-CED Joint Standards
II 12, VIII65 / 24:16:08:45 (3)
24:16:08:45 (6) / Final exam,
Poster presentations
Overview of parent educational programs that encourage and instruct parents so that they can participate in their child’s education at home or school / 1 / 5 / VII 90, 91
CEC-CED Joint Standards
I 5, II 14 / 24:16:07:01 (6) / Final exam

IV. Learning Experiences

• Lectures

• Group activities

• Videos

• Student presentations

• Guest speakers

V.   Documentation

1.   Two take-home examinations will be given during the semester. The tests will contain short answer and essay questions (100 points each).

2.   You will have three written assignments using an outline of the Family Systems

A.  Prepare a 3 page report in MS Word incorporating the family systems theory (Characteristics, Interaction, Functions, and Life Cycle) regarding your own family. Your project will be evaluated for content, writing style, and mechanics. Due Mar 3. (50 points)

B.  Prepare a 4 page, typewritten report about a novel of a family and their child with special needs. These novels can be purchased in the Augustana bookstore. You will incorporate the family systems theory along with a description of the family’s progress through the grief cycle. Due November 23. (50 points)

C.  You will interview parents who have a child with a disability and prepare a 3-4 page, typewritten report and incorporate the family systems theory. Due November 30. (50 points)

3. You and a partner will develop a newsletter in MS Word using information about Augustana and accessibility. Due Apr 5. (25 points)

4. You will prepare a PowerPoint slide show presentation addressing topics that would be beneficial to families. Due April 14 and 19 (50 points). Some ideas are:

Topics for parents of preschool children:

Benefits of reading to children (include how to read, appropriate books)


Bedtime activities

Topics for parents of children in grades K-5:

Benefits of reading to children (include how to read, appropriate books)

Teaching children to love to read



Topics for parents of children in grades 6-8:

Handling stress

Building self-esteem

Topics for parents of children in grades 9-12:

Alcohol and drug abuse

Preparing for college

General topics:


Exercise and Fitness

Parents of children with disabilities

IDEA laws, ADA laws


VI.   Class attendance and participation.

Letter grades will be assigned as follows:

A = 90- 100% of total points in class

B = 80 - 89

C = 70 - 79

D = 60 - 69

F = below 60

VII.   Teacher Education Developmental Portfolio

Students will be introduced to the Teacher Education Developmental Portfolio in EDUC/SPED 110. Several class meetings in EDUC/SPED 110 will be devoted to orienting students to the developmental portfolio process.

Recommended Artifacts:

Family Systems Theory assignments

VII. Course Information:

1. Required Texts

Berger, E.H. (2004). Parents as partners in education: Families and schools working together. (6th edition). New York: Merrill

Select one of the following:

Dorris, M. (1989). The broken cord. New York: Harper Collins Publisher.

Forecki, Marcia C. (1985). Speak to me. Washington, D.C. : Gallaudet

Ginsberg, D. (2002). Raising Blaze. New York: Haper Collins Publisher.

Grandin, T. (1995). Thinking in Pictures. Random Publisher.

Kaufman, S. (1999). Retarded isn’t stupid, Mom! (revised edition). Baltimore, MD: Brookes

Kranowitz, C. (1998). Out-of-Sync Child. Berkley

Colin, A. (1997). Willie. Penguin USA

2.  Class policies

a.  Students are expected to attend all classes. Excessive absences will negatively impact the final grade for the course.

b.  Assignments are to be turned in on the date specified by the instructor. Points will be deducted for late assignments.

c.  Any students with disabilities who need reasonable accommodation in this course are encouraged to speak with the instructor as soon as possible.

d.  Policies regarding academic integrity are outlined in the Augustana student handbook and will be bollowed as outlined in the handbook.

VIII. Major Theorist

Eugenia Berger

Class Sessions

Week / Date / Assignment / Topic
1 / Feb 8 / Introduction / course introduction
Feb 10 / Read chapter 1 and complete the study guide / Family System theory
Hand out study guide Chapter 1
2 / Feb 12 / Brain Development
Feb 15 / Attachment
3 / Feb 17 / Child Advocacy
Hand out the study guide Chapter 3
Describe Poster Sessions Project
4 / Feb 22 / Read chapter 3 and complete study guide / Working with diverse families:
Homeless, Poverty
Feb 24 / Working with diverse families:
Homeless, Poverty
5 / Mar 1 / Family System theory due / Divorce/Step families
Feb 3 / Considerations for working with culturally diverse families
Hand out the study guide Chapter 4
6 / Mar 8 / Read chapter 4 and complete the study guide / Parent involvement
Mar 10 / Parent involvement
Hand out the study guide Chapter 5
7 / Mar 15 / Read chapter 5 and complete the study guide / One way communication
Take Home Midterm
Mar 17 / PowerPoint Presentations
8 / Mar 22 / Hand out take home exams
Mar 29 / Complete the take home exam / Turn in the take home: Exam, exams not turned in by class period will not receive full credit
Apr 3 / Newsletters are due / Share newsletters with class: Two way communication
10 / Apr 5 / Meeting with parents
Student led conferences working with parents in meetings. Hand out study guide Chapters 7- 8
Apr 7 / Read chapter 7 and complete study guide / School based programs
11 / Apr 12 / Read chapter 8 and complete the study guide / Home based programs
Hand out the study guide Chapter 9
Apr 14 / Read Chapter 9 and complete the study guide / Working with Parents of children with special needs: Laws, Services
12 / Apr 19 / The Grieving Process
Apr 21 / Speaker-parent of child with disabilities
13 / Apr 26 / write a reaction paper about a novel-incorporate family systems theory / Small group discussions regarding novel
Apr 28 / Thanksgiving holiday
14 / May 3 / write about an interview of a family who has child with disabilities-incorporate family systems theory / small group discussions to
share information from interviews
Hand out the study guide Chapter 10
May 5 / Read Chapter 10 and complete the study guide / reporting child abuse
15 / May 10 / child abuse: Hand out study guide Chapter 11
May 12 / Read chapter 11 and complete the study guide / Rights, Responsibilities for all students
Hand out the take home final exam
May 17 / Handout Final exam