Ref.IISSS/P/2017/010 Indira Ideal Sr. Sec. School

Summer Holidays Home work (2017-18)

Class – I


1.  Make an object using cut outs of four (4 ) basic shapes (Circle, Square, rectangle and triangle) and paste it in your scrap book.

2.  Buy a water melon. Cut it and count the number of seeds in it.

Now draw and colour the picture of water melon in your scrap book.

3.  Do Pgs 14 and 15 in the book.


1.  Practice cursive handwriting daily in ‘ Art of Writing’ Book ( 15 Pages)

2.  Draw/ Paste and name two pictures of each phonic sound in scrap book à ee, oo, fr, ch, th, sh.

3.  Read L- 13 ( My Family)

4.  Do Pg 53 of Eng course book ( Tree Top)


1.  Visit any one (1) of the following places with your family

·  Rail / Doll Museum

·  Children’s Park

Click photographs and make a collage on A-3 sheet .

2.  Play out door games, go cycling, play badminton, cricket, kho-kho…. in the morning anything that will make you run and keep active.

3.  Write the names of Ten (10) body parts and paste their pictures in your scrap book

4.  Learn Vande Mataram and National Anthem with the help of your parents.

5.  Watch educational and meaningful programs on T.V channels like Animal Planet, Discovery etc

6.  Eat healthy foods,

know their names,

smell and taste.

Paste any five (5) healthy and five junk foods in your scrap book.


1.  अ , आ , इ , ई मात्रा के 3 – 3 चित्र चिपकाओ और उनके नाम लिखो ( scrap book)

2.  सुलेख सरिता पुष्ठ 4 से 20 तक ( लेख सुंदर और साफ होना चाहिए )

3.  कोई एक कविता हाव भाव के साथ याद करे ( 8- 10 पंक्तियाँ होनी चाहिए )

Revise all the syllabus till done in all the subjects.