Chesapeake Village HOA MEETING MINUTES

April 4, 2017 | 7:30 PM | North Beach Community Center, Second Floor

Meeting called by

/ Jennifer Tyler, President

Type of meeting

/ Organizational


/ Richard Burch
/ Attendees: Jennifer Tyler (President), Ross Henry (Treasurer), Richard Burch (Secretary), Mary Illian (At-Large)
Absent: Jayson Frum (Vice President)
Residents: 0

Agenda topics

Agenda topic Chairman’s Report | Presenter Jennifer Tyler

The meeting was called to order and roll was taken. March 7, 2017 minutes were approved.

Board members present approved, Accounting and Community Administrative Management Services provided by American Community Management to begin September 2017.

No additional QBHI interactions.

Fishing Creek bridge construction updates can be found on the Chesapeake Beach Town website; no additional information from previous month.

Community yard sale being planned; Neighborhood Facebook page will be updated with further details.

Action items

Post agenda and minutes from the previous meeting.
Post Fishing Creek Bridge construction project status updates on the HOA’s Facebook page and HOA website.
Meet with QBHI to discuss the transition study findings and develop a plan to remedy the identified issues.
Discuss and Vote to have American Community Management provide additional services. /

Person responsible

Jennifer Tyler
Jennifer Tyler
Jennifer Tyler
Jennifer Tyler /


Completed /

Agenda topic Treasurer’s Report| Presenter Ross Henry

HOA Assessment statements were mailed out March 4, 2017 with due date of March 31, 2017. 121 of 218 accounts paid in full. 88 accounts owe 2017 dues only; 7 accounts owe 2016 and 2017; 2 accounts owe greater than 2 years. See Attached Treasurer’s Report.

Board member present approved 2017 budget.

2017 HOA taxes dropped off with Poole Accounting LLC on 4/3/2017.

Action items
Update the database containing the list of residences and their owners after each sale.
Send out draft comparison between budget and actual 2016 expenses.
Draft 2017 budget and vote to approve. / Person responsible
Jennifer Tyler and Ross Henry
Ross Henry
Ross Henry / Deadline
Complete /

Agenda topic Old Buisness| Presenter Jennifer Tyler

The “No Parking” sign on the common area at the corner of Cavalcade Drive and Middle Ground Court has not been placed and the community concerns will be reassessed if additional action is needed.

Action items
Work with QBHI to investigate the land records and collaborate on the deed transfer process. Confirm the deeds are correct with QBHI.
Work with QBHI to develop an action plan to remedy storm water around the circle.
Compile a list of residents who have not yet voted in the two measures up for adoption.
Review the open ballot initiatives and invalidate ballots from residents who no longer live in the neighborhood. Invite new homeowners to express their opinions via the ballots. / Person responsible
Jennifer Tyler and Jayson Frum
Jennifer Tyler
Jayson Frum
Jayson Frum / Deadline
1st Half 2017
1st Half 2017
1st Half 2017 /

Agenda topic Architectural Review Committee| Presenter Board

No requests since prior meeting. No additional violations since prior meeting.

Action items
Draft individual letters to homeowners with serious ARC violations and send via certified mail.
Concern for unsecured trampoline visible from the street. No ARC letter was sent. / Person responsible
Jennifer Tyler and Barbara Poirier
Mary Illian / Deadline
Complete /

Agenda topic Other business| Presenter Around the Board

Action items

Prepare an additional 10 resale packet binders for distribution amongst the Board. /

Person responsible

Jennifer Tyler /


Continuous /

Agenda topic Community Comments | Presenter Open Forum

No additional topics were raised.

Action items

Upload the Principal Office/Resident Agent forms to DropBox.
Add new common areas to insurance coverage once deeds are transferred.
Reschedule meeting with Town Public Works Director and Town Engineer. Work with Town to declare the lot between the circle and the woods as abandoned, once deed for this is obtained. /

Person responsible

Jennifer Tyler
Jennifer Tyler
Jennifer Tyler /


On hold until QBHI amends the covenants.
On hold until QBHI amends the covenants.
Continuous /

The meeting was adjourned

Next meeting scheduled May 2, 2017 at 7:30pm, Northeast Community Center

Chesapeake Village Home Owner’s Association (HOA)

Treasurer’s Report


·  2017HOA assessments were sent out onMarch 4th, 2016with a due date ofMarch31st, 2017.

·  Update on2016HOA assessment payments:

o  x121of 218accounts are paid in full

o  x88 accounts outstanding owe 2017dues only

o  x7accounts outstanding owe2016 & 2017 dues

o  x2 accounts outstanding owegreater than 2 years of dues

·  Sinceour last meeting on03/07/17,the CV HOA board hasdeposited $27,493.49made the following depositsinto ourPNCaccount:

o  x3resale packages:$250total

o  Refund from Nationwide Insurance due to overpayment: $15

o  x105 HOA assessments: $27,228.49

·  Sinceour last meeting on 03/07/17,the CV HOA board has paid of total$2,011.3ofinvoices.The source of thisinvoiceis as follows:

o  Marchlandscaping bill@$1,780.16EA

o  CV HOA Board annual dues mailing supplies @ $231.14

·  CV HOA QuickBooks files was dropped off with Poole Accounting, LLC to complete 2017 HOA taxes on 04/03/2017.