2012 Gas-Lift Workshop Feb. 10, 2011 --- Meeting Agendas and Minutes Page 2

Spring 2012 Gas-Lift Workshop

Steering Committee Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Meeting Date / Meeting Venue / Agenda / Minutes /
Thurs. Feb. 10, 2011 6:00 pm / Face-to-Face Meeting in Singapore / See below. / See below.
April 12, 2011
9:00 am, CDT / Teleconference Call
Code: 6616820996

Green --- Agenda

Gray --- Past meetings, actions completed

Yellow --- Past meetings, on-going

Light Blue – Current and upcoming meeting

1.  2012 Workshop Planning Meeting Attendees

2012 Gas-Lift Workshop Feb. 10, 2011 --- Meeting Agendas and Minutes Page 2

·  Attendees – Feb. 10, 2011
Rajan Chokshi Wayne Mabry Britt Sliper
Cleon Dunham John Martinez Greg Stephenson
Jim Hall Tyson Messick Celeste Torkay
Eric Lovie Tom Norland Tommy White

2.  Learnings from 2011 Workshop

a.  Technical sessions
b.  Continuing education courses
c.  Discussion sessions
d.  Breakout sessions
e.  Side trip
f.  Social events
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 10, 2011
-  What are the learnings from 2011 Workshop?
-  Note. Comments or responses to suggestions by the meeting attendees are noted with the letters NB which means “nota bene” or well noted.
-  Britt Sliper
·  Well Tracer was interesting, but we didn’t need two presentations on the same subject. NB. We would like to be selective but we didn’t have enough Presentations to choose from so we could be selective.
·  Need to send a notice to people who have attended before. NB. We already do this.
·  Can use SPE (the cost is $200 to $400 per list) and ASME mailing lists, but have problems with SPAM rejecting notes from these lists. NB. We already do this.
·  Can use internal mailing lists. NB. We already do this.
-  Tommy White
·  Need more participation from local E&P companies. NB. We’d love to do this.
·  Room was too small. NB. Many people have made a similar observation. We need to work with the venue hotel in advance of any future Workshops.
-  Eric Lovie
·  Would like to have a better mix of papers. NB. We can do this if we have more proposed Presentations to choose from.
·  The Workshop Chair was great.
·  The Hotel venue was good. NB. There is a general consensus about this.
-  Tyson Messick
·  It was good to have presentations on things that didn’t work well, like the one from Petrobras.
·  Maybe could have a session based on the “failed con” concept that is used in Silicon Valley in California. NB. We can encourage people to offer presentations on things that didn’t work well.
-  Jim Hall
·  On the other hand, the small room put people next to each other.
·  And there was less use of laptops during the Workshop. People weren’t always surfing.
·  There was good networking.
·  People moved around more and didn’t always sit in the same place.
·  Appreciates the involvement of Schlumberger, Weatherford, PTC, and others.
-  Greg Stephenson
·  The AV was good. Had good sound; good projectors.
·  There was a “weird disco font” on some presentations. NB. This can be addressed if we can have more time to review the presentations before the Workshop.
·  Remind presenters of the “rules of engagement.” NB. We do this, but we can reinforce it even more.
·  There was a little bit of commerciality. NB. We ask people to not be commercial but again if we can have more time to review the presentations before the Workshop, we can catch these occurrences.
·  Some complained that the slide advancer was backward. NB. The “Forward” button was on the right.
-  John Martinez
·  Need to have the coffee breaks in the Exhibit Room so people visit the Booths while having their breaks. NB. We will certainly try to do this in the future.
·  Need to re-emphasize “no commerciality.”
·  Liked the Keynote speech.
·  Was upset that Petronas backed out on doing this.
·  Overall, a very good workshop.
-  Wayne Mabry
·  It was difficult to see the screen from the back of the room.
·  The light in the room was too bright. It “washed out” the screen. NB. This could be improved by dimming the lights in the room.
·  People shouldn’t show stuff if they can’t talk about it in front the competition.
·  Need to have an “anchor” group in any location outside of Houston; like Schlumberger provided in Singapore. NB. We have normally been fortunate with this. Shell in Aberdeen. Petrobras in Rio de Janeiro. Qatar Petroleum in Doha, Qatar. Schlumberger in Singapore.
·  There is always room for improvement on the presentations.
-  Celeste Torkay
·  Agree with the comments on the Presentation room and Exhibit room.
·  Would like an on-site printer. NB. We can certainly do this in Houston. We can try to make sure it happens in future remote sites.
·  Need to encourage pre-registration. NB. We can certainly to this.
·  Would like to have the Instructors use a template for their courses. NB. This can be arranged for the future.
·  Want a “running” slide show in the Exhibit Hall. NB. This can be arranged for the future. An extra screen, computer, and projector will be needed.
-  Cleon Dunham
·  Need to simplify the registration process. NB. This is being worked on in ALRDC and should be ready by next year.
·  Need to change the header on the ALRDC web page. NB. This will be done.
·  Difficult to get nominations of presentations; get abstracts; get PowerPoint’s etc. NB. This is just Cleon complaining about this as usual.
-  Rajan Chokshi
·  Must use the standard template. NB. This can be addressed for the future.
·  Need more traffic via the Exhibit Booths. NB. Having the breaks in the Exhibit Hall should help with this.
·  Need to encourage more involvement from younger staff.
-  Tom Norland
·  Happy with the participation.
·  Wants to have the Workshop in Norway in 2013. NB. This will be considered by the Steering Committee.
·  Willing to sponsor at the $30,000 level.
·  Has a huge database of a mailing list to help advertise the event.

3.  Gas-Lift Workshop Budgets and Finances

a.  Status of Financials for the 2011 Workshop.
b.  Budget for the 2012 Workshop.
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 10, 2011
-  Celeste Torkay: What is the status of the Financial Report for the 2011 Workshop?
-  Celeste Torkay: Is there any information on the Budget for the 2012 Workshop?
-  This was not covered in this meeting.

4.  Venue for 2012 workshop

c.  Per our normal rotation, the 2012 Workshop will be in Houston.
d.  Are we all in agreement with having it in Houston?
e.  Are we agreed on the Hotel/Meeting Facility?
f.  What dates are recommended?
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 10, 2011
-  The 2012 Workshop will be at the Norris Conference Center at I-10 and Beltway 8 in West Houston.
-  Will there be a minimum number of attendees?
-  How many people can be accommodated in the Lecture Hall?
-  Is there adequate space for Exhibits?
-  Are there adequate rooms for Courses, Breakout Sessions?
-  There will be two nearby Hotel options for people to stay. What are the nearby Hotel options?
-  Are there any comments on this venue?
-  We will look at doing it during the 2nd week of Feb. Plan on Feb. 6 – 10, 2012, unless there is a direct conflict with these dates.
-  The week of Feb. 6 – 12, 2012 is OK with the Norris Conference Center in Houston.
-  In 2012, Chinese New Year is on January 23, 2012. Tet Holiday is on Jan. j23, 2012.
-  There will not be a minimum number of attendees.
-  There is adequate space for Presentations, for Exhibits, for Breakouts, for Courses.
-  There are good nearby hotels.

5.  Costs for 2012 workshop

a. How much should we charge for registration? Cost in 2011 = $650
b. How much for Continuing Education? Cost in 2011 = $600
c. How much for Exhibits? Cost in 2011 = $700, $1000, $1400
d. But this was overseas. Do we need different costs for Houston?
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 10, 2011
-  Should we stay with the same charges for the 2012 Workshop?
-  Or, given the somewhat lower costs of a Houston Workshop, we could decrease the costs to:
-  Registration: $600
-  Continuing Education $550
-  Exhibits: $600, $900, $1200
-  Thoughts?
-  This was not covered in this meeting.

6.  Technical agenda for 2012 workshop

a.  Possible technical agenda session topics
b.  Possible session chair persons
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 10, 2011
-  Are there thoughts on the Technical Agenda for the 2012 Workshop?
-  In 2011, we had Twenty One Technical Presentations. Is this still a good number for 2012?
-  Are there thoughts on Session Chairs for the Workshop?
-  It would be good to have a session on failures.
-  We need a bell to alert people when we are starting each session.

7.  Continuing education for 2012 workshop

a.  Possible continuing education topics
b.  Possible continuing education instructors
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 10, 2011
-  The Continuing Education topics in Singapore were given in three parallel courses:
-  Gas-Lift Design 2 Days Sid Smith, Ken Decker
-  Dynamic Simulation 2 Days Juan Carlos Mantecon
-  Dual Gas-Lift 1 Day Cleon Dunham
-  Gas-Lift Operations ½ Day Ron Schmidt
-  Gas-Lift Automation ½ Day Cleon Dunham
-  What courses should we plan for 2012?
-  Who should we approach to be teachers?
-  Do we need to make any changes in the process for Course preparation, review, etc?
-  People can only have one notebook, or can purchase an extra notebook for $200.
-  We should have Continuing Education Courses on the topics listed below. Potential instructors are listed.
·  Gas-Lift Design Joe Clegg, Ken Decker, Sid Smith
·  Troubleshooting and Surveillance Jim Hall, Others
·  Automation and Optimization Cleon Dunham, Others
·  Full Field Optimization Rajan Chokshi, Others

8.  Breakout sessions for 2012 workshop

a.  Possible breakout session topics
b.  Possible breakout session facilitators
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 10, 2011
-  In Singapore, we had the following four Breakout Sessions:
-  New Gas-Lift Technology Walrick van Zandvoord
-  Gas-Lift Surveillance and Problems Sies Hussian
-  Reconciling Gas-Lift Equipment Standards Mike Johnson, Wayne Mabry
-  Field Trip to Schlumberger Gas-Lift Shop Eric Lovie, Tyson Messick
-  What Sessions should we have in 2012?
-  Who can be the Breakout Session Coordinators?
-  We would like to have Breakout Sessions on:
·  Regulations and Regulatory Compliance, BOEMRE, etc.
·  New Gas-Lift Technology
·  Gas-Lift Surveillance and Problems
·  Failures
·  Gas-Lift Valve Shop Tour

9.  Workshop leadership for 2012 workshop

a.  Candidates for General Chair
b.  Roles of ASME Staff
c.  Roles of John and Cleon
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 10, 2011
-  Who should be the General Chair for the 2012 Gas-Lift Workshop?
-  Following our normal procedure, it should be someone from an Operating Company.
-  Do the roles of ASME Staff need to be revised?
-  Do the roles of John Martinez and Cleon Dunham need to be revised?
-  We would like to have an Oil Company person to be General Chair.

10.  Keynote Speaker for 2012 workshop

a.  Nominations for Keynote Speaker
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 10, 2011
-  Are there suggestions for Keynote Speaker for the 2012 Workshop?
-  It would be good to have someone from an Operating Company.
-  We would like someone from BOEMRE to be the Keynote Speaker.
-  We will need to have a back-up in case the person from BOEMRE can’t attend.

11.  Registration Process for 2012 workshop

a.  Registration process to be used
b.  Shall we try again to use the ASME process, or shall we revert to the ALRDC process?
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 10, 2011
-  In 2011, there were problems with the ASME registration process.
-  Registration for other Workshops works better where the registration is handled only on the ALRDC web site.
-  Is there a need to continue to work with the ASME process, or should we control registration via the ALRDC registration process?
-  This process will be streamlined for 2012 and beyond.

12.  Exhibitors for 2012 workshop

a.  Number of Exhibitors
b.  Do we have any leads on Exhibitors for 2012?
·  Agenda/Minutes – Feb. 10, 2011
-  Are there suggestions of companies that should be asked to Exhibit in 2012?
-  This was not covered in this meeting.

13.  Sponsors for 2012 workshop

a.  Number of sponsors
b.  Method for obtaining sponsors
c.  Assigning specific meals, etc. for sponsors
·  Agenda/Minutes - Feb. 10, 2011
-  Are there suggestions of companies that should be asked to Sponsor in 2012?
-  Should we continue to encourage companies to sponsor particular portions of the Workshop (e.g. meals, coffee breaks, etc.) in addition to general Sponsorships?
-  This was not covered in this meeting.

14.  Advertising for 2012 workshop

a.  Is the AMSE e-mail list process sufficient?
b.  Should we use the SPE mailing list again?
c.  Will John Martinez and Cleon Dunham (ALRDC) help with advertising?
d.  Will each company on the Steering Committee help with advertising?
e.  Who else can help?
·  Agenda/Minutes - Feb. 10, 2011
-  Cleon Dunham will send to the ALRDC list (currently about 1950 members).
-  John Martinez will send to his e-mail list.
-  ASME will send to their e-mail list.
-  Each company will send to their internal lists.
-  Should we try to use an SPE mailing list?
-  This was not covered in this meeting.

15.  Special events for 2012 workshop

a.  De we want to plan any special events?
·  Agenda/Minutes - Feb. 10, 2011
-  Do we want to plan any special events for the 2012 Workshop?
-  If yes, what would be pertinent?
-  This was not covered in this meeting.

16.  Side trips for 2012 workshop