Request for Qualifications for Architectural Services

Issue Date: October 7, 2013

Due Date: October 31, 2013


One Roof Community Housing (One Roof) in conjunction with Duluth LISC, Duluth Housing and Redevelopment Authority, the City of Duluth Planning and Economic Development Divisions, and Essentia Health are working with neighborhood residents and the At Home in Duluth Collaborative to revitalize the neighborhood adjacent to Essentia Health’s campus in the Hillside Neighborhood of Duluth.

The initiative, known as the Health District Redevelopment Plan, will address existing owner and renter occupied housing and create new owner and renter occupied housing development in the neighborhood. Additionally, the plan will improve and expand businesses on the 4th Street corridor and create a new land use plan for 6th Avenue East from 2nd Street to 9th Street that lessens the negative impact of busy 6th Ave East on the residential neighborhood on either side of it. Finally, the plan also includes Essentia Health completing its long-range MUI zoning plan, identifying areas for expansion and alleviating false market pressure in areas adjacent to campus where Essentia will not be expanding. All of these activities are consistent with, and endorsed in the 2011 Neighborhood Plan, which was developed with broad neighborhood input.

Health District Plan Outcomes

Below is the entire list of outcomes for the Health District Plan for background information. Items 1 and 3 are the two with which the scope of work for architectural consulting services is concerned.

1.  Site secured and development plan completed for conversion of commercial site to mixed use, mixed-income rental housing to be developed by One Roof Community Housing and other partners. Minimum of 40 units developed.

a.  Lead Organization: One Roof

b.  Completion Date: June 30, 2014

2.  Preliminary planning for redevelopment of the Nettleton Elementary School into mixed income apartments with an estimated minimum of 50 units to be developed.

a.  Lead Organization: TBA Private Developer working with the At Home Team

b.  Completion Date: January 31, 2014

3.  Conduct site analysis for TBD rental housing development with a goal of 30 units or more to be developed.

a.  Lead Organization: One Roof and TBD Developer

b.  Completion Date: June 30, 2014

4.  Community Impact Measurement Report: One Roof will be completing this report as a baseline and measurement tool for a housing revitalization plan detailed below. The report will guide the creation of the plan by providing an accurate assessment of both current physical property conditions in the neighborhood and desires of those living in the area. It will also tie back into residents engagement and help ensure accountability.

a.  Lead Organization: One Roof

b.  Completion Date: December 31, 2013

5.  Focused, intensive revitalization plan completed for residential housing to include an estimated 20 city blocks roughly between 1st and 8th Avenues East and 2nd and 8th Streets (this area will be further defined in coming weeks):

a.  Lead Organization: One Roof

b.  Completion Date: June 30, 2014

·  20 homes purchased and/or rehabilitated with assistance from homebuyer incentives with funding support from Essentia, Greater Minnesota Housing Fund, and new local resources (HRA Levy, TIF, etc.)

·  20 homes renovated with homeowner rehabilitation lending incentives (HRA Bonding and Levy)

·  3 homes constructed via redevelopment and in-fill homeownership construction (HRA Bonding and Levy)

·  30 units of rental housing rehabilitated (MHFA and local resources)

·  Demolition of blighted property, as needed;

·  Access to energy conservation and healthy homes funding and education

·  Plan for implementation of a CSI plan that centers around a Community ComStat approach

6.  Completion of Essentia Campus MUI zoning plan to include long term plan for expansion and reinvestment with public input and expedited permitting process once approved

a.  Lead Organization: Essentia and City Planning

b.  Completion Date: October 31, 2013

·  Parking lot conversion/reuse on or above 4thStreet

·  Clarification of geographical areas of non-growth for Essentia to alleviate market inflation of substandard properties thought to be ripe for Essentia acquisition

7.  Development of a plan for investment in and/or redevelopment of 4thStreet businesses, including store front loans, rehabilitation and new construction through this focus area. This includes assistance to small businesses by the Entrepreneur Fund and DEDA as part of the At Home in Duluth collaborative efforts to create jobs and stimulate economic activity.

a.  Lead Organization: The Entrepreneur Fund, with support from Duluth LISC and the At Home Economic Development Committee

b.  Completion Date: January 31, 2014

8.  Traffic plan and preliminary land use redevelopment strategy needed to develop a redevelopment for ½ block east and ½ block west of 6thAvenue East between 2nd Street and 9thStreet.

a.  Lead Organization: City Planning and Safe Walkable Hillside/SHIP

b.  Completion Date: June 30, 2014

Scope of Contract

One Roof is seeking to contract with an architectural firm with significant experience in design and construction administration of affordable and mixed-income and mixed-use multifamily development. Specifically, One Roof is seeking preliminary design and feasibility study services for 2 multifamily housing developments in the Health District area. 1 of the sites is identified as of this writing but not yet secured; the second site is to be determined.

The firm selected will provide assistance as requested to a development consultant (also contracting with One Roof) to develop at least 3 pro forma scenarios for two redevelopment projects (numbers 1 and 3 above). The scenarios will provide risk-benefit analysis for each scenario in terms of the development and operation of the housing (and commercial space) given various funding tools listed above and corresponding strategies. Included in this assistance will be the participation in stakeholder meetings prior to and after the creation of both sets of pro formas which will result in recommendations for moving projects forward.

The feasibility studies for both projects will be built upon the recommendations from the development consultant and will analyze project feasibility from the following perspectives:

·  Applicability for use and construction

·  Appropriate mix of commercial vs. residential space in the buildings

·  Re-use of existing buildings on the site

·  Analysis of construction costs for market-rate residential, affordable residential and commercial per square foot and per unit based on recently bid or completed projects of similar size in similar geography

·  Zoning code review

·  Building code review

·  Building systems descriptions

·  Site-specific preliminary drawings, including fit-plans and typical unit layout for each site

·  Potential project could include acquisition of existing housing and physical needs assessment may be required.

If the firm provides adequate services additional contracts may be let for services required through the entirety of the predevelopment and development phases of any projects resulting from this process.


The selected architect must have the ability to begin work on this project November 1, 2013 and complete much of the feasibility work by May 1, 2014.

Selection Criteria

The consultant should have the following qualifications:

  • At least ten years’ experience in multifamily, residential housing and commercial design
  • Industry standard professional certificates and insurance requirements for design work required for mixed-use residential and commercial building design and construction up to 100 units

Statements of Qualifications will be judged on the following:

·  Experience with similar scopes of work 40 points maximum

·  Capacity to deliver within timeframe 30 points maximum

·  Green design expertse 15 points maximum

·  Fee structure 15 points maximum

Requested information:

In no more than four pages, please outline the qualifications of your firm as they relate to the scope of services and selection criteria described above. In addition to the firm’s contact information, please include the following information:

  • Experience in providing these types of services (examples to include experience in multifamily housing design, commercial design, and mixed-use design).
  • Qualifications and expertise of specific staff (and external firms if required) to provide services under this contract
  • An outline of your fee structure—fee structure should include an itemized list of hourly fees for the services listed above

Attachments of past work, resumes and references accepted (beyond the four pages of narrative referenced above).

To be considered, responses must be received electronically not later than October 31, 2013. Contract cannot exceed $30,000. Please send all submissions and refer questions to:

Jeff Corey, Executive Director

One Roof Community Housing

12 East 4th Street

Duluth, MN 55805

Phone: (218) 727-5372
