Defence Determination 2006/52

I, STEVEN RICHARD GRZESKOWIAK, Director General Personnel Policy and Employment Conditions, Personnel Executive, make this Determination under section 58B of the Defence Act 1903.
Dated 11 September 2006
Director General
Personnel Policy and Employment Conditions
Personnel Executive


This Determination is Defence Determination 2006/52, Annual review of housing-related allowances and charges.
This Determination commences on 21 September 2006.
Defence Determination 2005/15, Conditions of Service, as amended,1 is amended as set out in this Determination.
Subclause (Amount of entitlement)
Subclause 7.3.11A.2 (Member required to live in – accommodation levels), table item c.
c. / they are a normal entry recruit or Reserve recruit during basic recruit training
Related Information: Item 1 of Part A and Item 9 of Part B of Schedule 8 to DFRT Determination No. 6 of 1992, Salaries. / Level 1
Subclause (Member required to share room), table item a.
a. / normal entry recruit or Reserve recruit during basic recruit training, in item c. of the table in subclause 7.3.11A
Related Information: Item 1 of Part A and Item 9 of Part B of Schedule 8 to DFRT Determination No. 6 of 1992, Salaries. / with three or more other members per room.
Subclause (Contribution for living-in accommodation), table items 5 and 6
5. / Trainee
Exception:Normal entry recruit or Reserve recruit during basic recruit training / no-one / 42.45
one other person / 21.20
two other people / 14.15
three other people / 10.60
four or more other people / nil
6. / Normal entry recruit or Reserve recruit during basic recruit training / any others / nil
Subclause (Member on leave without pay), table
Item / If the member's accommodation is a ... / then their weekly contribution is ($)...
1. / single room with private facilities / 128.10
2. / single room with shared facilities / 109.90
3. / shared room / 91.70
4. / dormitory room / 46.20

Subclause (Member on leave without pay)




Paragraph (Members who do not pay to live in)

c. / Anormal entry recruit during basic recruit training.



Paragraph (Members who do not pay to live in)

insert at the end
ca. / A Reserve recruit during basic recruit training



Subclause (Meals – hotel or serviced apartment), table

Item / The meal amount for… / in capital cities and
high-cost country centres* is ($)… / and in other locations is ($)…
1. / breakfast / 19.60 / 17.50
2. / lunch / 21.95 / 20.05
3. / dinner / 37.80 / 34.55
* See:Annex 9.5.A Part 3, 'Location' column for the list of high-cost country centres.



Subclause (Meals – hotel or serviced apartment)

3. / The amount of allowance for meals taken by dependants under 10 years old is prescribed in the following table.
Item / The meal amount for… / in capital cities and
high-cost country centres* is ($)… / and in other locations is ($)…
1. / breakfast / 9.80 / 8.75
2. / lunch / 10.98 / 10.03
3. / dinner / 18.90 / 17.28
* See:Annex 9.5.A Part 3, 'Location' column for the list of high-cost country centres.
Example: A member uses temporary accommodation for two nights in Newcastle, which is a high-cost country centre. The member is travelling with a spouse, one child aged eight and another aged 12. They are entitled to three meals on each of two days. Their total meal allowance is $555.46, worked out as follows.
Member / Spouse / Child aged 12
(adult rates) / Child aged 8
(dependants under 10 years old rates)
Lunch / $21.95 / Lunch / $21.95 / Lunch / $21.95 / Lunch / $10.98
Dinner / $37.80 / Dinner / $37.80 / Dinner / $37.80 / Dinner / $18.90
Breakfast / $19.60 / Breakfast / $19.60 / Breakfast / $19.60 / Breakfast / $9.80
Lunch / $21.95 / Lunch / $21.95 / Lunch / $21.95 / Lunch / $10.98
Dinner / $37.80 / Dinner / $37.80 / Dinner / $37.80 / Dinner / $18.90
Breakfast / $19.60 / Breakfast / $19.60 / Breakfast / $19.60 / Breakfast / $9.80
Total / $158.70 / Total / $158.70 / Total / $158.70 / Total / $79.36



Clause 7.4.26 (Rate of contribution), table item 1




Subclause (Fortnightly meal charges), table

Item / If the member is… / then the fortnightly meal charge is ($)…
1. / a.a Corporal or lower; or
b.a trainee / 119.00
2. / a.a Sergeant or higher
non-commissioned rank; or
b.a Warrant Officer / 136.00
3. / an officer (other than trainee) / 152.50



Clause 7.7.7 (Casual meal charges), table

Item / If the member is… / then the casual meal charge is ($)…
Breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
1. / a.a Corporal or lower; or
b.a trainee / 3.25 / 4.35 / 4.30
2. / a.a Sergeant or higher
non-commissioned rank; or
b.a Warrant Officer / 3.80 / 4.95 / 4.85
3. / an officer (other than trainee) / 4.35 / 5.50 / 5.40



Clause 7.7.8 (Contribution for meals not payable)

1. / Unless clause 7.7.9 applies, a member who lives in does not have to pay a contribution for meals if they meet any of these conditions.
a. / They are not paying a contribution for living-in accommodation.
See: Part 3 Division 3.
b. / They are absent on leave for more than 72 hours.
c. / They are entitled to travelling allowance or use of the travel card.
Exception: Travelling allowance for part-day travel.
d. / They are living under field conditions or on a seagoing ship.
2. / A Reserve recruit during basic recruit training does not have to pay a contribution for meals.
Related Information: Item 9 of Part B of Schedule 8 to DFRT Determination No. 6 of 1992, Salaries.



Clause 7.7.9 (Member who must contribute for meals), table item 1

1. / a normal entry recruit during basic recruit training.
Related Information: Item 1 of Part A of Schedule 8 to DFRT Determination No. 6 of 1992, Salaries. / regular fortnightly contribution under clause 7.7.5.



Subclause (Member on leave without pay), table

Item / Description of member / Breakfast
($) / Lunch
($) / Dinner
1. / Corporal or lower, trainee / 10.65 / 11.40 / 20.65
2. / Sergeant or higher noncommissioned rank, Warrant Officer, officer (other than trainee) / 17.85 / 19.00 / 34.50



Subclause (Entitlements to allowance)




Paragraph (Eligible member – reimbursement for utilities)




Subclause (Contribution for water – Service residence)

2. / The weekly rate of contribution is worked out using this formula.
$3.95 ÷ the number of members who live in the residence



Subclause (Contribution for energy costs – tied or Service residences)




Subclause (Contribution for utilities – member living in)




Subclause (Contribution for utilities – member living in), Exception 1

Exception 1: A normal entry recruit during basic recruit training.
Related Information: Item 1of Part A of Schedule 8 to DFRT Determination No. 6 of 1992, Salaries.



Annex 7.C (Contributions for food – temporary accommodation allowance)

the Annex in the Attachment
1. / Defence Determination 2005/15, as amended to date. For previous amendments see Defence Determinations 2006/1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 and 51. Certain provisions of the Determination have been modified by Determination No.5 of 2005 and No.1 of 2006, made under section 58H of the Defence Act 1903.





Annex 7.C: Contributions for food – temporary accommodation allowance

See: Chapter 7 Part 4 Division 5 Clause 7.4.26

Column 1 / Column 2 / Column 3 / Column 4 / Column 5 / Column 6
Contribution ($ a week)
Member’s salary
$ a year / Amount for member with spouse / Amount for member or spouse only / Amount for each additional adult dependant / Amount for first dependant under 21 / Amount for each subsequent dependant under 21
Below 20,000 / 129.70 / 64.80 / 64.80 / 13.00 / 9.70
20,000 – 21,999 / 131.90 / 66.00 / 66.00 / 13.20 / 9.90
22,000 – 23,999 / 136.40 / 68.20 / 68.20 / 13.60 / 10.20
24,000 – 25,999 / 140.90 / 70.50 / 70.50 / 14.10 / 10.60
26,000 – 27,999 / 145.40 / 72.70 / 72.70 / 14.50 / 10.90
28,000 – 29,999 / 149.90 / 75.00 / 75.00 / 15.00 / 11.20
30,000 – 31,999 / 154.40 / 77.20 / 77.20 / 15.40 / 11.60
32,000 – 33,999 / 158.90 / 79.40 / 79.40 / 15.90 / 11.90
34,000 – 35,999 / 163.40 / 81.70 / 81.70 / 16.30 / 12.30
36,000 – 37,999 / 167.90 / 83.90 / 83.90 / 16.80 / 12.60
38,000 – 39,999 / 172.40 / 86.20 / 86.20 / 17.20 / 12.90
40,000 – 41,999 / 176.90 / 88.40 / 88.40 / 17.70 / 13.30
42,000 – 43,999 / 181.40 / 90.70 / 90.70 / 18.10 / 13.60
44,000 – 45,999 / 185.90 / 92.90 / 92.90 / 18.60 / 13.90
46,000 – 47,999 / 190.40 / 95.20 / 95.20 / 19.00 / 14.30
48,000 – 49,999 / 194.90 / 97.40 / 97.40 / 19.50 / 14.60
50,000 – 51,999 / 199.40 / 99.70 / 99.70 / 19.90 / 15.00
52,000 – 53,999 / 203.90 / 101.90 / 101.90 / 20.40 / 15.30
54,000 – 55,999 / 208.40 / 104.20 / 104.20 / 20.80 / 15.60
56,000 – 57,999 / 212.80 / 106.40 / 106.40 / 21.30 / 16.00
58,000 – 59,999 / 217.40 / 108.70 / 108.70 / 21.70 / 16.30
60,000 – 61,999 / 221.90 / 110.90 / 110.90 / 22.20 / 16.60
62,000 – 63,999 / 226.40 / 113.20 / 113.20 / 22.60 / 17.00
64,000 – 65,999 / 230.90 / 115.40 / 115.40 / 23.10 / 17.30
66,000 – 67,999 / 235.30 / 117.70 / 117.70 / 23.50 / 17.70
68,000 – 69,999 / 239.80 / 119.90 / 119.90 / 24.00 / 18.00
70,000 – 71,999 / 244.30 / 122.20 / 122.20 / 24.40 / 18.30
72,000 – 73,999 / 248.80 / 124.40 / 124.40 / 24.90 / 18.70
74,000 – 75,999 / 253.30 / 126.70 / 126.70 / 25.30 / 19.00
76,000 – 77,999 / 257.80 / 128.90 / 128.90 / 25.80 / 19.30
78,000 – 79,999 / 262.30 / 131.20 / 131.20 / 26.20 / 19.70
80,000 – 81,999 / 266.80 / 133.40 / 133.40 / 26.70 / 20.00
82,000 – 83,999 / 271.30 / 135.70 / 135.70 / 27.10 / 20.30
84,000 – 85,999 / 275.80 / 137.90 / 137.90 / 27.60 / 20.70
86,000 – 87,999 / 280.30 / 140.20 / 140.20 / 28.00 / 21.00
88,000 – 89,999 / 284.80 / 142.40 / 142.40 / 28.50 / 21.40
90,000 – 91,999 / 289.30 / 144.70 / 144.70 / 28.90 / 21.70
92,000 – 93,999 / 293.80 / 146.90 / 146.90 / 29.40 / 22.00
94,000 – 95,999 / 298.30 / 149.20 / 149.20 / 29.80 / 22.40
96,000 – 97,999 / 302.80 / 151.40 / 151.40 / 30.30 / 22.70
98,000 – 99,999 / 307.30 / 153.70 / 153.70 / 30.70 / 23.00
100,000 – 101,999 / 311.80 / 155.90 / 155.90 / 31.20 / 23.40
102,000 – 103,999 / 316.30 / 158.20 / 158.20 / 31.60 / 23.70
104,000 – 105,999 / 320.80 / 160.40 / 160.40 / 32.10 / 24.10
106,000 – 107,999 / 325.30 / 162.60 / 162.60 / 32.50 / 24.40
108,000 – 109,999 / 329.80 / 164.90 / 164.90 / 33.00 / 24.70
110,000 – 111,999 / 334.30 / 167.10 / 167.10 / 33.40 / 25.10
112,000 – 113,999 / 338.80 / 169.40 / 169.40 / 33.90 / 25.40
114,000 – 115,999 / 343.30 / 171.60 / 171.60 / 34.30 / 25.70
116,000 – 117,999 / 347.80 / 173.90 / 173.90 / 34.80 / 26.10
118,000 – 119,999 / 352.30 / 176.10 / 176.10 / 35.20 / 26.40
120,000 and above / 356.80 / 178.40 / 178.40 / 35.70 / 26.80




Defence Determination 2006/52

This Determination amends Defence Determination 2005/15, Conditions of Service (the Principal Determination), made under section 58B of the Defence Act 1903 (the Act). Chapter7 of the Principal Determination sets out provisions dealing withhousing assistance and meals for members of the Australian Defence Force (ADF).

The purpose of this Determination is to implement part of an annual review of the allowances that ADF members may receive for, and the contributions they are required to make towards, the costs of their accommodation and meals.

Clause 1 of this Determination sets out the manner in which this Determination may be cited.

Clause 2 of this Determination provides that the Determination commences on 21 September 2006, the first day of the pay period following its signature.

Clause 3 specifies that the amendment is made to the Principal Determination, as amended.

Clause 4 amends subclause of the Principal Determination. This amendment provides that the amount to which a member may be entitled under the Home Purchase Assistance Scheme will increase by 3.3% to the figure of $15,026. This increase reflects the 3.3% rise in the housing component (house purchase sub-component) of the Consumer Price Index.

Clause 5 amends item c. of the table in subclause 7.3.11A.2 of the Principal Determination. This amendment includes a Reserve recruit during basic recruit training in the table that sets out accommodation levels for members required to live in.

Clause 6 amends item a. of the table in subclause of the Principal Determination. This amendment includes a Reserve recruit during basic recruit training in the class of members that may be required to share a room when living in.

Clause 7 amends item 5 and 6 of the table in subclause of the Principal Determination. This amendment includes a Reserve recruit during basic recruit training in the table that sets out the rates of contribution a member must make for their living-in accommodation. The amendment also clarifies where a member is required to share with any other person.

Clause 8 amends the table in subclause of the Principal Determination.This amendmentadjusts the additional weekly contribution for living-in accommodation for a member on leave without pay. The rates have been adjusted in line with the rates for APS employees and non-ADF personnel in the Schedule of Rates and Charges of the Chief Executive Instructions.

Clause 9 amends subclause the Principal Determination. This amendment adjusts the weekly contribution for housekeeping services provided with living-in accommodation, for a member on leave without pay.The rates have been adjusted from $44.80 to $43.05 in line with the rates for APS employees and non-ADF personnel in the Schedule of Rates and Charges of the Chief Executive Instructions.

Clause 10amends paragraph of the Principal Determination.Subclause 7.3.22 sets out the members who do not pay to live in. This amendment changes the term from an initial recruit trainee to normal entry recruit during basic recruit training in line with the DFRT Determination No 6 of 1992.

Clause 11inserts paragraph the Principal Determination. This new paragraph introduces Reserve recruit during basic recruit training as members who do not pay to live in.

Clauses 12 and 13 amend the tables in subclauses and the Principal Determination.In each case the amendment increases the amount to which the member is entitled to meals when staying in temporary accommodation. The table in subclause details the amounts payable for members and dependants over 10 years old and the table in subclause details the amounts payable for dependants under 10 years old. Theexample in subclause has been amended to reflect the increase. The adjustments are in line with the travelling allowance meal rates set out in Defence Determination 2006/38, Travelling allowance and compassionate travel – amendment.

Clause 14 amends clause 7.4.26 of the Principal Determination. This amendment increases the weekly contribution for utilities made by a member occupying living-in accommodation from $23.75 to $24.70. Theadjustment reflects a 3.9% increase in the utilities sub-component of theConsumer Price Index.

Clauses 15, 16, 19 and 20 all reflect a 4.2% increase in the food component of the Consumer Price Index.

  • Clause 15 amends the table in subclause of the Principal Determination. This amendment adjusts the fortnightly meal charges paid by a member who regularly dines in the mess.
  • Clause 16 amends the table in clause 7.7.7 of the Principal Determination. This amendment adjusts the casual meal charges paid by a member who may use the mess infrequently.
  • Clause 19 amends the table in subclause of the Principal Determination. This amendment adjusts the casual meal charges paid by a member who lives in while on leave without pay.
  • Clause 20 amends subclause of the Principal Determination by increasing the weekly food allowance to which a member with dependants(separated) is entitled.

Clause 17 amends clause 7.7.8 of the Principal Determination. This amendment introduces subclauses and Subclause inserts a subclause number before the existing text in clause 7.7.8. Subclause exempts a Reserve recruit during basic recruit training from the requirement to pay a contribution for meals.

Clause 18amends item 1 of the table in clause 7.7.9 of the Principal Determination. Clause 7.7.9 sets out the members who must contribute for meals. This amendment changes the term from an initial recruit trainee to normal entry recruit during basic recruit training in line with the DFRT Determination No 6 of 1992.

Clauses 21, 23and 24 make adjustments to the contributions that members must make toward the costs of utilities, water or energy use while occupying different types of accommodation. These increases all reflect a 3.5% increase in this sector of the Consumer Price Index.

  • Clause 21 amends paragraph of the Principal Determination by increasing the weekly amount an eligible member may be reimbursed for the cost of utilities from $16.50 to $17.15.
  • Clause 23amends subclause of the Principal Determination by increasing the weekly contribution a member must make toward energy costs while they are living in tied or service residences from $31.65 to $32.90.
  • Clause 24 amends subclause of the Principal Determination by increasing the weekly contribution that a member who is living in pays for utilities from $10.20 to $10.60.

Clause 22 amends subclause of the Principal Determination. This amendment increases the weekly contribution a member living in a Service residence makes toward the cost of water by altering the formula used to calculate this cost. This increase from $3.30 to $3.95 reflects an equivalent 19.7% increase in the water charges that Defence now pays to the Defence Housing Authority.

Clause 25 amends Exception 1 of subclause of the Principal Determination. Clause 7.8.9 sets out the contribution for utilities for a member living in.This amendment changes the term from an initial recruit trainee to a normal entry recruit during basic recruit training in line with the DFRT Determination No 6 of 1992.

Clause 26 amends Annex 7.C of the Principal Determination. It sets out a revised costing schedule for the contribution a member must make toward their food costs when they are receiving temporary accommodation allowance.

Authority: Section 58B of the
Defence Act 1903